I am willing Lord
To be
To serve
To suffer for thee
Now about that suffering
I’m not crazy about
Encourage me thru it
Let me know I’m not stupid or weak
Yet I am willing to be a fool for You
Purge my mind
My eye
My heart
So that you can use me
Being a be is tough
The world has us in a trick bag
We just can’t set aside our ego
Attitude is admired
Weakness is abhorred
I love you Lord
That laser focus
Equips me to see through my sin
And bend the knee to you
Lord you are so wonderful
To me and my family and friends
Let me keep that thought
Hidden in my heart
For I am willing
As weak and foolish as I am
I have strength and victory
In you Jesus and you alone
Come Lord Jesus.
Clay- on the way to Rome. 3/11/12