Author - Clay Corvin




3/28-29/16 very easy flight to Israel. Monday they had heavy rain in Jerusalem but when we landed at Ben Gurion today, TU, the sky was clear and sunny and 58. 

Stan drove us to Neve Ilan where we will stay 2 nights and along the way we stopped at the SI Espresso at Latrun. 

ISRAEL. -WE -Mar 30, 2016

Breakfast at Neve Ilan and on the road to Bet Shemesh. 

It’s amazing what the Lord is doing in this place.  Samson’s stomping grounds include Biblical Bet Shemesh located in the Sorek Valley about 30kms west of Jerusalem. Big traffic jam this morning.  The first little hill to the right is Zora which is the birth place of Samson. 

We passed Bet Guvrin but didn’t stop. They have done a good job fixing the Roman amphitheater which can be seen from the highway. 

Tel Lachish is next. The siege of Lachish by the Assyrians took place in 701 BC. They are in the process of rebuilding the entrance ramp and gate area. It is located in the Shephelah area between Mount Hebron and the Mediterranean. 

We drove around a bit to find the right entrance to Tel Tsafit (Ancient Gath).  Dr Parker, Dr Cole and Dr Warner will be digging at Gath this summer beginning June 25.  Huge site. This ancient Philistine city is mentioned in the El-Armana Letters (1400BC) and often mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. 

We crisscrossed the Via Maris and as we moved from site to site this morning I was reminded of the significant activity of the ancients in this area. Every empire passed thru here. 

The countryside was in full bloom. Prodigious amounts of grapes, and flowers and everything in full greenery. Great weather and beautiful skies. 

We stopped at SI Espresso at Latrun for coffee and lunch. 

ISRAEL-  WE-3/30/16 part 2

It was after 2 when we had lunch. Lots of conversation and Tsvika joined us. Finished about 3:30. As noted lots of conversation. We were planning to end the day on the coast but it’s late and the traffic gets fierce about the time we would be coming back so we packed it in. 

The day has been quite eventful and we covered a lot of ground. 

The folks are working hard at Lacish to finish the site entrance so we will monitor that and see if we need to add that on the regular tours in the near future. 

Because of the Biblical significance of Gath and the fact that 3 of our faculty will be excavating there starting this summer really gives value to us in possibly adding this site to our program. 

I really love this area and its historicity. 

Amazingly I left out our ELAH VALLEY visit right after Bet Shemesh this morning. Everything is green in the Elah Valley. We discussed David and Goliath, went to the top of the hill by the Gas station to get an overview of the site and the battle. We didn’t go down to the creek and get 5 smooth stones. 

TOMORROW WE HEAD TO GALILEE. TURNING NORTH ON HIGHWAY 6 visiting Casarea Maritima, Mt Carmel, Magiddo, maybe Nazareth Overlook and Afula then on to Tamar Bakfar and Maagan where we will spend 4 nights.  

Thanks for joining us. 


We spent two nights at Neve Ilan. It is a working man’s hotel. Clean comfortable rooms. Not far from the airport. Good food. I’ve been staying here my first night or two in Israel and it usually gets me thru the jet lag and on the go. 

We are leaving this morning and will spend four nights at Maagan on the southern end of the Sea of Galilee. 

Breakfast at Neve Ilan is just spectacular. It’s usually my favorite meal in Israel. To start with they do omlettes to order. They have fresh wheat rolls with sesame seeds. The cheese bar has 6 kinds of cheese, excellent by the way, 6kinds of homemade jams (prickly pear jam, Apple, sweet potato, egg plant, apricot), boiled eggs, cheese cake freshly made, 8-10 items on the hot food bar, raw veggies and additional cereal bar with raw yogurt. Wow. Great. Any way I did my best. 

We loaded up and left for Caesarea. We picked Gilla up at Latrun-Si Espresso, and a cup of espresso and then on the road. 

We traveled the Via Maris (Hwy 6) north until we cut over to Casarea. Our visit there included the Roman Aquaduct on the Med.  then over to the Crusader City and ancient Roman Harbor, another espresso, the Caesarea movie and then the Roman Amphitheater and Herod’s house where Paul was jailed. 

We ate lunch at Muhraqa, at a Druze restaurant. Excellent. It’s after 1pm and we have to get busy. We visited the Carmelite Monastery and talked about Elijah. 

Megiddo was next and it took us

About 20 minutes to

Get there. Good site visit and off we go. 

We are stopping on the way to Beit Shean at Moledat to visit a friend. It didn’t take us long and then we went to Beit Shean what a marvelous site. Lots of pics. Great amphitheater. 

