Let God speak first
When your world is undone
Your heart has sunk
Peace has run
No joy In disappointed-Ville

Cast all your cares upon Him
He is God and He cares for you
He gives to us
He desires to be with us
He loves you

He calls us to pray freely
Ask anything
He gives us only good things
He dispels our anxiety
Especially pain and heartache

Forgive me Lord as you begin
He will, He has, He does
Rich, deep and wide
His grace is sufficient

Know Him better
Lord as I pray
Reveal yourself to me
That I might grow
That I might serve
Help me to forgive
As I am forgiven
And wisdom for living

Help me to obey
Your Word
Your laws
Those I know and ignore
Things I’ve not thought
All of your direction

I will do as you say Father
Your way is my way
I will set aside my ego
Exercising self-control
Today you reign supreme in me
I am yours
Thank you on bended knees

Clay Corvin
January 1, 2019