Author - Clay Corvin


We live our life
A cultural mess
Convinced of glory
Reality confessed

Truth deflates
The lies we tell
Serious lives
Going to Hell

Seldom filled with God’s desires
We walk our streets
With hearts afire
Searching searching searching

A vague unrest
We’re off the track
Has God said
My life’s a wreck

Help me claim the life God gives
Obedience, wisdom, mercy, grace
Jesus lives in me
Seeking to set me free

This is the day the Lord has made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
I trust the Lord my soul to keep
Depart from me angst, joy claim my life

Clay Corvin February 8, 2015


Standing on Jerusalem’s walls
I see the world walking by

Ancient Egypt conquered
Slaying, persecuting, destroying
A vast empire for thousands of years
God delivered and the walls still stand

Babylon came, they cursed and screamed
We’re gonna bury you
The walls witnessed
God’s hand of judgment, Babylon disappeared

Philistia persecuted Saul and David
Bringing Israel to its knees again and again
An evil people who discounted God
Their hand was weak, the walls still stand

Ethiopia sent soldiers to all
Many died scaling God’s walls
Jerusalem, Oh Jerusalem
Your walls still stand

The Romans came crucifying Jesus
They tore down God’s wall
Jesus rebuilt it
Now we stand and see the world
Jesus is Lord, Lord of all

Clay Corvin. February 8, 2015


God came to Earth; to Israel His chosen
He sent prophets, priests and kings
No one followed the Lord; caught up in tradition they had God in a box
The people were wandering in darkness and they did not know the Lord

Jesus came teaching, preaching, healing and proclaiming the Good News
You are not at the mercy of the world; the Lord has heard you and is here
Poverty exercised a strident call, greed and avarice by all; COME Jesus said
Come to me and I will give you rest; come to me and I will equip you to live

Their leaders blocked their way; many came but few followed
Hating HIM the leaders put Him on a cross; He was dead
ON the third day the Lord God raised Jesus from the dead
He is now seated at the right hand of the Father; interceding for you and me

Now at the mercy of God; they had a choice-follow God or man
You have that choice; Jesus says there is no other way to the Father
Jesus is the only way; Lord of all and Savior; ask Him in your heart
He will save you; Jesus is the way the truth and the life, no other way to the father

Our God is a good God, He is merciful and long suffering
One day this will come to an end; Jesus is coming back
IN that day God will act swiftly; no longer time to repent, no longer time to be saved
That day will be judgment; Who will you follow? Do it now. Follow the Lord.

CC February 7, 2015


In the pain of my dilemma, YOU made a way
Nothing is too hard for God; He loves you
The disappointment, the trials
Harsh discoveries, evil afoot
It is impossible and yet YOU made a way

No one sees your footprints
Doubters proclaim your absence
In my distress YOU touched my arm
My heart was swayed; impossibility disappears
YOU are the ONE; I believe – Lord help me

As night turns to light, YOU made a way
YOU led me in my heartache; so desperate to succeed
Listening to me as I cried aloud all my needs
The way ahead seems forever; no solution on the horizon
Then out of the dark YOUR way appears, YOU led me

My path was simple and quick
What seemed a lifetime away was suddenly at hand
The Lord God has intervened; impossibility smashed
His way, His solution to what the world declared defeat
Victory, in the face of tragedy, YOU made a way

Clay Corvin February 7, 2015



Don’t walk on the wild side, evil commands each day
Nor stand with sinners, irreverent-hard hearted-don’t play

Sitting down with sly men, committed to selfish sin
Only causes failure, for a man trying to win

Focus your mind on God, He is worthy of every thought
His law brings wisdom, mercy and grace; His Word changes your heart

Think on these things; let them marinate your soul
The Lord is with you; He will not let you go

As evil ebbs and flows you will stand; storms will not get the upper hand
Your life will be fruitful; everything you turn yourself to will grow

Not so the wicked, there is a day of death
Everything they’ve worked for will blow away like chaff

Judgment will destroy the wicked, God will not let them off
Their way will perish, disappear, no longer will they hold sway

The wicked are headed to a mean and evil existence, perdition, hell, apart from God
The Godly man has Jesus as His Lord, Christ is God’s everything and He is for you

Clay Corvin February 4, 2015


Where you from? Have you won? Are you hurting?
Life humdrum? Victory none? Where you from?

Do you care? Can we go there? Thank you I’m done
Hurting, blue, discontinued, another anxious day. Do you care?

Help me? Tit for Tat. Mine for that
I need someone to listen to me. It’s a war in my soul. Help me?