The drive to Maagan was uneventful and short. We stopped by Tamar Bakfar on the way, they had three bus loads of folks there so went on to Maagan and check in. 

I drove back over to Aroma to finish my day-great espresso!

What a day this has been. We went by Jezreel one of Ahab’s palaces, saw where the Witch of Endor lived and just on the other side of the mountain was the widow of Nain, drove thru The area where Deborah judged and Gideon fought. AMAZING. THANK YOU LORD   

Tomorrow the Golan, Ilan Shulman and our jeep ride, Caesarea Philippi, Nimrod Castle and another Druze Village. We may even make it to Cafe Anon. 

Blessings on you and your family. 


No pranks today. 

Breakfast and on the road. 

We drove directly to Merom Golan, a kibbutz in the northeastern part of the Golan. It took about 1hr 15 min driving time as Stan drove like Jehu to get us there. Just kidding. Stan has done a superb job in driving us around Israel and that is saying something. 

We made one stop along the way to take pictures of a stunning view of Mt Hermon with snow on the top. As we took pictures we noticed several huge birds lazily soaring over us. They were huge vultures like one sees at Gamla. Huge. Very beautiful birds inflight. 

We met Ilan Schulman at Merom Golan and he took us on his off-road tour of the Golan. 

Excellent, informative, exciting and enjoyable. I have a couple of off-road enthusiasts with me and they liked the trip. The beauty is indescribable. The weather was perfect. The ride was off-road. The lecture was rich-info on the current situation as it relates to Israel. Time well spent. 

After departing Ilan we turned left out of the gate and drove up to Coffee Anon (coffee in the clouds) and had lunch. We photographed everything we could see from the top of Mt Bental. 

About 1pm when we were tired of taking stunning photos and lunch was settling we hustled over to Caesarea Philippi.  

Pictures, discussions and walking around the site. This is an interesting place because it is so related to outrageous sin and yet Jesus felt it was important to bring the disciples to this Las Vegas of the ancient world. What other place so desperately sinful could Jesus go to declare his ministry confidence in Peter. Christianity operates in the real not in a vacuum. It flourishes in the hurting and dispossessed. It’s for where sin is for the light of Jesus dispels the sin and darkness of the evil one. 

Our next stop was Dan Nature Reserve. The group walked over to the river and then we drove around to the Dan/Abraham Gate which dates back nearly 3,800 years. 

We read the passage in Gen 14 that deals with Abram going after the robbers. “Gen 14:16 He brought back all the goods AND his relative Lot!  Abram wanted to prove he wasn’t a man to be trifled with and he was concerned with his nephew Lot. 

We took the mountain road overlooking the Huleh Valley down to the cutover at Chorazin and back to Maagan on the east side of the Sea of Galilee. 

We passed Kursi and Sisita and En Gev but didn’t stop. We dropped off a couple of folks at Maagan and drove straight to Tamar Bakfar. It’s a family farmstead on the Sea of Galilee. I got some dried ginger, dried strawberries, candied cashews, almonds, pecans and my favorite daughter-inlaw some Bora Bora tea.  The tea smells great but not sure what all is in it. 

A short stop at Aroma and Bible Study led by Jim Parker.  Both were superb. 

Off to bed shortly!

Blessings on your. It’s been a great one!



A word from Friday: Let me begin with a brief story from Friday. We were driving to a bunker on the Golan.  We stopped to take pictures of white eagles soaring and swooping over us. Ilan pointed out that these were snake eaters. Snakes?  Oh yeah, Ilan said, we have lots of racers and vipers on the Golan. Okay. I’m not a fan of snakes so I love these eagles. 


I have never seen the land of Israel more beautiful than we’ve seen it this trip.  We are coming back in May and unfortunately it will be mostly brown then so we are enjoying the green and the flowers everywhere. 

Visited with our friend Tom Brimmer, an Israeli guide, at breakfast. Then we were on the road. 

Our first stop was the Mount of Beatitudes. Dr Parker led us through the Beatitudes and we visited the church and the site. The views are priceless. The valley where the sermon on the mount would have taken place is a natural amphitheater.

This is the most busses we’ve seen this trip. There were 14 groups at the Mount of Beatitudes and people everywhere. We moved on to our next stop. 

Stan drove down the mountain to Capernaum where began our next site visit. The White Synagogue, the Synagogue of Jesus was the first stop. We took Pictures and someone sat in Moses seat.  We had some discussion about the fund raising in the synagogue which is noted on a column and then we went outside under the trees for a short devotional. Gilla took us to Peter’s house where we took more pictures then returned to our vehicle and headed to Tabgha. 

They too had a lot of folks but we parked and went in the church. Jim noted the destruction from the arson about a month ago. The church was not destroyed and we looked at their mosaics and back to our van. 

