Author - Clay Corvin


FORTY-SEVEN YEARS TOGETHER – spanning six decades
A quick dance – a slow tango
Meals and thrills and a cast of thousands
Many at our table-even more at our restaurants

We have learned to hang on, hang in, hang out
Struggled with lymphedema, cancer, allergies, flu
Pains lasting decades
Heartache lasting twenty plus years

Yet here we are
Together and better than ever
Each day my refrain is good morning God
Thank you for life-Thank you for Carol

We look with pride at our children and their mates
They live life with zest
Properly exhibiting the travel bug that their dad worked so hard to bequeath
Thank you Lord for our children-all six of them

Grandchildren are a blessing and we have three precious blessings
Kids say the darnedest things and ours surely did
Grandkids say the cutest things and ours do
Thank you Father for our grandchildren

We are so blessed with friends
Carol is so likable, faithful and true-her friends are lifelong and wonderful
My friends especially bless us some over forty plus years-I am grateful for them
Carol is my best friend-she is the best part of me-my guide and counselor

Thank you Carol as we celebrate another year- number 47 years of marriage
You have walked the walk and talked the talk-you are the best
Thank you for your courage, loyalty, insights and faithfulness
So proud to be with you, so proud you are my wife, thank you for this life

Clay Corvin
On this the occasion of our 47th Wedding Anniversary
September 14, 2015


A new day dawns, David crowned with victory over his foes
Today we live our life victoriously for Jesus gives us HIS victory
Soon Jesus will return in triumph over the World-He is Lord, He is king
Jesus alone will be exalted

Jesus secret was His strength in the Lord God
A prevailing strength-Jesus only did the Father’s will
Refusing to act independently of the Father, He sought God’s face in prayer
Jesus alone will be exalted

Christ triumphed over all of His enemies on the Cross
Going to His death seeming meek and weak
The Father raised Him from the grave-Jesus is alive today
Christ alone will be exalted

One day Jesus will be crowned with many crowns
Absolute, omnipotent sovereignty
King of kings and Lord of Lords Jesus is the true representation of the Godhead bodily
Jesus alone will be exalted

Christ died for us-each one of us as if there were no other of us
He bore our sin to the Cross and on that Cross He paid my price, our price
His sacrifice is a worthy and perfect sacrifice-It saves us forever
Jesus alone will be exalted

Christ trusts in the Father
He trusts God’s promise and in the character of the Father as God of all things
He knows the Father, He is from God, He is with God, indeed He is God
Christ alone will be exalted

Jesus kingdom is based on power-the ultimate power of the Father
When He returns it will be forceful and violent
In an instant every enemy of God will be discovered –He knows who belongs to Him
Jesus alone will be exalted

Our God is outraged at sin – His holiness cannot tolerate it – His righteousness responds
Man’s anemic view of God will be destroyed
The Lord is angry at the wicked every day
Jesus alone will be exalted

The Lord is passionate in the prosecution of His wrath against sin and evil
His judgment will be permanent and complete and He will swallow the wicked
In that day of Jesus return the Lord will deal with the wicked by His strength
Christ alone will be exalted

At last Jesus the Lord will reign in absolute power-He will not forget us
We will see Him face to face – Lord and King we will follow Him
Throughout eternity He will be our Lord and we will be His people
Jesus alone will be exalted
Clay Corvin September 12, 2015



Lord I love you, You are my strength, my salvation
Jesus saves me completely, giving me wisdom, mercy, grace and understanding
I stand amazed Lord, You Father, give me direction for living
Jesus brings me close, Christ is my connection to You, In Him is the victory
He shed His blood for me, He paid the price for my forgiveness
In Jesus I have freedom, I can choose my way and you guide me Lord

We reason by the heart and reason doesn’t know what the heart reasons
You Lord are my Rock, you are lasting, standing upon you I can see ahead
The horizon is no longer obscured for I see hope, and joy and peace and victory
The Lord is my fortress, there is safety in YOU
Now my life is protected, I am not alone for you are always with me
Jesus is my deliverer, I am personally connected with Him and the Father
The outcome of my life is assured, Jesus is with me for me and in me
Praise the Lord I belong to Him and he belongs to me
He is my God, I count, He gives me value, I have a plan for my life
The Lord knows my name, my activities, nothing I do is hidden from Him

