Author - Clay Corvin


God never sleeps, never dozes, never misses anything
He is the Creator, watching over mankind, His creation
Before you were formed in your mother’s womb
He knew you – He’s not missed one second of your life
He had a mission for you – you count with the Father
Sin destroys us, we are sinful through and through, it sidetracks us
Jesus comes to us with the Gospel, He has a better way

The Lord is near – He is as indivisible from us as our shadow
He is here – always here – never not here
Good, bad, or indifferent, whatever ugly mess we make of our lives
Jesus reaches out to us, claiming us, reassuring us – we count with the Lord
We belong to Jesus – He treasures us – He knows us – He loves us – He is love

Jesus always knows exactly what is going on with us, each one of us
He is never indifferent to our condition, He cries with us, He laughs with us, He loves us
He never wearies of dealing with us – perfect patience, total love – He never walks away
Jesus deals with us individually, He knows each one of us, totally, completely
He matures His promises in our journey, we count with Jesus Christ
We discover in our spiritual journey that He reveals Himself to us day by day
Today we know Him, tomorrow we know Him better – we count with Jesus

The Lord Himself cares for us, not angels, our Father, Shepherd, King, Lord
He guards us now, He knows what is going on, He is by our side
He guards us when we leave, when we return, we count with Jesus

Jesus is our protection from all evil, 24/7, He is always on the clock
He is able to care for us, forever, always, in every situation
He is committed to us, Jesus never leaves us, we count with Him
We are His treasure, the apple of His eye, individually, personally

We count with Jesus, He forgives us and gives us His righteousness
Today He is with me, now He is with me, when I am bad He is with me
He never leaves me, He is the mighty God, the Lord Almighty, Jesus Christ
Nothing can separate us from Jesus Christ, Nothing

Clay Corvin
May 16, 2019
Northport, AL




I’M IN TROUBLE PS 120 A Psalm of Ascent
I’m in trouble again, it surprised me
I will not be overrun by the lies of the world
I repent of my selfish ways
Lord I turn to you, I claim you, your Word, your presence
Remind me Lord that I’m just passing through
Help me to understand that you are here with me
I’m just losing the world
I will never lose you
Ups and downs are part of life, good and bad come and go
Everyone has a hard time, no one escapes difficulty
Heartache and pain walk with us every day
Anxiety and losing are normal in the world
But Jesus is always here, He equips me to survive
To survive and thrive, He brings joy and peace
Even though the world swirls with chaos
Jesus is here, He holds my had and walks with me
Our destiny is with the Lord
We are becoming more like Jesus every day
We love the unlovely, the hurting and hurtful
Christ enables us to continue in the face of loss and pain
He will never leave us
He will give us His strength
Even if we are cut down in our prime
Jesus is still with us and will carry us home
Clay Corvin 
April 5, 2019


How do we take the measure of a man?
Carefully of course
Many not until the end of life
On occasion there are young men
That exhibit God’s measure

James is that type of man
Exuberant and controlled
Determined and kind
An insightful visionary willing to reach for the stars
Wise enough to value reality

A knowledgeable learner
Committed to growth
A warrior for success
A friend – A planner
Positive about life
Ingenious in conquering challenges

Yes young men have a long road ahead
There will be many obstacles
James has the core beliefs
That will equip him in the face of life’s storms
He will measure well
Life will recount – James lived his life well

July 26, 2018




Jesus is coming
We hear Him approaching
Prepare the way for our Lord
Jesus is coming, soon

Jesus is coming
Not an emissary
Not an archangel
Not an army
He is coming

We don’t know the year
We don’t know the day
We don’t know the hour
Jesus is coming
He is coming soon

It doesn’t matter when He comes
We are to be ready now
He is coming for you
Jesus is coming, soon

Jesus is coming for His own
We belong to Him
We belong to Him forever
He will gather us close
Judging the wicked
Taking us with Him
Jesus is coming soon

Jesus came to die for our sin
His first coming most important
Now He is coming again
This second time for Us
Jesus is coming soon

We know what to do
Until He returns
Love God, Love one another
Jesus is coming soon

Clay Corvin
3/31/19. Rome, Italy
Hotel Lancelot




Brokenness will dog our steps
No matter our clout-No healing for the lost
Healing comes from Jesus
We will be with Jesus or we will be lost

Jesus paid it all – praises to Him
Thankfulness wells up from our soul
We don’t start with Christ and move on
We will be with Jesus or we will be lost

Sin brings helplessness – dead in our sin
Sin cauterizes our heart – it stomps out our yearning to praise
Our heartbeat is hollow those days
We will be with Jesus or we will be lost