Our next stop was the Primacy of Peter, Mensa Christi, where the Lord had laid out a charcoal fire on the beach. He told them to put down their nets and they caught 153 fish. They recognized Jesus and Peter was forgiven and sent out again. He didn’t stop telling about Jesus the rest of his life. This is one of my favorite sites. Right on the Sea of Galilee. 

We had completed the seeing the sites around the Sea of Galilee and now drove across Galilee to Zippori which is an ancient Roman City from the time of Jesus near Nazareth. As we drove we pointed out many sites we didn’t have time to visit: Mt Arbel, Magdala, Horns of Hittin, Cana of Galilee and several others. Lush green with beautiful flowers everywhere. 

Our visit to Zippori (Sepphoris- Roman name) included the Mona Lisa of the Galilee mosaic on the hilltop governor’s house, the Nile mosaic and the others down off the Cardo and discussions about how the Romans laid out their cities. There is a strong probability that Jesus worked here with his father as the Romans were building the city. As we drove out of the site Dr Parker shares about the water system here at Zippori. 

We went up to the overlook in Upper Nazareth and then around to the Nazareth Aroma for lunch. Excellent of course. 

Our touring day was done, it’s after 2pm so we set our course for Maagan and meandered (it took us 2 hours) across country coming down to the Sea of Galilee by the Poriya Descent. Another marvelous day. 

We met with Becky Brimmer at dinner while she waited on Tom’s group to get back. She is a great leader for BRIDGES FOR PEACE , a good friend and both her and her husband Tom are on fire for the Lord. They are going to South Africa on business in the next couple of weeks so we will keep them in our prayers. 

Tomorrow we will go to Gamla and cruise on the Sea of Galilee. Our time in the land of Israel is half over. Time passes so fast here. 

Blessings on you and your family. 

Thanks for joining us in spirit on our trip. If you haven’t been to Israel you really need to come. Maybe you can join us one day. When you have traveled the land of Israel you read your Bible in full color instead of Black and white!  Jesus is Lord.  


Breakfast and on the road turning right out of the kibbutz and heading over to Nof Ginosar to catch the Galilee Boat but different. We will board a 14 passenger electric boat that is a duplicate of the Ancient Boat (Jesus Boat) at Kibbutz Nof Ginosar. 

It’s an amazing experience. Quiet. Close to the water, you can put your hand into the Sea of Galilee. So much different than the larger boats and you get an experience that is similar to the ancient boats at the time of Jesus. 

Stan did our devotional: excellent as always. 

We visited the Ancient Boat exhibit, had coffee/sodas and talked about the very good experience on the Sea of Galilee. I think it was my best. 

We left Nof Ginosar and drove up the Golan to Gamla-the Grand Canyon of Israel. They gave us permission to drive down to the synagogue and that enables us to go to the bottom. Lots of great pics. The vultures and Eagles cAme out and gave us an aerial show. Stunning, beautiful, engrossing. Wow. Again an outstanding visit to Gamla. 

The drive back down to the Sea of Galilee was beautiful. We could oversee in the northern half of the lake where 2/3’s of Jesus’ ministry took place. 

We had lunch and it was 3pm so we called it a touring day. We got back to Maagan at 3:30pm.  

Bible study at 6pm, dinner and overnight. Tomorrow we load up and head down the Jordan Valley to Jerusalem and the Dan Panorama for 4 nights. We’ve been gone 7 days, toured 5 and seen central and northern Israel very well. Now to the desert, Bathabara and Qumran 


Transition day traveling from the Galilee to Jerusalem by way of the Jordan Valley. Everywhere is beautifully green. 

We passed the Aroma at the Junction but didn’t stop. Oh well. 

Stan drove the 126kms to Bethabara where John was baptizing and where he may have baptized Jesus. The Judean Wilderness isn’t far. There was an Ethiopian group there being baptized.  Beautiful. We read the baptismal event in Matthew 3. Jim shared the historical background and led in prayer. We moved on to Qumran just up the road. 90 degrees at the Dead Sea today and projected to be 95 on Friday. Hot. 

We saw the historical film at Qumran, visited the site, took pictures in front of the caves where the manuscripts were found and walked back to the van. 

We were off to Kalia Beach.  There was some discussion about the fish pedicure, Rick knows what I’m talking about but it was $9. and I passed on the experience. I think JP also knows what I’m talking about. We also visited the Dead Sea our main reason for stopping. 

We followed Jim driving like Jehu into Jerusalem and amazingly didn’t get a ticket. Thankfully. 

We checked into the Dan Panorama Jerusalem. 

Lunch was at the American Colony. 

