Author - Clay Corvin


See the Lord
In front of me
His wisdom lifts me heart

As I live
I follow Christ
His strength enables my heart

Walk with God
In gratitude
Never let go

Christ is king
Of all the earth
Whatever my life may hold

This is just a short divide
Between my life
And the other side

I can see
The golden streets
Christ walking with me

As I walk
This dreary road
I remember all those scenes

The world is seeking
My demise
Christ is saving me

And now once more
See the Lord
He lives inside of me



I. PRAY—4:2-4
a. Devoted
b. Change
c. Attitude of gratitude
d. For others
e. Gospel be preached
a. Do what you can
b. Watch your mouth
c. Be generous
a. God cares for you
b. Speak a word of joy
c. Find the good in others
a. Community is important
b. Gospel is a message for life
c. People need people
V. FINISH WELL– 4:17-18
a. Don’t stop
b. Do the next right thing


Talk with God
Tell Him all
Search for truth
Find your call

Hear His heart
In love with you
His touch is near
He will stand with you

The world condemns
It says you’ll lose
Christ is king
Victory is His thing

Bend your knee
Stop your work
Read His Word
Rebuild your heart

His will, will guide
And strengthen you
Joy will blend
With all you do

Quickly return
When sin has had its say
Jesus is near
He will change your way

He knows you are weak
He sees you before you speak
But the choice is the key
A relationship is the result

That’s what I want
To be with Christ
Spend time with Him
Get good advice.


Everything I say and do
Can be used
To help you
Or if I’m foolish break your heart

I am called to guard my mouth
Listen first and then speak out
Remembering God loves you
He uses me to care for you

All the things
I choose to do
Are little things
Unless they hurt you

My actions cause
You to think
About the Lord
Or turn and think

Thinking is an easy task
But actions prejudice
The way you think
And then it destroys God’s link

I am called to care for you
You and I are here to do
A life of good
That will benefit you

Now each day
I have a charge
Live life wisely
Because I represent God


God cares for me
Giving me a sense of worth
Putting confidence in me
And kindness towards you

When we meet
I choose to give of myself
To speak of life
And what it can be

Knowing of the world’s attacks
Each one of us has needs
To be, to do, to feel worthwhile
I can give respect to you

If I can find a way
I will share myself with you
Giving you a word
Of worth and respect and joy

Remembering Christ came for you
He died because of his love for you
Your life is great and has value
God loves you

For some it’s easy
To find the good
For others I must look
And find it where I can

Then the day will come my way
You will speak and say
A word of encouragement to me
What a joy to share my life

Knowing that God’s love is true
He spoke of you
And we have shared His care
Encouragement is part of you


Loneliness is a choice
Too many people make
I can grab for community
By simply being awake

Awake to all around
Being helpful when found
And listening to the needs
All have around me

I need friends
And friends need me
It is never a one-way street
Together we grow

I can be the kind who shares
Not demanding I simply care
The life I live
I’ll always share

Community involves Jesus
He came for me to have life
This life I share with others
And show them Jesus cares

As I live
Choosing right
I find that joy will come
People count with God


Looking at life
From a vantage point
Years have gone
What’s the point?

The point is today
You are what you do
What you do defines your way
Change today, renew

Don’t let the past enslave you
Prior hurts destroy you
Lift you heart and grow
Today is now, it is you

Reach out to Christ
Let Him give you advice
Do the next right thing
Don’t quit

Always, always looking
To be what you can be
Knowing that the Lord
Really cares for you

Finish out your lifetime
Not knowing when it will end
But always committed to Jesus
Serve Him until the end


Wanting all
Giving none
Expecting God to show
Knowing I can go

Little use
For focused care
Living for today
I want my share

Never letting God control
My hands or feet or mouth
How can I claim
A promised strength or gain

Can I do?
What I want
And not reap
That crop?

Or must I die?
To a selfish life
And give my soul
To Jesus Christ

The truth is plain
In Jesus Name
We live and move and breathe
His blood cleans me


I find myself alone
Not giving
My life is my own

The future shines so grim
Everyday I fail to win
It stretches on and on
When will I get along?

My share is thrown away
No help on any day
I feel like such a wreck
But I would not care for You

The booze is such a kick
The drugs give me a fix
The world is all so drab
What have I done to deserve the bad?

I want a second chance
A person of strength
A winner who lives
What can I do for this?

Jesus comes along
He hears my failure song
He speaks a word of truth
Follow me and you’ll not lose


1. You have a RELATIONSHIP (VS.1-4)
a. Raised up with Christ-in family
b. Access to the Father
c. New Creatures
d. Kept by God’s power
2. You can live with REALITY (vs. 5-7)
a. Christ is KING
b. Let JESUS live in your life
c. New Life in CHRIST
d. No longer a slave
3. You have a RESPONSIBILITY (vs.8-11)
a. DEAL with your sin-RENEW MIND
b. Deal w/your sin-change your habits
c. Deal w/your sin-change friends
d. FOCUS on Jesus
4. You will have REUNION (vs.12-25)
a. New VIEW of self
b. Love for OTHERS
5. You can expect RELIEF
a. Wisdom to walk
b. Strength to survive
c. Resources to life
d. Forgiveness to serve