My confidence in Jesus is an expression of spiritual truths
I belong to the Lord, my life has meaning, I am His ambassador
Jesus is my elder brother, today is of utmost importance to God
Every moment of my life is dear to Him, what I do, what I say
In Jesus every step we take is on our journey of victory
I am able, He will equip me, keep growing, keep learning
Let the Lord God work out His victory in everything I do
In Jesus we have His imagination at work in us, He gives us understanding

Call upon the Lord, right now shout to Jesus
He is listening, we can praise Him for He is worthy of all of our praise
We can rejoice in Him for His plans for us are great and wonderful
Claim His peace, call out to Him, Lord I need you
Praise Him again and again, with every breath praise Him
Our victory is assured, Jesus is the victor
The battle is won by Jesus the PERFECT SAVIOR, WARRIOR OF GOD
The Servant of the Lord is our Savior, Praise His name He is Lord

Clay Corvin August 29, 2015


Charles Salter loved his wife and children intensely and without reservation

He talked about them, was proud of them and spent time with them

Charles loved Jesus and constantly sought His direction and guidance

Quick to share his faith – consistent in living a Godly life


His family and friends were of particular importance to Charles

Charles was careful not to complain-He didn’t want to burden others with his problems

He had a strong sense of honor and always did His best

He loved his community and his country


Trustworthy in his personal and professional life

He knew what it meant to give his word


Loyal to his colleagues, his employer, his church, his family, his friends and Jesus

Charles could always be counted on to be there


Helpful to anyone that needed help

Charles was quick to jump in and do what needed to be done


Friendly to those that cared for him and those that didn’t

He was always a positive factor in any setting


Courteous to the kind and unkind

He made a decision early in his life to be polite and well spoken


Kind to friend and foe alike

It was in his nature to be kind to everyone


Obedient to the Lord, and in all areas of his life

Charles always practiced doing the next right thing, period


Cheerful in his heart, in his manner, in his thoughts

He loved people and enjoyed being with them


Thrifty with his money and yours and generous to the Lord

He lived carefully and practically and provided for his family


Brave and courageous of heart- he did things right

Difficult situations and difficult people didn’t scare Charles


Clean of mind, clean of heart, Jesus occupied his thoughts

Charles knew how important it was to let Jesus guide your thoughts and actions


Reverent to the Lord – he was a man that understood we have an awesome God

Charles had a healthy fear of the Lord-the beginning of wisdom


A real man, a wonderful friend, a great colleague- now with Jesus

We are sad- heartbroken- we were blessed to have you – adieu

CLAY CORVIN August 28, 2015




John loved people
His first words – “How can I help?”
He was concerned about your needs
Always quick to pray for a needy student, friend or fellow faculty member
He would do his share of the work and yours too
John knew how to fix mechanical equipment and he fixed cars
For those who could pay, for those who couldn’t pay
Many hundreds of Seminary students had a car because John fixed it

John loved his family, deeply, thoroughly and consistently
They talked about stuff and things – he wanted them to have the best
He strived for them to be the best and they all know Jesus
John was quick to remind you that your name was carved in God’s hands
That Jesus didn’t have an eraser – Christ took us, kept us and walked with us
I can fix that John would say and would give beyond giving to you and for you
He was your friend without airs, no judging, always there
John was a special person that just cared for others like he cared for his family

A friend, a confessor, a good listener
His humility legendary, never self-serving
A hard worker, you came first with John
John loved the Lord, he shared Jesus
Loved by his students
An indefatigable and tireless worker
John didn’t see himself as a great leader – he was
He didn’t seek accolades – he has them in the halls of heaven

John was our friend
He cared for us
He loved us as best he could
Best regards to Jesus and your Father – We already miss you brother

Clay Corvin August 24, 2015

God Has a Word for YOU Hebrews 1:1-5


GOD has a Word for you – Jesus
Creation is groaning in bondage – Jesus
The truth has been presented to us – Jesus
Christians act like pagans – Jesus
God’s Word to you – His saving Word – His healing word – Jesus