Doesn’t matter how lost – the ground is level at the cross
Everyone comes the same way – No one can pay the price
Jesus paid it all – while we were dead in our trespass and sin Christ died for us
We will be with Jesus or we will be lost

Praise His name – hallelujah -Jesus is Lord
I am so grateful He saved me
Every moment clinging to Him-He lives in me
We will be with Jesus or we will be lost

I claim His promises for life – He guides me in paths of righteousness
The evil I face – Jesus faced it first
He walks ahead of me – He knows the way
We will be with Jesus or we will be lost

All of our victory is in Jesus
We are not called to know the future
We are called to work and do what Jesus says
We will be with Jesus or we will be lost

Jesus is worthy of all our praise – We live and breathe because of Him
His live gives us life – Lord I am grateful
Thank you for today
We will be with Jesus or we will be lost

Blessings abound in each of our lives – count them
Thank Jesus – all praise is due Him
Keep your eyes on Christ – Remember who you are and whose you are
We will be with Jesus or we will be lost

Clay Corvin – Henry Hall – 4/13/19


Rhonda Kelley

A woman of peace and joy
Committed and faithful to service
She loves the Lord Jesus; Heart, mind and soul
Filled with the Spirit

An outstanding writer
She loves her work
Her time with Jesus well spent, Consistent and in depth
She surrenders her schedule, Her goals to Jesus

A hard worker, Willing to help
She does everything the Lord assigns
Her service is always with a smile
Always to the best of her ability

She never complains
Just sold out to Jesus
A Godly Wife, Loves Chuck Kelley with all of her being
Together they follow and serve the Lord as One

A brilliant woman of integrity
Adept at following the Spirit
She loves people, Is an encourager, Is an equipper
Her life focused on the Lord’s work

A wonder woman, a heart that beats for the Lord Jesus and people
Her resources fully committed to His work, His people
She loves her church, Her family, Her friends
Resourceful, Tireless, She is a true servant of the Lord

Clay Corvin



Who has a God like our God?
Always near, bending down to listen
Seeking us, guiding us
He is our rock, our fortress

Who has a God like our God?
Before anything began
He saw us
He knew our greatest need
Three in One, His provision made

Who has a God like our God?
He knows our great need
Forgiveness of our sin
His righteousness in Christ
A relationship with Him

Who has a God like our God?
A God of justice and fairness
Speaking to us in His Bible
Wisdom, mercy and grace
Offering salvation to all
A gift free for the asking

Who has a God like our God?
He holds our hand
He comforts our soul
Big, little or small-He loves us all

Who has a God like our God?
Counting the hairs on our head
Naming every star
Knowing us before the womb
A great and mighty loving God

Who has a God like our God?
Giving us His peace
A guarantee we will never be alone
Rejoicing in sharing His strength
Who has a God like our God?

Clay Corvin
San Clemente, Rome



You’ve heard your master’s voice
Come follow me
You know He’s speaking to you
It takes your choice
Be glad

The Gospel is His calling
Would that all might come
Many are there to hear from you
You are His choice
Be Glad

Now we know so little
Even the brightest miss out
Jesus came to forgive us
His Word is our concern
Be glad

Today is all we have
Tomorrow never comes
Speak the truth of Jesus
With love and concern
Be glad

Those that hear may spurn you
Some choose to spit
Still they must hear about
The God whose love we need
Be glad

Happy are the children
That do what Christ has done
Caring for others
Sharing God’s Word
Be Glad

One day soon
Today will fly away
You will stand in His presence
Well done He will say
Be glad

Clay Corvin
Rome-Hotel Lancelot




Sin speaks
From the depths of our heart
Calling us to do our own thing
Go where you want to go
Think what you want to think

God calls us to discipline
Thief steal no more
Liar tell the truth
Adulterer stop, now

It’s a difficult situation
We find ourselves in
Strength and courage are rewarded
Discipline is heavily criticized

Lord why?
Why do we sin so much?
Satan gets us started
Then we sin on our own

I cry out to the Lord
I am drowning in a sea of sin
The Lord responds
Take my hand-together we will win

Clay Corvin
Walking and thinking in Rome



Proud, fierce and focused
A Roman was most envied

Engineers of renown
Roads built to tame a world
Bridges spanning any obstacle
Order out of chaos
A hard life led by hard men

They were great adapters
You may have discovered it
The Romans made it better
There armies were ferocious
Their buildings majestic

Nothing could stand in their way
Except themselves
Their decadence renowned
Destroyed their strength
One day it fell to the ground

The glory of Rome no more
Hard times less their empire
The northerners ruled Rome
Their empire had no home
This place once known as Rome

Clay Corvin