Author - Clay Corvin


Life is passing by at an alarming rate, tomorrow never arrives
We are consigned to today, All we do and say is right now today

The world lulls us to sleep, Identifying work as things we do
But the Word clearly defines prayer as work, Work we must do now

Faith is fundamental to our growth, without faith it is impossible to please God
As we grow our faith we develop our gift of love, love for the brethren

We love one another, not just in thought but in deed, our love is an action
Love enables us to see that people count, Love compels us to do unto others

Our prayer is critical to our growth, pleading with the Lord for the lost
Praising God for those saved, amazingly we discover prayer changes us

Change is necessary for growth, the truth is we are in constant change
All of our change take place in the now, as we pray we change

We are thankful for our change, we are usable because we have changed
The Lord blesses us through our change, we bless others as we change

As the Lord changes us He gives us wisdom for living, we share this wisdom
Wisdom equips us to be useable and teachable, we desire growth

The world seeks to stop our growth, the world is against Jesus and us
God will not be stopped, He will succeed in us, what He begins He finishes

Victory is assured, doubt and pain our constant companion, do not fear
Jesus is with you, pray, the Lord works thru you, pray

Do not fear the world, do not worry about success, spend time in prayer
Prayer counts, we are talking with the Lord of all and He loves us, pray.

Clay Corvin January 25, 2014


KELLY AND ADAM (married Jan 11, 2014)
Kelly is wise, royal, servant of the most high God
Christ is her compass, mentor, guide
A deepening commitment, personal goals in tow, her life glows

Adam is quiet, still water runs deep, He loves Jesus
His strength is doing, he follows The Lord, he does for others
A Man of God, his skills speak, his life carefully devoted to Christ

Kelly and Adam met in Israel, both prayed for, a spark ignited
Adam pursued, Christ led, Kelly listened
Now together, walking with Jesus, a new life as 2 becomes 1

A Christ led life together, they complement each other, love
Everything new, Jesus will equip you, this marriage will work
Each giving 110%, both surrendered, what a wonderful thing Christ has wrought

Kelly and Adam Corvin, you are responsible for each other
Life is hard, Christ defeats hard
Victory is assured, life blessed, Jesus is Lord

Clay Corvin, Neve Ilan, Israel
December 29, 2013


Adam and Eve not far fetched, a modern day Peyton Place, how do Satan it’s a nice day
Did God really say that Satan asked about the apple, Eve was thinking about herself
Adam wasn’t thinking about anything, no focus, doing his own thing, just another day in Paradise

We stand to lose so much, every tub has to sit on its own bottom, choices mean a lot
We let the world instruct us, the losers impugn us, the winners disgust us
And we are always choosing, who to follow, who to emulate, what we will be

Stop right there, commit to be a be, spend time with Jesus
Read your Bible, you must know, people count with the Lord
Jesus died for people, not for buildings or programs, people count with Jesus

Life isn’t about us, it’s all about Jesus, He lives in us to help others
We are called to love Christ, we are equipped to help others, people need help
As we help we grow, as we grow we help, we learn to love the brethren

You have a calling, it comes from Jesus, He will not hide it from you
Our calling always relates to helping others, the world is dead in its trespasses and sin, we seek the lost
We tell them about Jesus, we help them live their life by being what they need, sacrifice

Life is real, time is passing fast, what will you do?
Let me encourage you to love Jesus, read the Bible and surrender you life to Christ
He will use you up, you will thrive on His use, the world will be changed by your service to Jesus

Clay Corvin January 18, 2014


Travel frees us from the ordinary
Letting us see and participate in the extraordinary
People count and we see that in distant lands
They count with God and with us
Their differences melt away- they are like us

The Human Experience is similar across the world
People want to be valued
Societies extoll their virtues but they are like us
We are like them even in our dissimilarities
History measures us, reminds us, encourages us, worries us

I am who I am
Not better or worse than you
Knowing you completes me
My quest is fulfilled in travel
Enjoying, reveling, coaching, tired, rejuvenated-blessed

Clay Corvin. 12/30/13. Latrun, Israel


I was taught to fear as a tiny child, everyone around me lived fearful mean lives
Courage was never talked about, innate sense of foreboding about everything
Luck was a cornerstone, Do you feel lucky? Circumstances dictated that I seldom did
I didn’t have an attitude of gratitude, every situation was a battle with winners and losers

One day I met Jesus, for me Christ defined courage, He took my fear of mankind away
His Word taught me to fear/reverence God, my Father in heaven provided courage for me
That day I begin a walk that feared God, that didn’t fear man, the Lord was my strength
Jesus brought peace, He equipped me to face life one day at a time, His love changed me

Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise God our Father, He is the mighty God
He seeks me every moment, The Lord is with me, He leads me, Praise the Lord
Jesus is my bright morning star, He is with me in the darkest night, praise the Lord
Praise God for giving me what I need to live, for taking my fear of the world away

I seek the Lord while He may be found, I seek the Lord night and day, He delivers me
I walk with the Lord, reading His Word, letting His promises and directives fill me up
I talk with the Lord, He is my high tower, I stand with Him, He is my all
I listen to the Lord, He calls me to be obedient, I do the next right thing

The Lord is good and worthy of all of my devotion, I serve Him
A glass of water to the thirsty, a warm coat to the cold, a meal to the starving
Always telling others of what Jesus is doing in me, I serve you
As I serve those around me, I am serving the Lord, partners with the almighty Lord Jesus

Clay Corvin November 2, 2013


Jesus is looking for you
Jesus died for our sin, is alive today, giving us access to the FATHER, cleansing us from unrighteousness
He paid a price we could not pay, living a life we fail to live, raised by the power of God
Jesus is our righteousness, He is the One that takes us to the Father, Jesus loves you and me