At 4pm we took a cab to the Jaffa Gate and walked in to the Holy Sepulcher. Beautiful. We stood in line at the empty tomb but the wait wasn’t long. A little shopping. Then back to the hotel. I detoured from our little group and went by the Aroma at the Mamilla, just sayin, had coffee and walked back to the Dan Panorama. 

My counter says 14,750 steps. Wow. Me feet feel it.  

We will finalize our activities for tomorrow in the morning. Jim Parker leaves tomorrow night and will be home early WED. We’ll miss him. 

Wish all of you were here with us. 




Ah Tuesday. Time has flown and we are winding down our pilgrimage. It has all been great. I’ve missed seeing many of you but have many photos and memories to share with you. 

“Today is a good day!”  It has really been a good day here. Two exciting incidents today- both involving traffic. Nothing like driving in Israel. 

We can out of the Lion Gate and Stan was to pick us up there. Oh my goodness the amazing chaos that ensued blocking us from turning around to leave!  Gilla finally called in a policeman to solve our problem. It was intense and Stan was so cool!  I had about five folks I was confronting and the policeman walked up and said everybody stop and began giving directions and we cleared it up toute suite. Then as we were going down the hill a huge truck turned in and blocked the road. Stan immediately sped up and the guy backed down from chicken and backed out. Wow. Finally on our way. Intense problems avoided and 30 minutes later we were laughing about the incident. Hilariously funny AFTER the event. 


We left the hotel and drove around the city walls, pointing out the Neu Gate, Damascus Gate, Herod/Flower Gate, Kidron Valley, Lion Gate and Stan let us out at the Dun Gate. We proceeded to the Temple Mount after clearing security. 

Excellent visit. Al Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock, differentiation of the various building periods, Eastern Gate and exiting the Mount in the Moslem Quarter near the Lion Gate. As we were leaving the Temple Mount a very large number of UN related diplomats were entering. Their cars had filled up the small lot next to the exit. Oh well who knows what’s going on there. 

We walked a short way up the street and went into St Anne’s and the Pool of Bethesda (Jn 5). Read the Scripture and prayed.  Moving site. Sang with a group in St Anne’s the Crusader Church. 

We walked up the Via Dolorosa a short way and took pics. That was when we met Stan and experienced the chaos at the Lion’s Gate then on to the Mt of Olives. 

What a view. Beautiful. Lots and lots of pics. Gilla did her typically masterful overview of the city view. 

Stan drove DOWN the Gethsemane Descent. Whew. Straight down. He parked in a small lot about 100 meters from the Church of All Nations but still up the hill. We walked down. Saw the ancient Olive trees, oldest trees in the city. Their roots may be from the time of Christ as the Romans cut everything down when they destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. We visited the Church of All Nations and Stan picked us up there and we were off to St Peter in Gallicantu. No problems on the drive over. Busses and people everywhere but the groups were mostly Asians and Europeans. 

Gilla did a good job of introducing and detailing the site pointing out the ancient Stepped Way which dates back to the Hasmoneans, the current church building and all of the things there that could have related to the time of Jesus. We also discussed the Sanhedrin. At the time of Jesus the Romans already exercised significant control of them. 

Coffee in the little shop and up the hill to the Upper Room. This particular location is on the Madaba map and has been venerated and extolled as the place since early Christianity. Very nice stop. I like to think of the various interactions here. 11 of the disciples are thinking about Jesus. They are reliving the triumphal entry. Peter is about 12 or so hours from denying Jesus. Judas is thinking about the money he will get for betraying Jesus. He is angry and wants Jesus to destroy the Romans but Jesus refuses to be Judas’ idea of Messiah. 

People count. You count. Jesus died on the cross specifically for you because it was the very thing you needed most. You count with the Lord. 

We went downstairs to see David’s tomb which isn’t David’s tomb but instead is a place where David can be honored. A place that keeps the idea of a Davidic Kingdom before the people. 

We had a late lunch at Adom’s which is a popular restaurant at the Old Train Station. It’s just three blocks from our hotel-Dan Panorama. 

Jim Parker finished our Bible Study in Luke and he left for the airport. He will be home mid-day WED. 

We will Lord willing go to BETHLEHEM tomorrow and come back to the Jewish Quarter. 

Have a good day and a restful night. 

From Jerusalem. Pray for peace. 



Chilly morning. Cool day. A little sun. 

Stan drove us to the border crossing to Bethlehem. Johnny picked us up in his van and took us to the Church of the Nativity. 

This wasn’t just a typical trip because Johnny took us thru the old city of Bethlehem. Streets that were one lane, parked cars both sides, stores lining the streets. Old buildings that have lots of history. We went through the old market. It was a lot of fun. As an aside Jim Lee and I got lost on those same streets about 20 years ago. 