How can we learn to believe?
How can we teach others to believe?
How can we communicate the Gospel?
What can we do to lead the lost to Christ?
A life focused on Christ, available, usable, open, loving is the How

Jesus is the way
Christ is the all-inclusive Word of God
He is the Alpha and Omega – the first and the last
Jesus is the heir of all things, the boundary of history
Everything we need for a God-like life is found in Jesus

Jesus is the Creator
Everything comes from His hand –absolute, complete, total
He is the originator of all life processes
Before Abraham was born I AM
Jesus is Lord of all – He is Lord indeed

Jesus sustains all things
He is untouchable, unseeable, unweighable, pure force
Everything exists in Him
All things are maintained by Him
Jesus is God’s everything, just like God, He is God

Jesus is the redeemer
He satisfies our deepest need
He is our God connection-the only way to the Father
Our world desperately needs to be redeemed
Jesus was the blood sacrifice-His blood pays the price for our redemption

Jesus is greater than angels
He is not a servant
He is the Son of God –He has all authority from the Father
He is the beginning and the end, the originator and sustainer
The heir of all things, Jesus Christ is our Savior

Clay Corvin August 22, 2015



HIS claim unchanged – preserve justice and do righteousness
OUR claim unchanged- we do what we want when we want to do it
We subrogate God’s manifest demands
Inserting worship attendance and denominational purity
Look at us doing HIS will
We argue who is most pure – who is most correct – the Temple over all else

Isaiah declares Israel’s deviation – their transgressions
Israel loved religious practice – they learned nothing in the exile
They like us were active in reminding God what HE owed them
Look how pure our worship is – Why would you send tragedy upon us
The World and its ways are horrible – YET we stand before you properly pure
Our lifestyle reeks of sin – we lie cheat and steal, quarrel, gossip, self centered
Hooray for me and to heck with you – self proclaimed, needy ignored, no morality
God cannot stand to be in our presence- foolish people that never learn
Always admonishing others when we ourselves are desperately in need of forgiveness
We cannot hide our hearts or our actions from the Lord – Jesus calls us – change

The Lord isn’t paying attention to us – our religious practice is ungodly
We ignore the widow, the orphan and the poor – We demand life on our terms
Serving God, living the righteous life isn’t a CAFETERIA LINE
We are a nation whose hands are defiled with the blood of abortion
Liars prosper even in the church – pastors are corporate executives – living the high life
Tithing is old school – we live our lives without concern for the poor or lost
Jesus demands truth and honesty – we call evil good and good evil
A pastor preaches the Word and we decamp him – searching for someone to tickle our ears
With our feet we follow Jesus – with our feet we run from sin
If there is something lacking in our righteous walk – we have walked away from God

Yet Jesus loves us – while we were dead in our sin Jesus died for us – His love complete
Salvation is provided by the Lord – HE is able to save us – to save us completely, eternally
He will forgive us – He will equip us – He will walk with us
Isaiah said He will forgive – He will forgive you
There is salvation in no one else – Jesus saves – Jesus saves

Clay Corvin – August 8, 2015

YOU – PROVERBS 4:20-26

YOU – PROVERBS 4:20-26

The Christian Walk is a call for YOU
Outlining the who, what, when, where of a daily Christian Life
Let me say again and again-Pray, walk and do
A Christian is called to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord Jesus
We don’t tell others how to walk this way-we share the Gospel
The Lost always act like the lost-dead in their trespasses and sin
We commend ourselves to walk this way-His Words caution YOU

How then shall we live? What are the things we do?
Pray, read God’s Word, listen to the Holy Spirit, be an ambassador

Read the Word of God
Our lives are a work of grace-Jesus loves you
He tells you about his love, his mercy and grace
Packaged in the Bible-a living Word to his children
Guiding us to live Godly lives, forgiving lives, and consecrated lives
Remember his Word, Jesus is alive, the Holy Spirit quickens our soul
His Word brings health to our physical body, it is living in us

Discipline your life-learning to be kind and gentle – people need Jesus
Set aside grudges-bear evil for no one – confess your sin and change
Give the Lord Jesus your bad thoughts
He will remove your stinking thinking and give you positive thoughts
He made us, He knows us, daily surrender to Him-do what He says