Future home. A place without hope. A life with no glow.
Drugs shield me. Addiction my way out-death. Future home

Who can help? Who can heal? Nothing can fix me.
Jesus? Real? If you are there I’m willing. Who can help?

Change came. Heart claimed. A step. Another step.
Christ owns me. Hope. A sliver of light. Change came.

Clay Corvin 1/27/15



Fear stalks me; it chills my spine
Everyone I know; thinks I’m fine
I can’t tell them; the abuse and pain
Nothing frees me; the world turns its back on me
I don’t count; fear stalks me

Fear stalks me; childhood a sad blur
Heartless days; nights that wandered eternally
What can I do?; nothing to lose
I’ve dreamed; all dashed by reality
Failure is my quest; fear stalks me

Fear stalks me; no job, no hope
Nothing works; streets call out my name
Heartache and pain; the cold destroys
Tomorrow the same as today; each day worse
Hate and drugs the only change; fear stalks me

Fear stalks me; I live my life so badly
Inane and cruel; nothing to admire
Bored with living; what is the use
Trash and helplessness; drugs my only relief
Even my dreams despise me; fear stalks me

Hope calls my name; He said I count
He died on a cross; To prove His love for me
No one else ever cared; He came to me with life and light
I can see; Jesus loves me
No longer alone; Christ is my home
He changed me; A new heart; A new life
I have everything I need in Jesus; Fear no longer stalks me

Clay Corvin 1/25/15


Imitate Christ, in all you do
You are His, He loves you
He has filled us with love- Jesus gave His life for you

Love Jesus with all of your heart, one another as yourself
Walk in His love, as you go let the Holy Spirit guide your actions
Love the lost, share His love no matter the cost

Set aside the lust of this world, you do it, Jesus says to you
His strength available, His Word tells what to do
Forget the world, it lies to you

Claim His strength, Christ works in you
An attitude of gratitude, enables Jesus to respond through you
Satan lies saying you need this now, in Christ we have everything we need

Radiate the light, you are filled with Christ
Claim His life, He is alive in you
Change, change change a daily mantra, let the world be the world

Do what Jesus says, the Holy Spirit will direct you
Remember the Lord is speaking to you, yes you
Read the Word, pray, love one another, forgive, and repent-Jesus loves you

1.17.15 Clay Corvin


Babe of Bethlehem, Born in a manger, scorned by men
Poverty His choice, He was committed to following the Father
All around the Romans ruled, their way or the highway or worse

Mary great with child, Joseph devoted
Traveling to their ancestral home, Mary came due
Jesus was born, it says that Mary gave birth

How strong are you today? Are you willing to serve God
Will you let your morals be questioned by everyone?
Obviously and apparently condemning you even to death?

Mary stood in the face of accusations, her pregnancy condemning her
Joseph believed God and loved Mary, His faith was strong
What love, what devotion, two great servants of the Lord High God

Jesus came into to this world, born of a woman
Both of His earthly parents were radical believers in the Lord
By faith they conquered the slings and arrows of fate

Jesus is alive today, Seated at the right hand of the Father
The Babe of Bethlehem grew up in the house of Joseph
His life is God’s example to us of how we too can live a life of faith

Clay Corvin December 20, 2014


I want joy-my heart my soul yearns for joy

A constant search through the activities of life
Fear stalks me-running so hard to stay ahead
Today tomorrow the next day joy takes a back seat
Life overwhelms me and mistakenly I claim
Success as the key-it’s not- simply sidetracked me
Power sought- claimed- acquired-so empty it burdened me
Fear stalks me-running so hard to stay ahead

I heard an old old story-it reached the marrow of my soul
About a Savior born in Bethlehem-He came for me
God stepped into my world, our world and identified with me
Sin overwhelms me and mistakenly I think I can deal with it
Today sins my neighbor tomorrow its my landlord
Jesus came to set me free-to set each one of us free
He is Lord, Lord of all, victor, conqueror, deliverer: He loves you and me

I want joy-my heart my soul yearns for joy

Jesus points me to His Word-He speaks of joy 365 times
Jesus knew I needed salvation of my soul
His salvation brings joy to me-to us
I asked Him into my heart-He forgave me of my sin
He lives in me-His peace pervades me
All the days that lie ahead-my heart is filled with Christ
He has all power in heaven and on earth-the victory has been won
Nothing can separate us, nothing can defeat us- Jesus brings joy to my life

I have joy- Jesus is alive in me

Clay Corvin 12/13/14