Author - Clay Corvin



I missed it – my lack of attention dooming me
To be used – a slave to convention
Little caring how foolish I would be – enslaved to my emotion
Christ calls us to focus – discipline – train
To equip us – to care for us – to be our partners
This world is a harsh place – every day we need Jesus and His grace

Jesus loves you and me – His love changes us
If we will let Him in to train us – guiding us through activity to discipline
Sin is an evil foe – slipperier than we ever know – always seeking our death
Saved to serve –Jesus calls us to the fight – only I can sideline myself
Fighting the same fight each day – doomed to failure by my laziness
We minister in relative obscurity – seeking our 15 minutes of fame

I am pressed by sin each moment of each day – pushed to claim my way
Jesus calls me to surrender – Jesus knows I can’t win without Him
Satan knows that he can’t lose – if he keeps me stirred up
Satan encourages me to become overwhelmed – I deserve to be able to sin
Satan whispers in my ear – do it again – it feels good so surely it can’t hurt you
I wake up further from Jesus than I ever thought I would go – help me Lord

Jesus says He will help me be brave – He will stand with me and carry me
I have to give up my self rule – give it to Christ – Let Jesus have my life
Yes I will still sin – He will forgive me – claiming my focus Jesus will teach me
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus becomes my incessant cry – He is king of me, I will not die
His love, His wisdom, His mercy, His grace change me- He breaks the chains holding me
I am free – it is my right in Christ – Jesus has a hold on me-in surrender I am free

All of us – you – me as members of the body of Christ – are called to a Jesus life
More like Him – less like me is my daily mantra – I follow Jesus- I belong to Him
Read His Word – Spend time with Him – Pray
Strive in Christ to make your faith you practice – Not what I want Jesus-What you want
The question for me- Am I doing better than yesterday?
Today I will strive with Christ as my guide to do the next right thing

Clay Corvin June 20, 2015

Eph 3:1-20


The Staple Singers are one of my favorite groups.

They hit it big in the late 60’s at Stax Records and recorded several of their songs at the historic Muscle Shoals studios.  Roebuck “Pops” Staples began singing with the family at his brother’s church in Chicago.  He kept their singing tight and professional.  They sang for a long time before they hit it big.  The Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section were with them on their most popular recordings.  Two of their covers- Otis Redding’s “Dock of the Bay” and The Band’s “The Weight” have been very popular.

I know you’re thinking “what does Clay know about music?”  Truthfully very little.  Jason Waggoner, a Seminary Music Adjunct Professor, is one of my favorite musicians.  My favorites are The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Allman Brothers, etc. as you well might expect from a person who was a teenager at the beginning of the 60’s.  I do love Rock and Roll and yet I do love Jazz, especially New Orleans Jazz.

I’ve listened to Mavis Staples sing “I’ll Take You There” maybe a thousand times.  I love that song.  It really will take you there.  There are several things I want to tell you about that song.

I NEVER NOTICED  that she called on each one of the musicians in the Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section to play individually.  I missed it.  It’s about 1/3’ of the way thru the song and I think by that time I’m so overwhelmed at the wonderful opening and Mavis’ reverie.  In reading an article about the song I actually went to my I-Tunes and played the song, listening to it because I couldn’t believe the author was right.  How could that be?  How could I have missed something as obvious as that?

APPLICATION: You may have thought this was simply about The Staple Singers.  It isn’t and although I love their music the Lord began working on me.  I wish that I was a better learner.  I want to be a better learner.  Here goes:

1. We minister in obscurity most of our life.  The Staple Singers (their last name is actually Staples) were relatively unknown until the late 60’s but they had already been singing nearly 20 years when their 15 minutes of fame came along.  They didn’t sing to get famous-although I’m sure they thought about.  I’m sure they sang on stage with very famous people.  The Rolling Stones loved their music and just about everything about Muscle Shoals Studios.  They sang because that is what they did.  They were good at it, they knew and they kept doing it.

2. We are called men and women of God. They sang because that’s who they were.  You and I minister because that is what God-GOD!- called us to do.  When you face uncertain days and hard times REMEMBER your calling-look at your HOLE CARD.  Why are you doing this?  Certainly not to make people happy-we are doing this because as Paul noted we must tell everyone about Jesus.  If you are doing what you are doing without a call and Jesus isn’t the focus of your life-ministry is going to be a hard slog.

