Hebrews 12:12 So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees.

I. LIFE IS A TOUGH JOURNEY-not for the weak, not for the overburdened
II. LIFE IS NOT A SPRINT-my strength is for you, your strength is for me
III. LIFE IS SOMETHING WE SHARE-people count, the way I act towards them makes them count, when I make others count I count


Journey with me
Not ahead
Not behind
I will walk with you

Pray with me
Others need our help
I can’t walk alone
Forgive me

Talk and I will hear
What I have I give
I want to be transparent
How can I help you?

I tired and weak
Helping builds my strength
My fervor grows
When I pray upon my knees

Jesus cares for each of us
He loves you and me
The best I do
Is when I love you

Life is tough
Not for solo lives
Together we can do
What Christ calls us to

Remember all the pain
Let His strength renew
Don’t drag me down
I depend on you

Clay Corvin