Author - Clay Corvin


Jesus knocks, we ask Him in, He is alive in us
We reside, He provides, Spiritual sustenance we desperately need

Waiting, impatient though we are, we forget-forget-forget
He provides, His timetable, We desire and wait

So much happens, We in anger and frustration throw it out, Disappointed
Jesus calls us to Himself, Why are you angry? Why did that frustrate you?

Do you not know, I have your interest at heart, cultivate thankfulness
Learn to be still, Know me, Listen as I talk of My love for you

Anxieties, Depression, Hate-all a result of demanding, fast paced lifestyles
Learn to wait upon Me, Let me teach you to be gentle, willingly live with your uneasiness

We straddle two worlds, This world smacks us down, His world beckons us to come to Him
Patience is a virtue, Waiting develops nerves of steel, Gratitude nourishes as we wait

Look to Jesus, Let Him show you the way, His love encourages and strengthens
You cannot do it on your own, Waiting requires a focus on Jesus, Developing a confidence not seen

Faith in His Word, Life in His presence, Waiting upon Him
We grow, We serve, We love, Jesus uses us and it enables us to see Him in our waiting

Humble fear, the Holy One is near, Come Lord Jesus
We rejoice, Your birth, Your life, We hear YOU

Looking beyond our comfort, Caring for the alien and stranger, the orphan and widow
Blessings shower us, Service, Purpose, Praying, We know You better as we are waiting

Sin and death surround us, Who can deliver us, Only One-Jesus
He uses us as we are waiting, We are lost in our service, Working out our purpose

We are our brother’s keeper, We accept the burden of pain life brings, Waiting
Waiting fully confident that today is the day, Waiting knowing that He fulfills every prayer

Lord Jesus come and be with us, Be my brother Holy One, Be with me as I struggle with my sin
Make me holy and pure, Create in me a clean heart, I am waiting Lord to be with You
Clay Corvin December 12, 2015


2015-11-25 10.13.55Genealogy is for mankind, to prove the relationship of Christ the Messiah
Written from Joseph’s side, Jesus the adopted son
Descendent of Abraham, Descendent of David

Tamar the assertive one, unconventional, demanded a child
Er and Onan died, Judah lied, Tamar showed up on the roadside and conceived Judah’s child
God can use you, do what must be done, leave no stone unturned, Jesus is the one
Judah confessed his sin, Perez and Zerah born, God remembered Tamar

Rehab the harlot protected the spies, Salmon a prince of Israel took her as his wife
God’s grace transformed, Boaz born, the line continues, God is in control

An outsider came along, Ruth the Moabite, an evil nation, an incestuous Lot
Boaz married Ruth, Obed the father of Jesse the father of David
A living testimony to faith, Ruth’s loyalty rewarded by God
The outsider has a home, remembered by you and me

David knew Bathsheba, murdered Uriah, offended Ahitophel, the child dies
David punished, Solomon the second son, the grandfather Ahitophel inspires a rebellion
Israel suffers, too often the many suffer for the few, the geneaology continues
Jesus is born to an unmarried woman, Mary the Virgin, Joseph adopts him

God always keeps His word, we operate with a clouded view, God sees through
Godliness is never inherited, Godly Fathers have evil sons
Salvation is a choice, we must choose His free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ the Messiah
God loves you, He loves you with an eternal love, Christ is calling you, now

Clay Corvin,
December 5, 2015

GOD AT WORK (EPH 1:13-14)

God at work, His universe, His laws
Unchangeable, immutable, before creation
The Father chose you, Christ died for you
Lavishing grace upon grace, the Holy Spirit moves upon you
But you must choose, you must receive, you must repent

You have heard the truth, not philosophy, not attitude
Jesus came into this world, to show His love, to live a perfect life
Jesus is God’s truth, He died on the cross to pay your price for sin
The power of God, raised Him from the dead, His love declared for eternity
His love gives you a new heart, a new life, eternally adopted into the Father’s household

You were a murderer at heart, everyone is dead in their trespasses and sin
No one can solve their sin problem, we need more than a little cleaning up
We need Jesus, His free gift of eternal life provides forgiveness and life
Now in Christ we are alive, evil can no longer destroy us, sin bondage broken
Jesus pardons us, He gives us liberty and freedom, salvation in Him