3. Check how you think about the Gospel.  Some after preaching to others for 20, 30, 40 years don’t listen to their preaching.  It become perfunctory, old hat, easy and they forget that when they stand to preach, when they go to minister, they are standing together with the Lord being HIS hands and feet and voice.  Ministry is a sacred thing and that includes feeding the hungry, preaching to the masses, clothing the homeless, and helping the helpless.  Oh it also includes loving the unlovely.  Oh yes you might say that I’ve not been called, I’m just a layperson.  If you are part of the Body of Christ you have been called.  Jesus brought you to the ministry.  I’ve pastored homeless missions, prisons, current co-pastor a drug rehab church ministry here in New Orleans and I’ve been doing this since 1976.  I have been called as a preacher to the masses and as best as I can-often times failing-I’ve done my best everywhere I speak.  I’m not erudite, I don’t have the best speaking voice and generally I dress poorly and have to be reminded to speak up.  That reminds me of one of Dr Landrum Leavell’s sayings: STAND UP, SPEAK UP, SIT DOWN!  But you and I must tenaciously wrest everyone we meet from the darkness.  It’s is an awful thing for a person to die not knowing Jesus.

4. Don’t be surprised when you discover a new truth.  Just like me listening to I’ll Take You There all those times and never noticed what turned out to be a big thing on the recording.  Yes I knew the song and in my mind could catch Mavis’ tune and it would take me there-relax, let go, don’t worry, etc.   You nor I know everything, even when we have committed it to memory and worked with a Bible Book for 20 and more years we don’t know it all.  Only the Trinity is eternal.  Jesus knows everything and is God’s everything.  My thinking is that I look for every opportunity for the Lord to teach me, especially when I am preaching or teaching.  The Holy Spirit will convict us of new truth that we have missed all of our life.  Jesus loves us and will use us as much as we will let Him.

5. Don’t quit-keep moving forward.  Yes each one of us get discouraged by our sin.  We certainly are sinful creatures.  If you feel you are without sin dear brother or sister, get with Jesus and ask HIM over the next 7 days to point out your sin.  If you last 24 hours without going to your knees I would be surprised.  The Staple Singers were never an “A-List” group and yet they made a very significant contribution in Rock Music.  They were there right at the beginning.  They influenced a whole generation of British singers some of whom are still “A-List”.   Mavis today is one of the significant Gospel Music voices and her collaboration with the Band in the 70’s is legendary.  This side of heaven few will know what you and I are doing and I assure you that is okay because the Lord knows.  I can’t remember all of the churches I’ve preached in where one or two deacons or a couple of ladies have been the strength in that Body of Christ.  My word to you no matter how bad it gets or how bad it is don’t quit.  Always keep short accounts with Jesus about your sin.  Now is always the right time to repent.

I meant to write a lot more than this and may revisit this one day but for now I think I’ve gotten everything I was thinking about the Staple Singers out.  Jesus is Lord.  We need each other.  Don’t hold in your hurt, find someone to talk about it with.  Jesus loves you.   


It is hard for people to believe God
We want to do it our way
Our time, our victory
Our results never quite work out right
Jesus is Lord-He offers us salvation- Life like God’s life

Betraying Christ-we listen to what the world wants
Their rules their morals even when they are in direct opposition to the Father
What will we get even though we are seeking good
Reaping the whirlwind, sowing the seeds of doubt and despair
Look around you; everywhere people are in chaos

Saved by grace
Powered by Christ
Seek out the hurting, care for the weak, listen to the lonely
We have a choice – my way or His way
Surrender to Jesus – He loves you

Ritual sacrifice, in word and deed do not mollify God
We are called to salvation-surrender to Jesus-have faith in the Lord
Strive for submission-the Lord isn’t interested in what we can do for Him
He is seeking those that will bend the knee to Him all their life-He is Lord
Useable, obedient, faithful, growing-I make my choice for YOU LORD

Clay Corvin April 18, 2015


Deut 4:29 …if you search for him with all your heart and soul you will find him.


Do you believe God?  Do you believe Him for your situation?
We need to move from knowing about Him to knowing Him
To understand that His 7,000 plus promises in the ible are true
They are written to me and you for guidance in our daily life

I believe you God, in the midst of the fire of life I believe you
I trust you Lord, my actions show how real you are to me
So many say it is hard to read your Word, it’s dry, it applies to others
It applies to me 100%, your Word is a light unto my feet, a strength for my heart

Lord your Word is there for me to know
Knowing your Word equips me, enables me to stand in the face of evil
It picks me up when I am down, it takes my frown and turns it upside down
Let the light of your Word ready me for today, this is the day that the Lord has made

I will meditate on your Word Father, letting it soak into my soul
Inscribing its letters on my heart, that I might not sin against you
I know You know me and I want to know YOU better
Time is passing by, redeem the time Lord and let me be your servant

I believe you Lord
I believe you can change those things wrong in me
Outfitting me to do Your work, helping those you’ve put me with
Every promise in your Word is YES and AMEN, Jesus loves me, this I know

Clay Corvin   August 9, 2014


No force of nature
No act of man
Can divert the Lord’s will
He reigns

Evil seeks to block our way
Time batters our work
We tire in the heat of the day
He reigns

Untimely deaths
Failure’s painful hand
Fears icy stare
He reigns

Jesus is greater than anything
His love deeper than imagination
His care everlasting
He reigns

