Author - Clay Corvin



Nothing but the blood of Christ, covers us, provides for us
His shed blood covers us
Sacrificed to pay the price, the price of our sin
Nothing but the blood saves us from the world’s woe

All-out war, determined fight, rages for our souls
All hells minions clamoring, they want you and me
Silently we watch, God intervenes, Christ shed His blood
Victory won, God’s son, by His blood set the captives free

He is our Passover, putting a barrier between His children and the world
Our sin is forgotten, it is as far away as the East is from the West, His shed blood provides life
Separating us to Himself for eternity, the world is lost, we are won
Hated, spurned, despised, fools in the world’s eyes, Christ in us keeps us free

The gift of life claimed by faith in Christ, His shed blood sets aright
Lives of selfishness no longer, we have become God’s children
We belong to Him, His blood our covenant, Evidence of God’s devotion
Jesus paid our price, He is our life, now we belong to God

Forgiveness has come to the Houses of Mankind
Paradise secured by His blood, Jesus reconciles all things in His flesh
He cleanses us from all sin, the blood of the Lamb turning robes white
Pardon complete, Jesus brings us home

We struggle with sin every day, Jesus makes a way
Dead to sin, alive to God
He died for all, we live for Him, through Him, in Him
We are not alone, Jesus is our peace, a bond servant, an example for us

The power of hell has been conquered by Jesus
He is victorious over death, Rendering the devil’s kingdom powerless
Don’t be fooled, Jesus has power for you
In Christ we have redemption, and forgiveness, Jesus is God’s everything

Clay Corvin August 20, 2016




Mike believed the Lord and was gloriously saved
He is not ashamed of the Gospel-and speaks God’s Word
He never got over his salvation-He was committed to share with everyone
Life for all – Deliverance for the captives was his belief
Mike is a friend of God – People count with him

He loves his family – desperately, devotedly, completely
The children are lovingly cared for and
Mike’s wife Jeanne is his beloved-His partner in life
Together they fight the good fight-deal with the impossible
They pray and work and trust – their faith their life

When Mike shares the Gospel the demons run
So many times I’ve seen him share with power and strength
Grown men ask for deliverance and Mike tells them of Jesus
He is a soldier of the highest order-fearless, faithful and beloved of God
Mike has labored long and hard in the Father’s Garden-useable to the very end

He believed the Gospel was for everyone
It is practical, powerful and persistent
It helps us work through the heartache of life
It reveals the foolishness of the self-life
We are equipped by the Gospel to know Jesus Christ-Mike believed that

These are perilous times-Jesus is coming soon
The transforming power of the Gospel guided Mike step by step
Mike reached out to those around him without any airs
He was a real man who loved those he was with
You were his flock, you are loved, Mike is a friend of God

Clay Corvin August 14, 2016




Saul disobeyed the Lord, but obedience is better than sacrifice
We try to manage God, thinking HE is just a much bigger version of us
The Lord said “Obey me”, not to put us down but to lift us up
We think we know better, get impatient and run ahead of God
When we reject the Word of God, His Word rejects us

Samuel followed God, even when he was scared, willing to obey unto death
Often obedience comes with a high price now, and eternal reward later
When we don’t understand and obey, we are being faithful, we don’t have to understand
But we do have to obey, out of our obedience we discover significant things about our self and God
The Lord is good all the time and all the time He is good, there is victory in knowing the Lord

Build your spiritual strength, obedience puts you on the right track
Out of our daily walk comes wisdom to live life and mercy to deal with our hard hearts
His grace poured out upon us keeps us close, renewed and usable
Living for the Lord develops our understanding of sin and the wisdom to avoid it
Jesus in you is your hope, He is God’s everything

Deep in your heart you yearn to know the Lord and purpose to serve the Lord
That is a person after God’s own heart, He can use you and He will
David knew the Lord and knew that in life the battle is always the Lord’s battle
He had it in his heart to obey the Lord and you do too!
Surrender your daily habits to Jesus and let Jesus guide you step by step

Obey Him, obey His Word, search for Him without reservation
Purpose in your heart to do whatever He says and He will not leave you alone
All of us must deal with sin, that evil giant of sin is all around, it intimidates us
Especially since we have developed a refined ability to sin-but the battle is the Lord’s
Let go and let Jesus fight all of your battles, He is victory, obey the Lord and follow Him.