The Church of the Nativity is the oldest church in Christendom. It is old and new and steeped in traditions. When you visit you are encouraged because the Lord has used all kinds of people. We were able to slip in a visit between the Roman Catholic and the Armenian morning worship. It is so very different than our worship. The incense kills my sinuses. 

After a short stop with Edward Tabash Johnny took us back to to the border crossing. Oh yes we went by the Shepherds’ Fields. Gilla said they were growing apartment buildings now. 

Next stop was John the Baptist’s birthplace-Ein Karem. We toured the town, saw Mary’s Well and the churches. Traffic was tough but Stan negotiated it well and he took us on to the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum. We also visited the Jerusalem Model. 

Lunch was on our mind and since it was 12:30 pm. we went to Touro Restaurant overlooking the cinematheque and the Hinnom Valley. It wasn’t far from the Montifiore Windmill. 

After lunch Stan dropped me at Mt Zion. I went into the Jewish Quarter  visiting the Hurva Synagogue, the Cardo and then Shorashim (Moshe & Dov). Moshe had to leave but I visited with Dov for about an hour. They are doing well. 

It was time to begin my walk back to the hotel. Along the way I walked the Christian Quarter Road, David Street, visited several shops including the Alabama Store (2 Championship T-shirts in Hebrew) and did around at Jaffa Gate. Oh yes, I did get an Aroma Coffee (large Americano Cold Coffee) and walked up King David past the King David Hotel, YMCA, turning right on Mapu and the right again into the Dan’s front door. 

I loved the time in the Old City.  Very good day. 


Sabbath dawns for fearful friends

Jesus died on Friday

They are mourning-too desperate  to sleep

Fearful and alone

No scenario they think of can make things better

Two women who followed him

Go to the tomb to fix him

Find an angel stunningly bright

Do not fear-He is alive-He has risen from the grave

He has gone to Galilee-He will meet you there. 

Fearful, joyously they ran to tell all

Jesus appeared along the way

They worshipped Him

Do not fear-Go and tell Jesus said

I will meet you in Galilee

Jesus Christ is Lord of all

He cares for each of us 

He seeks to calm our fears and life

He holds us in His arms

He seeks our hearts-turn to him

Jesus tells us do not fear

The world cannot destroy us

We belong to the Lord-members of His family

Death and the grave could not hold Him

It will not hold us

Jesus brings us peace and joy-His life given for us

The power of God raised Him from the grave

Giving us what we need and cannot earn

Grace & salvation setting us free

Jesus Lord and Savior

Clay Corvin 4/7/16


Last touring day. 

First stop for today was the Garden Tomb. We walked thru this beautiful garden thought by some to be the garden and sepulcher of Joseph of Arimathea and the empty tomb of Jesus. We had a devotional time in the Nook and went thru the empty tomb. Sammy and Mohammed made a way for us to park at the entrance.   This is always a highlight for me. It is a place to celebrate the life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Praise the Lord that we can have such a memorable place to spend these few moments contemplating His life and being thankful for His love for us. 

Stan drive out of this traffic jammed area and we made our way across town to the Haas Promenade which is an overlook of Jerusalem from the south. It is located next to the HILL OF EVIL COUNCIL which is the headquarters of the U.N.  Enough said. 

We then went down into the Hinnom Valley (place of eternal burning in Old Testament days and at the time of Jesus) and saw the location of the Pool of Siloam and up thru the City of David (it is indeed straight up) and proceeded around on the road next to the Old City to the Kidron Valley Overlook. Wonderful. Wonderful. Beautiful sights up into the Mt of Olives. Gilla pointed out all of the sights including this we had visited. 

Next stop up to the Mt of Olives and on the ridge road across to Mt Scopus. The Dead Sea view wasn’t because of the fogginess of that whole area. But we saw where it was. 

We went to lunch at IMA (Mother) Restaurant Jerusalem. Very good food. 

Our last stop of the day was the Mahane Yehuda market. There are more than 250 vendors selling fruits, vegetables, apparel and prepared foods. There is an Aroma Espresso Bar here. I had a cold Americano. Excellent. 

Stan did a magnificent job of dealing with the traffic snarls. Back to the hotel for packing, a quick visit with Neil and Gilla, dinner , a short nap-up at 12:01am and head to the airport. 

Home Friday night about 7pm. A really good pilgrimage. Please plan to go to Israel sometime soon. 