Do you believe? Belief in Christ is the requirement
You must believe for yourself, I cannot do it for you
Belief changes you, it conforms you to God’s law, His reality
Jesus is looking for you, He is seeking you to give you life and light for living
What will you do? Have you believed? When you believe you are immediately in God’s family

God declares we belong to Him by Word-the Holy Spirit brings this Word to life
We were bought with a price, that price was Jesus and His sacrifice
The Holy Spirit is the witness of God’s ownership – He seals our relationship in Christ
Inheritance guaranteed, not based on us, God will not disown us
Jesus blood and sacrifice, saves a wretch like me, like us

Clay Corvin November 7, 2015


Hear me child of God- Jesus is Lord
He is Lord of everything-that includes you
He is the king-he created all that we see, and feel and know
Above the hills – above the sky – Jesus is Lord
Christ is my help – whatever predicament I find myself in
He has a strong hand – a deep love – Christ died to save our soul

Jesus Son of God – maker of heaven and earth
Knows the problems we face – each one of them – all of them
He will not slip as He keeps track of us – He is here with me and you
No hesitation – His love is relentless – His memory is faultless
Jesus knows our thinking and He knows what is right
His watchful eye is upon us – He does not slumber nor does He sleep

There is no weakness in Jesus – He is able to stand firm
He knows what is going to happen and He prepares us
As we pray, as we work – Jesus is imparting His strength to us
Remember –we are always vulnerable – from anywhere and everywhere
Claim God’s precious Word – through it Jesus guides us – where we will go
As we come under attack – Christ is with us providing wisdom, mercy, and grace

Evil abounds – all around – constantly seeking to devour us – abuse us
Sin is a sleeping volcano within us – ready to destroy us
Our hearts are desperately wicked – Jesus forgives and heals
He knows how to deal with evil – the Holy Spirit gets our attention
Turn to Jesus and let Him heal you and remake you – whole again
Hear oh sinner – Jesus forgives – kneel before Him

Jesus protects us as we go out as we come in
In the highways and byways – Jesus can deal with real life
He prepares us – spend time with Jesus – think, pray and be
Our goal to be more like Jesus – our challenge is to remember His lessons
Hands and feet and heart need a guide – Jesus is the One
Surrender your life – and Jesus will guard your way

Clay Corvin October 31, 2015


Oh Lord help me
Fear and loathing shadow
Fear for what I’ve not done
Loathing for the things I’ve done
I’m often paralyzed by my sin
Blinded from the Godly path
Truth is that’s a lie
Just an excuse-any work

Oh Lord help me
Laziness is my bent
Failing to spend the time required
To stand and face the consequences
Sin always at the ready to assert itself
Me weak and blinded by my ego
Pride demands its due-I’m in charge of you
My cries lay it down-deaths cold hand is all around

Oh Lord help me
Like Jesus I would be
My heart urges in the best of times
Go and spend United time
Letting Jesus fill your mind
Changing the way you deal with time
Letting Christ have his way
To train your hands and feet and mind

Oh Lord help me
I am weak and addle minded
Foolishness my bane
My past the pain
I want to know you, the fellowship of your suffering
With a pure heart, hands that work righteousness
A mind that runs to God
That’s my prayer sweet Jesus

Clay Corvin. October 25, 2015


We follow God
With a wink and a nod
Surely He will listen
As we plot and plod
Never sure of what we want
But always sinful

He speaks real loud
We act real deaf
That’s not quite what we want
We grimace and strain
Ah we display our holy face
Our hands reacting with disgrace

Horrified at the pain that comes our way
Why would God do this?
Yet plainly the Lord has told His way
Come walk with ME He says
We walk our way
Talking, talking, blah, blah, blah

Stand and listen child of mine
I won’t accept your actions
The heart is deceitful beyond your understanding
The discipline I demand is for your good
Step out of the world
Stop going to Hollywood for your ethics

Live peacefully with ME
Do for others as I do for you
Forgive those that mistreat you
Take care of the poor, the prisoner, the widow and the orphan
Stop demanding your way
Spend time with me and let Me show you My way