Clay Corvin       August 6, 2016






Real people connect, respect and listen
They aren’t trying to impress you
They value you – a person uniquely created by God
In the image of the Lord
One who can bend the knee to Jesus and live in His righteousness

Community is important with real people
No lone rangers in the kingdom
We are brothers and sisters of Christ
He is our elder brother and we are God’s children
The Father is our Father-The Holy Spirit indwells each of us

Real people live no excuse lives
They look out for those around them
They serve and serve and serve
The needy have a place in their heart
They stand with the community of Christ to help the helpless

They are an example to follow
Women submit to their husband in marriage, not society
Husbands submit to Christ-He died for the church
But women and men have the same standing with Christ
They are servants first and leaders second

Becoming is their mantra
Becoming more like Jesus day by day
Dealing with sin in their life
Standing up under pressure
Whining and moaning are set Aside-Jesus died for them-they die for Him

Sin is rooted out whenever it rears its ugly head
Hands, feet and mind have been trained to rush to sin-now they must be retrained
Real people fight their sin and submit it to Jesus
He will equip them, He will enable them, they must turn from their sin
You aren’t weak, too often just lazy in dealing with sin-root it out

Real people submit to Jesus
Their life, their activities, their heart
They become His hands and feet in their community
Sacrifice and service to the Lord and to their fellow man
Vengeance belongs to God, Their life is in submission to Jesus to serve the Father

The world never changes
Real people are constantly changing, Becoming more like Jesus,
Testing, checking, equipping, encouraging, enabling
Prayer is their first defense; the Bible helps them grow in Godliness
Jesus constantly their companion, He is Lord, He is God’s everything

Clay Corvin July 16, 2016




I’ve been thinking about this all week. As I’ve upped and downed this has weighed on my mind and my heart. After several conversations out of the blue with staff members and me chiming in with thoughtful, insightful (quite ironic) suggestions the Lord pointed the finger of guilt at me.

1 Timothy 4:7-10 7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 9 This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance. 10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.

I’ve struggled with physical training since I completed my Army service. I am a devoted workaholic, to the point of ignoring my own spiritual training. At this point in my life it is time that I began to assess and faithfully deal with my own PERSONAL GODLINESS. If I don’t I will regret it. Everyday is a challenge and I need to face that challenge of growth in Godliness as I deal with my work, my study, my writing and all other aspects of personal relationships.


I am responsible for the way I live my life
I can’t duck behind an addiction or oversight
Mindless activity does not absolve me
Worldly endeavors must not absorb my time
Life is winding down quickly
Time is of the essence
Do it now is my theme song-DO IT NOW

I will focus on the things of God
All found in the person of Jesus Christ
I want to know Him better
My conversation with Him will be detailed
First I must bring the needy before Him
Second is my own personal sinfulness
Sin is real, it is deep, it is pervasive, Lord cleanse me

Heaven is just ahead
I don’t know what it will be like but I know it will be wonderful
Jesus will be there and I will praise Him now to deepen my praise then
Jesus will be the focus of my existence there-I will make it my focus now
Everything I do must be weighed in the sight of the Father
Lord give me spiritual eyes that I might see your activity
You Lord Jesus will be at the center of all I do

My hope is in Jesus
Bible reading will be done with an awareness of its focus on Jesus
Daily prayers will be said in light of His presence-I will say it to His face
My actions will be reviewed in the presence of the Father-no excuses
Therefore I will keep short accounts of sin and confess them immediately
I want to strive to become like Jesus – more like Jesus everyday in every way

Clay Corvin  7/13/16




Trouble comes, unbidden, unwanted, yet still it comes
Bad decisions, others decisions, good decisions and hard times
Trouble has a way of showing up on its own, nothing we did
Even when we are doing God’s will, suddenly we are in harm’s way
Trouble rears its ugly head, we nearly drown from its onslaught

There may be no good answer to why trouble comes, although that is a valid question
We only see life from our perspective, God’s activity eluding us
We are persuaded by our faith that God is true, He is perfect and we can rely on Him
We read his word, He is alive in us moving us, giving us faith and our faith grows
Now today I am overwhelmed but when the morning comes the Son will shine and I will be free
I know this by faith right now, He will never leave me, one day face to face I will see Him

Jesus made us, He knows each one of us as if there were no other of us
He is Lord, Lord of all and Lord of me, His precious blood redeemed me
Forever I belong to Him, this world is passing away but my faith is leading me to Him
He is the giver of faith, I read, I pray, I experience His presence, I remember His miracles
I grow, I believe, I know that I know that I know, Jesus Lord and Savior You have me
Jesus has called me for a purpose, He uses me, I obey Him, He will not let me go

We are not alone, Jesus is here, in the midst of our trouble, Christ is with us
He is our refuge, a present help, we can talk with Him, know Him more
We pull closer to Jesus in the midst of our woes, we pour out our hearts and He hears us
Jesus died for us, His life is absolute and complete, He knows all about us
The end is as the beginning to Jesus, nothing is hidden from Him, still He loves us
Noting can separate us from Him, nothing can cause us to be cast away, Jesus loves me