You have value
Your life is worthy
Every thought He has of you is good
He reigns

Be who you are
Do what you can
Jesus will not forget you
He reigns




David declared his humility before the Lord
He knew his place, he claimed his faith, peace be still

Trifling with the Lord is serious business God knows our heart
It is a choice to claim the Lord – it is a choice to serve the Lord
We choose – I choose to be what HE says
Lord dig out my pride – destroy it but save me
Give me eyes that see YOUR love – a heart pure without cunning
I want to be who I am – trusting you for salvation, peace and joy
I will be your child, I will be your servant, I will love those I’m with

Help me set aside the ways of the world – a grateful heart guides me
I will do what you say Lord – Help my unbelief
Teach me my limitations – Blessed are the ways of the Lord
Lead me in your everlasting way – my life rests in your gracious hands
Thy will not my will Lord – I will do the best at what I do
Destroy my self-sufficiency, self will, self seeking
Pour out your grace upon me that I will walk in your way

Hope in the Lord – He is my strength
My faith is in His promises, His presence, His salvation
One day face to face, help me claim heaven today
Those things unseen, open my eyes Lord that I might see
Those things unheard, open my ears Lord that I might hear
Develop a yearning in me for YOU- every breath I take is YOU
Indwell me with your confidence, I hope in the Lord

Clay Corvin April 11, 2015




He died for me on that rugged cross

Feeling sin suffering loss

Burdened by my agony

Jesus is Lord of me


Daily time in His precious Word

The Holy Spirit silently heard

Direction, advice, counseling and more

Jesus is Lord of me


I give my all to Him each day

All my thoughts are sent His way

My heart is light for He holds my hand

Jesus is Lord of me


This journey began before I was a man

My pain and heartache placed in His hand

He spoke to me with loving words I was heard

Jesus is Lord of me


Fifty years I’ve walked His path

He has shared every failure and victory

Always guiding me His love never fails

Jesus is Lord of me


Jesus is my friend

I could not survive without Him

One day I will stand before Him

Jesus is Lord of me


Clay Corvin   September 4, 2010




Jesus taught by word and action
Demonstrating what the Father wanted
Showing how the Father cared
He was Lord and had great compassion for the people

Feeding 4,000 with seven loaves of bread
His disciples passed out the food
Seven baskets of leftovers
The Father had blessed the bread with plenty

Jesus is always enough
Whatever you are facing
Jesus is enough
He will meet your needs

Pharisees demanded a sign
Jesus was more than enough
He was God’s sign
The Lord would forgive our sin making us part of His family

Even then the disciples were in the dark
They didn’t catch His message
Jesus spread His light
Beware of the ways of the world-it will infect you, sideline you, overwhelm your heart

Open your eyes-God is calling you
Believe by faith and the Lord will partner with you
Soften your heart- there is much to do
When you are down – remember what the Lord has done for you

Clay Corvin February 21, 2015

MY SIGHT – MT 7:14

MY SIGHT – MT. 7:4

I grasp the images of my youth

Pain and evil swirling round

Knowing all the while it’s through

I’m rid of you


Yet I hang on to those images

Viewing again and again

As a vacant tooth cries for a searching tongue

I seek out those things that hurt me


At the same time I criticize you

Do this; don’t do that

This is how you should be living

Oh God how can I be so blind?


Daily I’m bombarded with images

My eyes the windows of my soul

Lord if I can’t control old images

How will I deal with each day?


Trauma of any type

Burns images in our soul

Desperate to be whole

Lord cleanse me from evil


These images lie to us

Claiming we are this way

I know who I am, Jesus has cut me free

His precious blood cleanses me


Open my eyes Lord that I might see you

Give me release from these images controlling me

Help me see myself through Jesus eyes

That I might be a servant to those around me


Slowly slowly I am freed

Jesus has a hold on me, I have a hold on Him

My vision for God sharpens, I know Him better

I see YOU Lord; More of You; Less of me; Jesus is Lord


Clay Corvin   February 15, 2015



Give ear; give ear to my words Lord
I’m in trouble; life has caught me in a bind
I need your fullest attention; I love you Lord
My trouble is gnawing at my soul; help me

You are the only ONE Lord; there is no other
As I cry out to you; I’m mindful of my needs
Let me recite them to YOU; I know you are listening
My heart is right; I am innocent in this fiasco

Lord the lawless and wicked are attacking me; they are acting the fool
I know that the foolish will not stand; I trust in your power Lord
Nothing gets by You; they have no claim against me
You abhor the deceitful; they have no future; my future is with you

Lead me Lord in your righteousness
Protect me from the evil schemers and their schemes
I do not want revenge; surround me with Your favor
You are my shield and protection, I belong to you Lord

Oh Lord I am grateful; thank you for listening to me
I know I am heard; I know You care
Your love is my life; Your blessings are innumerable
Bless the name of the Lord; You O Lord are my God

Clay Corvin February 11, 2015