Clay Corvin October 22, 2015


Be strong in the Lord – He knows all things and has already won the victory
His power not yours – we live in Him
Turn over your weakness
Accept His strength – Evil cannot win
Surrender, obey, trust in Jesus
He never wearies – Stand in Christ

Be strong in the Lord, He is our protection
Take up the full armor – just pieces will always lose
Never underestimate evil – its power will overrun you
Put on God’s armor deliberately – know what you are doing
Strap it on thoughtfully – His process involves your surrender
Prayer and presence – wisely claim Jesus name – He loves you

Be strong in the Lord – you need Him every moment of every day
Evil is a wily force – Satan’s minions are all over and everywhere
Seeking whom they might devour – you are on the menu
Let the Lord guard you – you have a new heart
New strength and new ways
Claim Christ’s power as you face the evil ones deception – obedience to Christ is key

Be strong in the Lord – we live on the battlefield
We are not fighting people – although they lie, cheat, hurt and even kill us
We struggle with principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and wicked spirits
Multiplied millions of fallen angels, living and working on earth with very little opposition
They are here, powerful and real
Only those alive in Christ can deal with them – You stand in Jesus

Be strong in the Lord- These evil ones are seeking to destroy you
Take up the full armor of God- gird your loins with truth – it holds your armor in place
Put on the breastplate of righteousness- it will protect your heart
Feet shod with the Gospel of peace- Jesus is the only way- He is God
Your shield of faith will extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil ones
The helmet of salvation protects your head, your mind- believe in Jesus

Be strong in the Lord- He provides for you to succeed in every battle
The sword of the spirit enables you to attack
Read His Word, Pray His Word, Remember His Word, Use His Word
Every lie of the evil ones are easily defeated by His Word
Know the Word, let it marinate in your soul
Stand in the Lord and you will not fall to the evil one- Jesus is Lord

Clay Corvin October 10, 2015


She reminds me of Sarah and Ruth
Obedient, faithful and never far from the Lord

She tends her home and family, carefully, persistently
Christy a new mother, Ginger a new grandmother, Mike not far from her thoughts
Andrew finishing grad school/seminary, close, dedicated, a faithful son
Emily newly married, lovely and hard working
Ginger connected with all three, consistently caring and helping as needed

This year from Mike, hard, devastating, overwhelming, and just plain difficult
Ginger rebuilding, Mike seldom far from her thoughts
Recreating her life with courage and steel-she’s doing what she needs to do
Never wavering, sharing her heart in amazing stories
Healing as best as one can do when the world changes
Faithful to Jesus-faithful to her call-an example for us to follow

A formidable servant, an encourager in the midst of her own need
Refusing discouragement
Transparent, helper, cheerful and kind
She lives her life one minute at a time
Facing all that the world can throw
Jesus walking with her step by step – Ginger accepting His hand and Word

She is becoming, living with purpose
An accomplished teacher of God’s Word
Opportunities abound – Ginger is capable to the task ahead
Jesus is using her – she is loyal

Ginger is compassionate and wise
Kind to all, friendly to everyone
Generous, yet wants to be behind the scenes
A leader with exceptional gifts
She is walking the Word
Jesus the center of her life

All of us are grateful for her
Thank the Lord for this Godly woman

Clay Corvin October 9, 2015


ROME PILGRIMAGE-TH 9/24-TH 10/01/15 


It’s been an all day journey so far.  It’s just the price you pay for adventure.  

Two days and it seems like a week.

15,000+ steps -FR & SA 9/25 & 26. I’m sitting here forcing myself to write and I’m worn out.  


FRIDAY 9/26 we got here after lunch and began touring with Carla at 3pm.

We walked 10 blocks to Manzoni Sta and caught the subway to Piazza del Popolo- the northern entrance to Rome. Beautiful walls 20+feet high made of Roman brick.

I’m going to give you a very edited version: visited churches at del Popolo and then up the street to Spanish Steps, across town to the Pantheon, the de’ Francesi Church with 3 Caravaggio’s and finished at Piazza Navona.