All the best  –  Clay


A man of joy

Laughter always near

Faces life without fear

Living fully each day

He knows how to work

He lives life God’s way

A family man

He deeply loves his wife

His children his life

No regrets, no fears

He is filled with God’s spirit

Jesus shaped his years

Successful, tither

Laborer for Christ

He is committed to God’s plan

No guile, no selfishness

A single focus

Jesus is the center of his life


Every day 

Walking Jesus’ way

Living life in victory

A child of God

Today-he lives today

Generous, caring

Sensitive to God’s nudge

People are his focus

Striving to help, committed to serve

Jesus is Lord 

Surrendered and sold out

Clay Corvin  4/8/16


My heart is right oh Lord

My heart is right

I have an excitement in my soul

This journey is meant to be

I’ve thought it through

I’ve prayed it through

Prepared, details

All I’ve done points to success 

I don’t know 

What I don’t know

But I’m ready to learn

Fear has no place in my heart

Journey proud today

I’m on the way

Obstacles rearing their head

You oh Lord have ordained my trip

I pray You remove all stops

No more gotchas

Be still my heart

Lord prepare me

I am yours

Fill my heart with YOUR thoughts 

Make me a usable vessel 

Equip me with eyes to see

Your Word oh Lord guides me

It speaks life, discovery, strength

Be my guide as I go

You Lord are my protection. 

Clay Corvin  4/24/16




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Mt. 28:1
Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to see the tomb.

He wasn’t in the tomb. He had risen. The two Mary’s would be the first to know. His resurrection from the grave changed everything.
For many of us life was never easy. No one was there to teach the Godly how-to’s of a successful life. I committed myself to learning the mechanics of life. I wanted to have all the good things that life offers. My ethics, activities and responses were based on a world system that is dead in its trespasses and sin.
I struggled on my own for a long time. Finally one day the Lord spoke to me. He pledged to show me how to live. He forgave me, He saved me and grafted me into His family.
His salvation put the power of the resurrection in me. Nearly 2000 years later He saved me by grace. Once I was a weak sinner focused on my own wants and needs. Now I am a child of God and a member of the Royal family.
I wasn’t looking for God He came looking for me. I praise Him that He did. Thank you Lord for saving me.

Two came to outfit Him for rotting and decay.
They found a barren rock and a folded cloth.
Their minds were numbed with disappointment.
Who had taken Him? Where was His body.
I must confess that I too often want to fix things for God.
I see evil people that need to be corrected.
I want to get in their face and tell them what’s what.
I can always see their problems clearly.
Like Mary and Mary discovered, things aren’t always what we think.
My death cures their ills. Surrender heals their blindness.
The world comes into focus much better from my knees.
I can see clearly when I kneel on the rock.


Mt. 27:35-37  After they had nailed him to the cross, the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice. Then they sat around and kept guard as he hung there. A signboard was fastened to the cross above Jesus’ head, announcing the charge against him. It read: “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.”

It was another day at the office following orders. The Jews were a rowdy group. They never got along with anyone. Now the soldiers had to wrestle their way through the crowd to put another Jew on the cross.
Life changing events can happen at the most unusual times. On the edge of the Roman Empire the Lord came. He lived and died in a backwater place called Israel. The Romans thought very little of the event.
The big event the Romans missed was the resurrection. He shed his blood and died for me but he didn’t stay in the tomb. The cruel cross was defeated by the power of God.
It took the blood of Christ to forgive my sin. The power of God gives me life. The blood of martyrs conquered the Roman Empire. What has Christ called you to do? It will take personal sacrifice and surrender to beat back the enemy.

Evil, wicked, barren wood pointing at the sky.
Speaking out to all the world, “see who’s in control.”
Not unlike the life I’ve lived, planned and quickly paced.
Often thinking that it was me running all the race.
But just for me he walked from jail to hang upon the cross.
Hanging there for all to see God’s plan was best of all.
The soldiers nailed his hands and feet it was just a job.
The leader ordered the cross in place
He turned and looked my way.
I saw his face and it was me.
There was victory on that tree.
He lifted me from death to life.



John 20:19-20
That evening, on the first day of the week, the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! “Peace be with you,” he said. As he spoke, he held out his hands for them to see, and he showed them his side. They were filled with joy when they saw their Lord!

I was trained as an accountant to look at the facts. The fact is that a lot of different people witnessed the resurrected Christ.
I have a decision to make. Am I going to go it alone or chance it with Jesus? I’ve walked down dark alleys. The fear would be so heavy on my heart that I could barely breathe. When I got to the light it was as if the fears of the world had been lifted off my shoulders.
Jesus’ presence lifted the excruciating weight of the future off the disciple’s shoulder. Now they knew, He was alive.