My mind cannot comprehend eternity, neither can I understand His activity
I am experiencing trouble, the Lord will weave this trouble into the time of my life
He says that every thought He has for me is a thought for good, I believe this
By faith I walk forward, the pain and agony is real and hurts, I keep walking
I know that one day this too will pass, that the Lord never wastes a hurt
Out of this experience He will give me more faith, I will know Him better, praise the Lord
Clay Corvin 6/25/16


YOU HAVE – 1PETER 1:10-23

You have been selected
By Jesus, Creator, loving Lord
You have been sanctified
By the blood of Christ, by His atoning work, by the Godhead’s plan
You have been supplied
All you need in Jesus, wisdom-mercy-grace-understanding, call out to Christ

You have received an inheritance
Sealed by the Holy Spirit
Assured in the heavenlies by the work of Jesus
Jesus is Lord, He is your Lord, He is everything you need for salvation

Therefore, rejoice, the Lord says rejoice
His power gives us authority to rejoice
I can choose to rejoice in all things in Christ, He is LORD of all
His love underscores everything I do, in all places, in all circumstances

You can give honor, glory and praise to the Father
He is worthy of all
He is our Father, He is our God, He loves you
He will never leave you, you are bought with a price and belong to Him

You gird up your mind
Be sober and realistic
Life is hard and you can deal with it
Depend on His grace as you serve Him today, as you work towards a face to face meeting

You are called to obedience
So do what Jesus says
Be an obedient servant, willing and able
What you do speaks volumes much louder than words-it is the truth about you

You be changed
Make the journey from lust to learning
Bend your knee to Jesus, right now and continuing
He is Lord and He changes you

You have been made holy
Therefore be focused on Jesus
Let Christ control you moment by moment
Know that you belong to Him, Jesus makes you holy by HIS sacrifice

You have been made loving
Jesus in you, Jesus directing you
Love one another Jesus says
Your love is what changes the world, be His world changer

Clay Corvin June 4, 2016

OURS … 1 PETER 1:4-9

JESUS is the author
Creating us
Paid the price for us
His great victory over death
Salvation free for you and me
Eternal membership in the Family of God

Provides an inheritance
Secure, perfect in every way
Usable now but one-day face to face
We will know it fully and it is with God right now
The Father protecting us insuring our arrival right on time

Distressed by trials
Many and varied in nature
Nonetheless great challenges
We know every day is a good day
We belong to Him, He belongs to us

Tested by fire
Our faith shines through
Praising and proclaiming His glory
Jesus alive and well and one day we will see Him face to face
But now we believe by faith until we do see

Jesus is Lord – almighty God
Joy and peace is ours
Our belief has made us whole
Jesus is in control
Praise God through whom all blessings flow- Jesus is Lord

Clay Corvin May 14, 2016

ALL IN ALL …. 1 PETER 1:4-9

I am a child of the king, He is life and light and LORD, filling me with His glory
Guiding me towards life, people count, He has already made a place for me in heaven

Right now my place is here, I am just passing through, what I do to whom and how counts
God the righteous judge, His mercy immeasurable, provides my living hope

Jesus keeps me alive, He quickens my spirit, building my faith
This supports me as I face each day, this living hope conducts me through life to heaven

My inheritance is now, as effective in life as it is in heaven, imperishable
In Christ it will not fade, it does not diminish, it is reserved by Jesus for you

This inheritance is the sum total of all that God has promised us in Salvation
A glory greater than we can imagine, a life so amazing that it is effective right now

Every day is a good day, nothing can overcome us, God is in control
Circumstances will not deter us, trials are real but Jesus overcomes, they result in praise to the Father

Faith in God protects us, His power overcomes the world, He is Lord
We do not see Him, yet we love Him and believe in Him, resulting in the salvation of our souls

Clay Corvin              May 14, 2016


Life is lived moment by moment
One moment strong
One moment weak
Too quick we lose our vigor
Too quick we give up

A moment to fail – don’t give up
A moment to succeed – be careful
Many lead lives of quiet desperation
Medicate it and we become an addict
Ignore it and it will gain the power to control

In youth we look pretty
Bones heal, injuries fix
Good as new we walk and run
Under the sun we age every day
One day we cannot run – walking is a chore

Our minds throw us off
They don’t see the aging
They don’t feel the waning strength
Until one day we are surprised
Life isn’t easy anymore – every day a chore

What can we do in a moment?
What can change in our situation?
Rejoice in the day!
Claim the joys of a life well lived!
Bend the knee to Jesus – let Him guide you

The competition isn’t between us
We are called to help and encourage
The value is in us – not what we do but what we are
Jesus our Creator calls us into service
People need the Lord – we are His hands and feet

A life well lived is our goal – Jesus changes everything
A life devoted to Him brings personal joy
What we give away cannot be stolen
Jesus is the reason we can seize the day
Life is lived moment by moment

Clay Corvin 5/7/16