Coffee at Tazza d’ Oro, gelato, several other churches and then took a cab back to the Lancelot. Great dinner meal. Wonderful day. Jimmy began our Romans Bible study.


SATURDAY 9/26 breakfast, Bible Study in Romans continues. Carla took us to the Coliseum, then Palatine Hill, Forum, St Mary Major and finished at la Scala and St John Lateran. We walked from there back down to the Lancelot.

Jimmy continued our Bible Study in Romans, dinner and heading to bed.

We of course had coffee many times and profiteroles.

Excellent day. We have really done a great many things at a fast pace.


SUNDAY 9/27 in Rome.  Dr Dukes is leading our Bible Study in Romans.  We did our morning worship and Bible Study after breakfast and then went to Manzoni Station up the street from the Lancelot to catch the metro and go to meet Carla north of the city.  Our major purpose today is to visit several of the ministries of Sant Egidio in the city.  


Our first stop is where Carla has faithfully ministered over the last 4 plus years: Comunita’ Di S. Egidio, Cappella Di S. Francesco.  Carla teaches Italian as a Second Language to immigrants.  We met some of the folks she teaches.  Additionally, she helps register immigrants so that they can bring them into the community in Rome.  Precious folks from Africa, Middle East, and South America.  As a side note Carla lives in a rough neighborhood and ministers in a rougher neighborhood.  I’m used to working in rough neighborhoods, lots of homeless, etc. and I recognized this as a rough neighborhood.  


Our second stop was at Comunita’ Di S. Egidio, Borromeo ( may not be the exact correct name).  I don’t know how to fully describe this community.  It is made up of homeless, elderly, and handicapped.  It is overwhelming emotionally to come into a community like this and see and feel the love, acceptance and welcome spirit that all have.  There was one person that is an atheist, communist and unbeliever and yet there he was in the midst of what has become his family and he still a staunch unbeliever.  I must say that this was deeply touching to me.  After the mass everyone, all, hung around outside in the courtyard talking with one another, listening, sitting and just generally enjoying each other.  They hung out.  About noon they were going to have a lunch together. 


We caught the bus nearby and traveled downtown to Piazza Largo Argentina (about 40-minute ride) and transferred to the #8 Tram to go to Trastevere (across the Tiber).  In Paul’s day this would have been where the Jews and Christians lived.  One can see the lights on Palatine Hill from there at night.  Nero in charge of the world and Christians at his mercy?  I believe that Paul and others disagreed with this and many were martyred for their faith.  But, let me continue on what we are doing today.    We walked from the tramline across Trastevere to Santa Maria in Trastevere.  Along the way we passed the Baptist Church as they were finishing their worship.  Stirring singing.  We visited the Santa Maria church which dates back to 340AD and was originally a Titular Church, one of the oldest in Rome.  Pope Saint Callixtus founded the house church on this site in 220AD.  


We went to the Trattoria de Gli Amica, excellent food and service, which is a ministry of the Comunita’ Di S. Egidio.  We also saw their original church where they were formed in 1968 in a little church building on Piazza Sant Egidio.  Remarkable location.  The Comunita’ is a movement of 60,000+ laypeople in over 73 countries around the world.  They are committed to spreading the Gospel and helping the unfortunate.  A multitude of helping ministries and evangelism.  


We had an appointment at the Borghese Gallery at 3pm.  That is a museum one can absolutely love.  They have 5 Caravaggio’s which is reason enough for me to go but in addition almost every item in their collection is noteworthy especially the Bernini sculptures of which David is one of my favorites.  For the first time since I have been visiting the Borghese they permitted us to take pictures but I must confess they do little justice to the real thing.  Lovely.  


Generally, when we are in Rome we stay at the Hotel Lancelot.  I’ve been staying here for 12 years and find it to be a home away from home.  Our groups have always been very welcome and the staff and owners go out of their way to take care of us.  One of the owners is Faris who exercises his gifts in hotel as its chef.  He is outstanding.  The meals at night are definitely gourmet affairs and I’ve never had a bad one.  I became mostly a vegetarian about 2 years ago and Faris is also a vegetarian so the meals he prepares me and other vegetarians is outstanding.  This week we have been dining on the patio under the stars.  Oh wow it is elegant and delightful.  GREAT.  By the way J. Dukes is looking forward to dinner tonight because we are having Faris’ profiteroles which are excellent.  Sorry we get a little carried away with the food.  One of the great things about having wonderful meals at the hotel is that when we drag in from a 15,000+ step day one is not looking to go anywhere else except to eat and go to bed!


