Darkened recess
Unknown path
I’m not going
Where I seemed to, last

Hurting more
Than I can explain
World divided
Filled with pain

Pain so deep
My soul is numb
Where is the light?
When did I come?

Can I ever leave this pain?
What is its name?
My life was so good
Now I’m not where I should

The sun is out
The things I do shine
But I am in the dark
My life is entwined
With a future that’s bleak
I have promises to keep
I don’t deserve this way

But I have it
What can I do?
I know You
You are good

I can trust Christ
The end will bless
Hanging on
My life is His

Today I will be me
A bit here, a bit there
One foot, one heart
Soon I will be there
Maybe I will even feel joy
God is good
He loves me

Clay Corvin 9/07/04