Jesus is looking for you
He gives us salvation, we have to accept His salvation and believe that He did save us
When we trust Him and accept His free gift, we get a new heart, a new life
We walk different, we talk different, we think about things differently: Jesus

Jesus is looking for you
Jesus deals with our sin problem, we live in HIM, He lives in us, giving us what we need
Walking with us as we live, His power, my surrender, His forgiveness, my acceptance
Refocused I live, Committed to do the next right thing, I fail, Repent, Christ forgives

Jesus is looking for you
Helping you understand your servant role, we are partners together with God
Sharing the Gospel, we study His Word, He grows in our new life, life in Christ
Obedience becomes a lifestyle, I am His, He is mine, all I have is His

Jesus is looking for you
Tell everyone you meet about Jesus, sharing your life meeting needs, Becoming HIS hands and feet
Everyone you meet has value and worth, treat them the way you want to be treated
Let the Holy Spirit teach you about Jesus, your immersion in Him will show, talk about Jesus

Jesus is looking for you
He has come for you, Jesus offers you life and light for living, seek Him while He may be found
Your life has value, God has a plan for your life, and Jesus will live it with you
Let the world know that Jesus is looking for them Jesus is looking for you

Clay Corvin October 26, 2013


I – you – live beneath our privileges…. We serve an awesome God… He loves us totally
Far beyond what we can think or see… He is with us in Christ
He has written 7,000 plus promises in His Word.. Jesus Christ says yes to everyone of them
His promises are for our welfare and benefit… they equip us to live life fully.. God is good!

The Lord covenants with us: He will hear our prayers, He will preserve the Church
He promises to reward us for being faithful, He never withdraws His presence from us
When we go to Him, He will receive us and help us, Jesus turns our tragedies into triumphs
Our sufferings and heartaches will not be more than we can bear, Jesus stands with us and heals us

His mercy and grace is immeasurable, His plan for us is a good plan
The Lord will give us what we need to accomplish His plan, we claim His power and guidance
When we confess our sin, Jesus forgives us of our sin and cleanses us from unrighteousness
The Lord will not give up on us, He will provide for our physical and spiritual needs

Jesus is coming back and will one day put an end to evil and death
But this day we are called to obedience, Jesus will establish us and we receive His blessings
We believe and claim God’s promises out of our obedience, obedience is the key
I am the only one that can obey God for me.

As I live a life of obedience, I build all of His promises into my life, I have not because I don’t ask
God is willing, He offers His gifts to me, when I live in obedience, His promises work in me
And they bless those around me and in me bless future generations
The Lord is not weak, He is strong in me, I claim His promises and live a life of obedience

Clay Corvin
September 28, 2013


I can’t Lord – not that
I’m not experienced – it’s scary – I would like to
But I can’t
It would require too much work – Choices I don’t want to make
Send someone else

It’s you I want – you I’m calling
I will take care of you – I want you to be alive
My plan for you is perfect for you
I’m calling you to be active – care for others
Don’t let your feelings sideline you – I will give you the experience you need

There will be suffering and difficulty – the world will not conquer you
Evil is defeated – stay close to Me
My Word will guide your feet – my Word will comfort you
Read it – believe it – put it into action in your life
Be an encourager – I am alive in you – YOUR LIFE COUNTS

Evil will always try to overwhelm you – evil is horrifying
Evil isn’t everything- it has a beginning and an end
Bad men frighten us – overwhelm us – seek to destroy us
Learn all about evil – Learn about God
God takes evil and uses it as fuel in His furnace of salvation

We live in the world – do not be of the world
We always overestimate the world and underestimate Jesus
We will face hard things – God changes us to conquer them
God’s Words have no limitation – God is greater than anything
The Lord Jesus wants to take care of us. We count with the Lord.

Clay Corvin September 21, 2013


Amazing that it’s 45, where did our time go?
Vacations, trials and tribulations
Relegated to far ago

The now has been the best for me
Each now we celebrate
Every day is sweeter to me, I love the way we go

Yes there were huge obstacles
Yes we made mistakes, more me than you
We weathered them with kindness and love and made amends that worked

Oh those troublesome years
Bowed by challenges, embarrassed for a while
The Lord made up for each heartbreak and pain, His love a healing salve

Then there were the sickness years
More now than before
They too have resulted in blessings: God is so good to us

We are still walking
We are still living
Each passing day another living in the now

Thank you for choosing me
I am grateful for everyday of our life
I love you, you are my life as we walk with the Lord

To Carol Corvin on the occasion of our 45th Wedding Anniversary
Clay Corvin September 14, 2013


Jesus came preaching the Good News
The time has come
The Kingdom of God is near
Turn from your sins and believe this Good News

It is hope in a world of despair
God’s truth you can stand on
Clearing away the chaos of life
You are valuable and God loves you

It is peace for a world at war with God
Conflict everywhere
God is in control and He brings peace to our life
He gives us a new heart- a heart at peace with God

It is love in a world filled with hate
Unlimited love from the Father
His love destroys grief, wipes away heartache
He is looking for you right now and His heart has love for you

It is life when everything else breeds death
Our dreaded enemy death is destroyed
Christ brings life to us, life right now
The life Jesus gives us is life like the Father-eternal life

How can we get this Good News-the Gospel of hope, peace, love and life?
Believe in Jesus and you will have eternal life
Believe in Jesus and you will turn away from your sin-repent
Believe in Jesus and you will become part of the Family of God

Clay Corvin September 7, 2013