This day was the main reason for my trip this year, that and to set up our November 18-26, 2016 Rome Pilgrimage.  I completed my business this morning with Lubna for our journey and only have to finalize the air in late January to put the trip together.  


MONDAY 9/28     EARLY-  Stan led the group to the Vatican Museum this morning.  They were traveling from Manzoni to Ottaviano when the metro stuck.  Stan brought them up from the Metro and went to a hotel and called two cabs for them to travel to the Vatican Museum.  His quick thinking got them there only about 15 minutes late.  They are having a great day at the Vatican and I’m thinking about a nap.  Blessings to each of you.  Hope you can all come to Rome with us in 2016!


MONDAY 9/28/15

TODAY, Monday was a relaxing day.  My total step output was less than 8,000 steps and I finished the day tired but not worn out.  It was still a busy day finishing up things and getting stuff put together.  

In the afternoon I met the group for lunch after their tour of the Vatican.  Stan led the group and he and Mel had been before but the others had not.  It was an eye-opening experience for them and Carla does such a marvelous job of taking folks thru the Vatican Museum and St. Peter’s.  I ate too much at lunch and purposed not to do that again.  The Pizza is soooo good and the Caprese is superb!  Oh well I’m planning on starving when I get back home.  How does that go?  “When in Rome!”


We visited St Peter in Chains where we viewed Michelangelo’s Moses after taking the long way around to St Peter in Chains, by my reckoning we went about 2,000 steps out of the way but just sayin it was definitely the long way and when we went back I went my way, sauntered back, took about 20 pictures and stopped to talk with someone on the way and then to my surprise as I neared Capo di Africa there was the group still on route to San Clemente where they would visit the ruins beneath the church. I think my feet just naturally find the shortcuts.  


Dr Dukes led in the Bible study as we continued in Romans and of course for dessert we had profiteroles.  Super good!  The folks went out after dinner to walk around.  Rick showed back up in a few minutes.  I said short walk.  He said his only commitment was to the gelato shop and back.   I think that was wise.  


TUESDAY 9/29/15

All but me and Jim Dukes went to Florence.  They left at 6:30am this morning and hopefully will return in time for dinner tonight at 7:30pm.  

I slept till 7:15am when I woke with a start.  I had planned to have breakfast at 7:15 with J Dukes but obviously it would be at 8am.  We had a leisurely breakfast discussing various world situations and coming to many good conclusions but mostly we just had an excellent breakfast.  The croissants which I don’t normally eat were fresh and warm and good.  Yum.  Oh well another meal where I didn’t observe appropriated restraint.  I did really good the first four days but gave in this morning.  Excellent.  

We met Carla at 9am and walked to terminal B and took the metro out to the next to last stop and got on a bus to Tivoli-about an hour ride up into the hills outside of Rome.  Tivoli us a beautiful little hilltown where the travertina used in building Rome came from.  We rode thru the valley and up the hill on crowded two lane roads.    The bus made lots of stops and took about an hour to get to Tivoli.  It’s only about 30 kms so it was a little slow but very scenic.  The bus was hot but the seat comfortable.  

Such a beautiful town.  We walked the town from front to back, up and down and across.  The people are friendly and outgoing.  Several greeted us.  It was a very nice and enjoyable walk.  Even though it was up and down two hills it wasn’t intense so it was fairly easy.  

  1.  THE REAL DEAL TODAY: Lunch at Ristorante Sibilla in Tivoli established in 1720.  WOW.  They have a wisteria covered dining area outside, the day was stunning, the overlook of the valley was beautiful and the food was the very best.  We started with a Caprese salad which was the best I’ve had.  I had vegetable soup (turnip green based) and Jim and I had risotto with seafood and cantaloupe (amazing.)  Carla had sardines and pasta (looked good?)

