Few believe God’s message, the world directs their path
God knew our need, forgiveness of our sin
Jesus, God’s Son came to give us new life and God’s love
For God so loved the world that He gave us His Only Son, who died for us and gives us life
Jesus grew up in a difficult place, everyone knew His disgrace
He lived a life of perfection and suffered every day
He had no stately form, nothing that would say here is God’s Son
He trusted His Father for every step, no sin, no evil, He was perfect
He was a man of sorrows, Grief stalked His life
He was despised and rejected, no one esteemed Him
He walked a lonely path, fully man, fully God
He hurt as we do only much more, His pain etched His face
He knew why He came, He willingly walked grief’s way
Daily He grew in stature, Daily He prayed for you and me
He bore our sin, He lifted our evil, He willingly paid my price, your price
Jesus knew what He was doing and still He lived for us
Christ did not complain, He did not shirk His duty
He did no violence, He served as the Father directed
A man of prayer, A person of devotion to the Father
Every day Christ gave Himself for me, Jesus loves you and me.
Jesus lives today, He was raised from the dead by the power of God
That same power is available to us, ask Christ to save you and give you a new heart
We trust that Jesus has saved us, our hearts will testify to His grace
His mercy is great, His love is complete, Jesus loves you and me
Clay Corvin