Watch your mouth – set aside cursing – don’t do it
Swallow your hard words – stop your gossip
Today proclaim in word and deed that you will only say good

We have eyelids so we can close our eyes to lustful evil
Pornography out of your life – quit lustful thinking
Remember discipline – when you start down the evil road
Grab yourself as soon as you can and ask Jesus to put you back on His road
Run from sexual sin – it capitavates your soul
You cannot be whole caught up in sexual sin – Jesus will cleanse you

People count with Jesus – you certainly do – He died for you
Everyone you see – saved or lost – count with Jesus
We are called as a Christ partner to make sure they know they count
Proclaim the Word of God in love – especially to a brother or sister
Be the Word of God to the Lost – love them, pray for them, live kindly with them
Jesus is Lord, He is Lord of all – The Christian walk is a call for YOU

August 1, 2015
Clay Corvin – ,

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We follow Jesus, looking for His wisdom, mercy, grace and understanding
Seeking to have a mind like His, surrendered and committed to doing the Father’s will
Holy Spirit indwelling us, giving us what we need and cannot earn
His guidance, our forgiveness, Father Son and Holy Spirit ONE
Attitude check – Jesus is Lord- Remember this every minute of every day

God has a plan, His plan includes you, but you must choose to be part of it
Daily building your relationship with Jesus, by prayer and His Word
What we do counts, we can choose to be free from sin, it cannot control us
Jesus gives us the choice to walk away from sin, we are the one that must do that
Asking Him for forgiveness and strength and His control of our life

People count with Jesus, they must count with us
All people count, the good, the bad, friend and foe, Jesus died for each one of us
We are called to go, to go tell the World the Gospel Message
Jesus loves you, He died for you, He gives you new life, you are no longer an outsider
Jesus paid the price for our sin and His free gift is new life in Himself

We live for Jesus, we love because of Jesus, we are equipped by Jesus
It’s all about Him, He calls us to talk about eternal things
Forgiveness, salvation, power, strength, life and light- Jesus is alive in us
Jesus is God’s everything, we don’t begin with Him and move on to something better
We begin with Jesus, grow with Jesus, serve Jesus, follow Jesus and one day we will see Him

We serve the Lord High God, Jesus our Creator seeks to use us as His representative
Glorifying the Father, we praise His name, we do His work, we love one another
Jesus would that all be saved, we are proclaiming His name until He returns
We are not responsible for someone’s decision, we are responsible to tell them
Together we will serve Him, Together we live with Jesus and one another

Do not despair, your life belongs to Jesus and He will not desert you
Do not fear, Jesus is Lord and all things belong to Him-the victory is won
Do not stumble away, pay attention to your life, stay close to Jesus
Do read His Word daily, do turn away from evil, do let Jesus change you
And Jesus will give you the Father’s peace and joy-Jesus loves you

Clay Corvin July 18, 2015

JESUS IS ALL I NEED – Galatians 1:1-5

JESUS IS ALL I NEED – Galatians 1:1-5

Saved by grace thru faith
Focused on Jesus
He is the only way – No other way to the Father
Not by works, not by change
Salvation in Jesus only– Jesus is all I need

He died on the cross
His life for mine
His blood paid my price – my slate is clean
His love overcame my hate
I owe everything to Him – Jesus is all I need

His work on the Cross-delivered me from this present evil age
He sent the Holy Spirit to reside in His children
No reason to be bound – No longer shackled to sin
Heaven is here in me – not by and by, right now
I’m living in victory – Jesus is all I need

Jesus and the Father are one – together they tasked the Son
To come to Earth and save my soul
To suffer and die that I might become whole
It was God the Father – It was God’s will – God’s plan
Jesus surrendered to the Father’s will – no surprise – Jesus is all I need

It is God’s will that you be saved – He paid a heavy price for you
Come to Christ – Surrender your will to His – ask Him into your heart
For God so loved you that He gave His only son that you might be saved
Surrender now – let His love and forgiveness empower you
Jesus is Lord and He loves you, Jesus is all you need

Clay Corvin 7/4/2015