This was a relaxing and enjoyable meal.  Lots of conversation and some planning for tomorrow and next year when we return.  Carla knew some of the folks here and enjoyed meeting them.  We walked the entire town again and caught the express bus back to metro B.  It only took about 30 minutes to get back to the metro line and another 25 minutes to get back to the hotel.  What a sight filled day.  So much green and beauty.  Such a wonderful little town.  Tivoli is definitely worth a visit when you visit Rome.  It is easy to get to also so add it to your trip plans.  


ROME -TU (9/29), WE (9/30) & TH (10/01)

Every trip and pilgrimage I’ve taken (the number is more than 100 and I hope to take 100 more) has its own character. Some are super intense, some mountain top experiences and others are just special. This trip falls into the just special classification.

I’ve been so blessed to travel with some of the greatest people who travel easily and love the adventure of traveling.

  1. J Dukes and I (9am)went with Carla to the Manzoni entrance of the metro and traveled to the next to last exit on line A and then caught a bus to Tivoli. Really good day of exploring in a picturesque hill town in Lazio just outside of Rome.

This is the city of Villa D’Est which we had visited several years ago. We didn’t include it in our walk today instead walking up and over the hill and all around the town.

We had lunch at Sibilla, a restaurant begun in 1720. We ate outside under their wisteria covered canopy. The food was superb. We had vegetable soup, caprese salad and a seafood risotto with cantaloupe. Amazing. The restaurant was next to Roman ruins overlooking a very deep gorge with a beautiful waterfall.

We also discovered some very nice apartments that rented for $500/mo. Nice. We got back to the Lancelot about 4:30pm. Wonderful day of adventure.

Another great evening meal at the Lancelot. Faris does a consistently outstanding job preparing excellent evening meals at the Lancelot. We always take our evening meals at the Lancelot. The food really is very good and by 7pm each night I’m at the end of my ability to walk any more that day.


  1. A special day. We all opted to take the morning off. Some walked over to San Clemente and some did other things. The time passes so fast.

We were going out to Carla’s for lunch and were to arrive about 1:30pm.  She lives at the very northern edge of Rome, a 15-20 min bus ride beyond the end of Metro B. Another adventure. Unfortunately Carla’s mom fell and banged up her shoulder. Carla had to take her to the emergency room and while nothing was broken Carla’s brother came and stayed with her mom and she met us at her apartment about 2:30pm.

She had made the preparations for lunch before she took h r mother to the emergency room.

Lunch was excellent. Caprese salad, meats, bread, Carla’s picnic salad, homemade bean & pasta soup (I love soup especially hearty soups), sausage, tomatoes and several other things. It was quite a spread even for the 7 of us. We loved her apartment. It is quite adequate, and a much nicer neighborhood than I had thought. We met Nello the cat. He actually obeys Carla very well.

I was honored that Carla thought enough of us to invite us into her home. She is our friend and the 7 of us and Carla had good fellowship.

Our whole trip has been special.


TH we got up, breakfast, airport compliments of Giovanni and son (even our transporter went out of his way to take care of us) and some 20 hours later here I sit at whatever altitude on a commuter jet about 2 hours from New Orleans.

Thank you for your prayers. We had such a good time and accomplished all of our reasons for going. I’m already looking forward to our Nov 18-26, 2016 Pilgrimage to Rome. Hope you can go with us.


A journey begins, it’s often harsh, especially after 65
Time is the enemy, not enough, too much
We put our minds on hold or think of tomorrow
Nothing is comfortable but we tell our mind relax, ignore
We will soon be there, all will be well, you’ll see, promise

Day – night – there, another journey
Luggage, immigration, transfer
Hotel, stunning sights, new smells, strange sounds
The light is perfect, pictures, walks
Dinner tastes unusually good, fading, worn out it’s time to sleep

A new morning, although the first night’s sleep is a little fitful
Showered, refreshed, dressed, sunny
Out the window amazing sights, a new place, adventure ahead
Walking to breakfast, hungry, the difficulty on the journey to forgotten
I’m here, quick breakfast, all put together, let’s go

Clay Corvin 9/24/15 sitting in the Alitalia lounge at JFK waiting on my flight
It’s been an all day journey so far. It’s just the price you pay for adventure.