The Room
Fear makes me do the things I said I wouldn’t do.
I twist and twirl and do the hoo-chi-coo.
It causes me to fabricate a face that isn’t there.
I also treat you badly cause I don’t think you care.
But Jesus knows my heart and all my hopes down deep.
He sees the things that make me crazy.
He reaches down inside of me and sets a captive free.
The things that made me twist and twirl are dead.
Now when I see you I can be a friend.
I don’t have to focus on who will win.
Christ has assured me that I count.
He is all and in all and lives inside my heart.
I am important and you are too.
No longer just competing I belong.
Unknown tomorrows create Savior’s song.
Jesus paid it all that I might have peace with God.




Zephaniah 3:1-2
How terrible it will be for rebellious, polluted Jerusalem, the city of violence and crime.
It proudly refuses to listen even to the voice of the LORD. No one can tell it anything; it refuses all correction. It does not trust in the LORD or draw near to its God.

The world is wrong. Jesus is Lord. The lost need Christ. Without Jesus things are not going to work out all right.
Sometimes I forget just how simple the Christian life is. Jesus is my plumb line. As I live my life day to day, I can check with Him to keep my balance. He will provide the answers to my questions. He will bring sanity to chaotic situations.
For the Christian life to be simple, I must do my part. Time with God is required. Reading His Word is the basic key to simplicity. Thinking about what His Word says equips me to face the unknown.
How do I come to grips with the rebellion and chaos of the world? Love the Lord God with all my heart and all my soul and with everything that is in me. And love my neighbor as myself.

The World is Wrong
Fellowship was His aim in creating me.
Equipping me was His goal.
I chose my own way. It broke His heart.
But still He loved me and walked beside me.
My heart and mind were foolishly distracted.
The world has ways of leading us along.
I fought the fight of riches and desire.
My heart ached and bled within my soul.
Finally, all I saw was death and destruction.
Help me Lord I was wrong.
He was waiting for me to see Him standing there.
I love you He said walk with me.

DO YOU KNOW? Acts 15

Hard for us to believe God, we know what He has said but does it apply to us?
Difficult to accept His free gift of Salvation, we need to work for it, deserve it
We cannot, we cannot, we cannot

Many say, others do, all demand –they want their say, their way, has God said?
They point to actions, distractions, look at what I’ve done, I deserve it
I’ve planned it, it is my right and yet God says there is not other way except thru Jesus

We test God, presume on God, clamor for God, expect it to be done our way
And yet we cannot rest in Him, by faith we believe, by faith we serve Him
He is Lord we cannot see Him but He has given us clear testimony in Word and Actions

No list of rules, principals
Believe, trust, obey
Those we see are most important, we minister to those we are with, not those where we aren’t

Choice is the key, we choose Jesus, He is looking for us
We cannot choose Him except that He has already chosen us, He knew us before we were born
We were dead in our trespasses and sin and Jesus died for us

Forsaken and poured out, everyone left Him, He died on the cross
You were on His mind when He died, Father forgive them, He etched you on His heart
Our words are simply words, it is our heart, do we love Jesus with all of our heart?

Clay Corvin March 5, 2016

GOSPEL OF GOD ROM. 1:1-6 & 14-17

The world is at work discrediting Christ, hating all He does
Seeking to destroy us, claiming we are narrow minded, finished
Every civilization since Christ was born has claimed this, we are still here
The World is not a friendly place, in Jesus we are one

In truth they are correct, there is one way to the Father, He decided that
Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no other way to the Father except through Him
The creator of all things, one with Father and Holy Spirit, Jesus Lord of all
Power of God unto salvation, giving us right standing with the Father, He is the Good news

The Gospel was given by God to man, we didn’t dream it up, it is divine in origin
This is the only thing God has to say to man-accept Jesus-He is my good news to you
Jesus is alive, He is here now, ask Him to forgive your sin and come into your heart
He is faithful and righteous to do just that-ask and He will save you

Jesus is fully divine and when He walked upon this Earth He was fully man
He has always been part of the Godhead-Father, Son and Holy Spirit ONE
God in the flesh-walking in the Temple –being baptized by John-died on the Cross
Laid in the tomb, buried, resurrected by the power of God and He is alive this moment

Have courage and do not fear, do not be ashamed of the Gospel
God is at work in you, tell what He is doing and has done-to everyone
His power provides freedom for us, no longer at the mercy of the world
We have new life, new freedom, peace with the Lord, He is our righteousness

Salvation is free but it isn’t cheap, Jesus died for our sin
Salvation is our choice-accept or reject
Claim His power, bend your knee to Jesus, He will save you
We are blood bought, Christ saved and divinely kept unto eternity-Jesus is Lord

