a. Forgiven our sins
b. Purchased our freedom
c. Brought us into His kingdom
a. Always was God
b. Always with God
c. He is God
a. Body of Christ
b. Belongs to God
a. Reconciles-peace with
b. Makes us His friends
c. Watches over us
d. Calls us to serve
a. God’s mystery was Jesus work
b. His riches at our disposal
c. Christ in me
Author - Clay Corvin
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary is holding “campus” classes at our North Georgia Campus in Decatur, Georgia. This is an every two year event where we bring our faculty and staff from New Orleans to the off-campus center. It is expensive and logistically a night mare but well worth the investment. When you are training people to work with people it is important that you have a feel for the training process and that those studying see those leading the program in the flesh. We are doing that.
Ah, but on the road is still on the road. I love to travel but I don’t love the process. Hotels and restaurants aren’t my cup of tea. When I was young I loved all of it. As I age and all of the aspects of aging set in it gets tougher. I heard someone say that “if they had known they were going to live this long they would have taken better care of themselves.” I think I agree with that. Hindsight is so clear.
Everything gets out of whack when you travel for several days. Eating is a major chaotic event. Discipline of exercise, quiet time, rest and all other things get confused. But there is the time away when the system gets reset and the anxieties of everyday life are set aside.
Travel well.
Quiet moments instruct
Keeping me alert
Helping me regain
The peace and joy I crave
Society demands me
Setting out my path
This is the way
Peace and joy earned
Foolish folks fight
The picture they see
Knowing it’s not right
The seek to be free
Christ gives life
Light for my soul
To guide me on my path
His plan fashions my soul
Needless pain removed
Ask in Jesus name
Seeking not to lose
I give my life away
In the act of sowing
Birth begins
I belong to Him
Peace and joy rush in
I have a friend in Jerusalem, Tom Brimmer, who is extremely gifted as a tour guide, singer, and all around make things happen guy. He and his wife moved to Israel more than fifteen years ago and began their married life from scratch. They felt led to go to Israel as Christians are sometimes led and have bloomed in the desert. Tom is one of the top tour guides in Israel and his wife is one of the senior executives in a Chrisitian Jewish Relief Organization, Bridges for Peace.
When I’m on the road my thoughts often turn to traveling to Israel. I take seminary groups there 1 or 2 times each year. Our last trip was in Dec/Jan this year. It was outstanding. I am amazed that after 20 plus years of taking Christian groups to Israel I still find out something new each visit.
Tom has been our tour guide for the last ten years. I can truthfully say that his knowledge of the land, politics, economic and daily issues in Israel have been a blessing to our groups and to me.
I am discovering that it is good to think about friends. Those that the Lord blesses us with as we journey through this life. I have felt all these years that the Lord was leading me to take our seminarians to Israel. Tom has been a blessing as he helped us to “live the Bible” on these trips.
Blessings on your day.
God has chosen
Those who choose
Heaven bound
Holy shoes
The Lord declares
Our worth and cost
He paid a price
On Calvary’s Cross
Who can say?
It isn’t real
Jesus rose
From death’s deal
Now live
Under His Cross
My life is His
His death my cost
Heaven bound
God has vowed
I will stand
On eternal land
Now I live
Day to day
The things I do
Eternal sway
Then that day
This world is done
I’ll go with Him
I’ll be His child
Nevermore to suffer strife
No tears or fears or bad advice
I will see the Son
He will rule my life
The Spirit of God
Lives in me
Equipping me
Reaching down
Where I can’t see
Guiding me toward God
Filling me
With Jesus love
Enabling me
Sensing all His presence
As He changes me
To be more like Christ
Service is natural
When loved by the Lord
Pushing me to act like Him
Because I am loved
All I say and do
Is done in the presence of God
The Holy Spirit quickens my heart
To hear and be heard
What I think empowers me
Or if it’s fear
Destroys me
God in Christ indwelling me
Is in my heart
So I can live by faith
I came looking
Life had dealt a blow
I couldn’t make it
Without the Lord’s control
I realized I’m a sinner
I couldn’t save myself
I bent my knee to Jesus
Lord I need your help
His hand cleansed my heartache
His love cured my pain
He has paid for my evil
I live in Jesus name
All the things I searched for
Value, worth, and joy
Came with my new birth
Jesus is in my heart
Change began that moment
That Jesus saved my soul
Every day with Jesus
My heart grows
Every time I fail Him
He is there with me
Lifting, guiding, protecting
Everything I can be
His value is my interest
I want to be like Him
Saved to be like Jesus
One day I’ll stand before Him
Spiritual activity
I cannot see
Is raging around me
God has chosen me
All my life
He’s seeking me
So I can have a choice
Life or destruction
It’s so simple many lose
How can life be structured?
So fairly for each one
Only God can answer
The question says I’m one
One that Jesus died for
One the Father seeks
Truth is even stronger
Each of us unique
The Word of God is touching
All of mankind
So that no one can excuse Him
Each must make up his mind
Questions tease and trick me
They make me feel so strong
Yet wisdom comes from the Lord
Issued from His throne
Here I am in trouble
Life is a fragile thread
But God has a reason
I belong because I’m His
Sunday, May 16, 2004
My sermon at the Homeless Church, Brantley Baptist Center, in New Orleans.
Grace and peace to you
a. God so loved (JN 3:16)
b. Whosoever (Rom 10:13)
c. Gives you a choice
a. Died on the Cross
b. Seals your faith
c. Seeks you each day
a. Service
b. Sacrifice
c. Suffering
a. Real
b. Reward
c. Result
There has never been a time
When Christ turned away
Disgusted by man’s choices
Discouraged with the day
Loving Lord who cares
Lives in His children’s heart
Not by their strength
But by His love
What a savior
Coming to man
All are lost
Even the grand
And yet Christ’s love is real
Heals the hurting
Reaches the willing
Bringing each to God
There is a day appointed
When Christ will come again
Full of vengeance
To deal with the world’s sin
A day of cataclysm
A time of death and fear
Man who spurned the Lord
Will experience all His wrath
But now man is waiting
Choosing his own way
The love of Christ is available
His love will save you today