The struggle for existence
What and who am I?
Yearning for significance
To make sense before I die

Why is this the way it is?
This question doesn’t work
What can I do that makes me live?
This question can be heard

Jesus died for people
For all who have been born
God providing significance
For even those in scorn

I can be important
Not a ruler or a rogue
But one who knows the Father
Living under His control

Jesus brings importance
To lives that seem not to count
He has a plan for you and me
We are His hands and feet

Ambassadors for Jesus
Right where we are
Doing what we can
Living in His hand

All of life is sacred
It is a part of God
Our part is His service
Because we belong to Christ

Every day with Jesus
I learn more about love
I have eternal life
I can serve those He loves