Clay Corvin February 27, 2016


The Lord is thinking about you right now
24/7 – Always – everything
Never far from His thoughts
Thinking about everything that concerns you

He has a plan for you life
Before you were thought about, before you were born
The Lord made a special plan, a good plan for your life
A plan with substance and Value-Jesus loves you

His thoughts toward you are thoughts for good
Not general thoughts about mankind
Thoughts specifically about you
He knows your name, He knows where you are, Jesus is with you

Jesus has plans to prosper you
Not in the future but right now
Where you are is where you are great
You are great because the Lord is with you and He is prospering you

The Lord thinks no evil towards you
An ex may wish ill for you, a former friend may seek your failure
A former employer or relative may be thinking evil thoughts towards you
Jesus never ever thinks ill of you, His every thought about you is positive and good

God will not abandon you
Hangers on might abandon you, parents, friends and others may run from you
The Lord has comfort for you, He brings you strength, He is merciful and mighty
His covenant with you is “I will not fail you or abandon you”

The Lord gives you hope, healing hope, loving hope
He will take away the pain of loss so we can anticipate better days
He will equip us, enable us, encourage us to anticipate the good coming our way
He is our hope; Jesus gives us a reason for living even when we lose

Jesus is our success
His formula for our success is that we meditate on the Word of God
Meditate day and night to observe His Word, to know Him
Do His Word, in obedience and surrender

He has good plans for you
Jesus sees your future and He says it is good
Bend the knee, be rich in good works, always ready to share
Be extravagantly GENEROUS, and others will see Jesus and His plans in you

Clay Corvin February 13, 2016

JESUS IS OUR HOPE 1 Peter 1:3-5

Alien, sojourner
Great commission life
Our life, every life is a long march through the night
Death is our horizon – the world sees no hope
Jesus is our living hope – He is alive

Jesus defeated death on the Cross-a conquering Savior
His blood shed for me and you
Born again, cleansed-eternity bursting forth into our life
Victorious Christ reigns in our life
His kingdom on the Earth – now

Yet it is still to be-our victory-our translation to be with Him in Heaven
Jesus gives us an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled that will not fade away
We live in His kingdom now-His promise gives us possession
His faithfulness equips us to say-what can this world do to me?
Still we sin – this world we live in is broken

Everywhere we look are limitations
We go to bed at night well; rise in the morning deathly sick
Loneliness – Divorce – that abomination abortion – accidents
What will we possess right away?
His Hope, His promise -He died for us – He lives for us

One day soon we will see Him face to face
This Hope in us is imperishable and it cannot be taken away from us
It is undefiled by taint of sin
It does not fade, it is not temporary, it is forever and ever
Jesus saves us, Jesus protects us, He is our Hope

Clay Corvin February 5, 2016

Christmas Three Ways – Luke 2:1-20

God chose His way-a baby was born-His name was Jesus
He is God with us-God’s way-a process He chose
Prophecies detail His birth-Isaiah, Micah, Jeremiah and others
A descendant of Jesse, a descendant of King David
The birth of Jesus was not done in a vacuum

God was concerned about our Lostness-all have sinned-all fall short of God’s glory
We are desperately in need of a Savior-dead in our trespasses-blind in our sin
An amazing thing that God has done-coming to Earth to save us
The World is a callous place-people hurting-society a disgrace
Jesus came that everyone of us might have life-an abundant life-but we must choose

Jesus born in a crowded place-dark streets-dark town
Kids, livestock, people coming and going-noise of the ordinariness of life
No one knew what was about to happen-it was just another day
The crying child Jesus heralded the way-proclaiming I’m here
Shepherds, sheep, conversation then the Angel-Do not be afraid he said

The shepherds cringed with fear-Good News for all man-a savior born in Bethlehem
Suddenly the Heavenly Host Appeared-Glory to God in the highest
Let us go straight to Bethlehem the Shepherds said
Along the way looking for the child-to all they said the Messiah is here
Retelling a hundred times-the story of the Angel and Heavenly Host

Finally they found the child-He is here-born in a manger
Good news for all of us-God has come to save us-they really didn’t understand
But they told everyone-declared to all-our Savior is born in Bethlehem
Glory to God-Glory to God-Glory to God-a ragged group of believers
Everyone was stunned at what had happened-they would talk about it for decades

Nothing like this had every happened – Bethlehem a little backwater town, out of Jerusalem’s sight
Scripture foretold this event-not a surprise to those who sought God
The fact that everyone in the story is ordinary-just folks-blinded the sight of the wise
Messiah has come-Jerusalem the city God loves did not know He was here
Pivot of history-everything changes-God is here-God is among us-WE ARE LOVED
Clay Corvin December 19, 2015