Author - Clay Corvin


Dreary nights and wasted days
My life seeks purpose
Who do I follow? What do I say?
I have a dream about useful, powerful days

Christ gave me a new heart
I’m walking toward Jerusalem
He gives me sight
His Word guides my steps

This day I stand and follow His course
I’m walking toward Jerusalem
When trouble comes I keep on walking
Heartaches will not stall my course

Feelings seek to devour me
I’m walking toward Jerusalem
Through the heat of the day and storms of the night
I will keep on serving the Lord

Onward today, tomorrow and into eternity
I’m walking toward Jerusalem
One day face to face
Today committed – I will not stop

Clay Corvin 9/1/13


Culture washes over us
Swimming with lies
Edged with malice
I’m drowning in it
Who can I trust? 

Dissatisfied with the world
I begin the journey of Christian discipleship
Life must be more than this
Things should add up- right is right – wrong is wrong
The world declares against sanity and peace and joy

I seek God in Jesus
He offers me peace
A journey of substance
Changing me-lifting up my wrongs and showing me the right way
Lord forgive me of my sin 

Deliver me Lord-from the harshness of the world
Your victory is my path- your light shows me the way
Camped among the quarreling ones
You Lord are my peace
Your presence changes everything-I’m living with you

Repentance is a decision-I was wrong 
My attitude accepting your grace
The road is narrow and the way is hard
Jesus carries me- He gives me light and life each day
Then one day I will stand with Him before the Father

Clay Corvin    9/1/13


Choosing God – Isaiah 55

My life is full of choices, what I say trumped by what I do
Eternal consequences steering me, what to do what to do

My heart prods me, I have a need deeper than my soul
Resolution to life’s drama, life and death-pain and desperation

Calmly from my situation, I deny the facts of life
Reap what you sow, unexplained tragedy, today we live tomorrow we die

Yet death is an ever-present event, Oh here we are safe, our actions deny historical truth
I cannot live without God, that prime mover, Jesus Christ

Only God can satisfy my spiritual need, cleansing me, changing me
Jesus Christ is my source, I turn to Him, it makes me a part of His family

I and only I can respond for me, Christ is personal, Jesus is here
I surrender my sovereignty, bending my knee to Jesus

Now is the appointed time to call upon Him, now is when I can become His
It is a decision requiring me to turn from myself to God, I choose HIM

God’s way is better than my way, He made me and He loves me
Jesus came and died for my sin, He lifts me up and brings me into His family

God’s Word will prevail, God’s way is set, man cannot change it
The World claims you can do what you want, destruction is the end of that journey

Jesus Lord and Savior, heal me of my reckless life, forgive me of me sin
Give me life, real life, life like yours, makes me whole.

Clay Corvin August 10, 2013


Few believe God’s message, the world directs their path

God knew our need, forgiveness of our sin 

Jesus, God’s Son came to give us new life and God’s love

For God so loved the world that He gave us His Only Son, who died for us and gives us life 


Jesus grew up in a difficult place, everyone knew His disgrace

He lived a life of perfection and suffered every day

He had no stately form, nothing that would say here is God’s Son

He trusted His Father for every step, no sin, no evil, He was perfect


He was a man of sorrows, Grief stalked His life

He was despised and rejected, no one esteemed Him

He walked a lonely path, fully man, fully God

He hurt as we do only much more, His pain etched His face


He knew why He came, He willingly walked grief’s way

Daily He grew in stature, Daily He prayed for you and me

He bore our sin, He lifted our evil, He willingly paid my price, your price

Jesus knew what He was doing and still He lived for us


Christ did not complain, He did not shirk His duty

He did no violence, He served as the Father directed

A man of prayer, A person of devotion to the Father

Every day Christ gave Himself for me, Jesus loves you and me.  


Jesus lives today, He was raised from the dead by the power of God

That same power is available to us, ask Christ to save you and give you a new heart

We trust that Jesus has saved us, our hearts will testify to His grace

His mercy is great, His love is complete, Jesus loves you and me


Clay Corvin   








Everything I do
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Will all be done in the dash, born, dash, died
Life seems so much bigger than me

Trying life on for size
I scramble to accomplish
I struggle thru frustration and anguish
I want to be somebody, to do something that will last

Jesus created us with value
Calling us to follow
Christ says our investment in others
Is an investment of worth and value into eternity

The first shall be last and the last shall be first
God measures differently than us
He sees our contribution and will never forget it
We overlook what God thinks too often and opt for man’s applause

Jesus is with us
What we do for Him will survive
Christ gives us marching orders
Then fights the fight ahead of us and as we arrive Jesus is there

Jesus calls us to faithfulness
Build on our relationship with Him each day
Step away from immorality or a worldly view
Tithe, work, pray, read God’s Word, let Him have His way with you

Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life
His love compels us
His presence encourages us
Christ will reconcile our heart and our life-He loves you

Clay Corvin July 13, 2013



God knows you
All about you
More than you know about yourself
God knows you

How great our Lord
He is more than we can think
Absolutely majestic
He is good

He is all knowing
Looking for what He can bless
Knowing me
Change me Lord

He is all seeing
Wherever we go God is there
Loving, help me Lord

We cannot hide from God
No location
No distance
No darkness, not even death hides us from God

He created me
He understands me
He equips me
Lord stand with me

My quest in life is to know the Lord, He is worthy of all of my attention, worthy
The Lord wants to spend time with me, Wake me up from my sleep
My heart is cold, my head is dull, nothing is as wonderful as knowing the Lord
Praise the Lord, He sought me, He bought me, I surrender to Him, Save me Lord
He does, Jesus paid my price, my life is His, He is my life, Jesus is Lord
Lead me Lord, today, each day, as I walk home to be with you, God knows me

Clay Corvin June 22, 2013


Paul writes a letter of life, dying on death row, insignificant to Rome
He writes to early Christians, His letter is a word today
He is unconcerned for his life, totally committed to our life, filled with Christ
Paul recounts his prayers for us, overflowing with the peace and joy of Jesus,

God is greater than any difficulty we will face, rejoice, we are filled with Christ
Do not fear, the Lord is in control, Jesus defeated death on the cross
What we do is not measured by size, Christ measures it; obedience is the key
Never quit, there will be many worldly reasons to quit, never quit

We are called by the Lord to minister in His name, Jesus died for us, He lives in us
Every day take joy and peace with you, Christ fills us with His love
Joy is for today, set aside failure; let Jesus heal your heart
Security is in Christ, not our money or circumstance, Jesus is the only answer

Jesus is Lord and He is with us, He has called us for His purpose
You count, Christ values your life, what you do for Him is priceless
Surrender you life to Jesus, He has called you in a unique and significant way
Bend your knee, give your life, Jesus is the right way, He loves you

Focus on Jesus, give Him your concerns; tell Him about everything you fear
Be about the Lord’s business; do something, never nothing
Learn to give, give, give more than you think you can, give all you have
Giving is central to growing; Jesus thrives in a giving heart

Paul died, you are alive; Paul’s word to you survives
It is a personal letter from death row; it speaks to your need and responsibility
Do not be fooled, following Jesus will require great humility from you
The only way you will succeed is to die to self and surrender to Jesus-He is Lord

Clay Corvin May 18, 2013


The Lord remembered Noah and stopped the flood, HE remembered Abraham and saved Lot
He remembered Rachel and Hannah and gave them children
God remembered Israel and showered mercy on them, Jesus remembers you
He will not let you go, you will never disappear, Jesus loves you

David vowed to build God a home, God said no, be careful about what you vow
Our God is an awesome God, Jesus seeks us, Let Him have your heart
Life will change, no longer alone, Jesus will live with you
He will guide you, Jesus will equip you, the Lord has a plan for your life

Providence rules our day, we don’t know what will happen, the Lord does
Our community needs us, God indwells us, equips us to do His work
People need you, the Lord guides you, Jesus is our righteousness
Repent, change, be—-Lord hear us-we know He does

From the least to the greatest, we all come to the Lord the same way-through Jesus
Christ never turns us away, He takes us to the Father, He intercedes for us
Even when we are in sin, the Lord is calling us, come near, hear, Jesus is calling you
He wants you to know Him, He delivers us from our sin, let Jesus have your life

Bless us Lord, be with us today, outfit us to follow you, to serve you
Protect us in the face of great evil, tell us what to do
We know you Lord and we want to know you better, cleanse me from sin
Be with me Father, Use me Lord, thank you for being on my side, the Lord is good

Clay Corvin May 11, 2013


I am a child of God, Jesus forgave me of my sin, Christ lives in me
Jesus said not to worry, that He would take care of me, worry is a pain
Worry seeks to drown me, sideline me, upset me, abuse me, defuse me
Worry always says I can’t, Jesus says I can

I trust the providence of God, Jesus is Lord and Savior and I belong to Him
He calls me to live today and not become ineffective with worry
I don’t know the future but Jesus does and I can trust Him
Day by day, I confront my sin, confessing, changing, recommitting, redirecting my life

I count with Jesus, He knows me, what I need and cannot earn, where I need to go
I spend time with Him and He equips me for today, I find peace and joy in Jesus
Each day I begin fresh and new, thank you Lord for today, worry aplenty, salvation enough
I do what I do, I do it with the Lord, He works in and through me

People need me, everyone I touch has a need
It may be a smile, a listening ear, money, guidance, or prayer
I am needed, Jesus gives me value and worth, Christ controls me, Jesus leads me
Each day I am there, caring, helping, serving, as though the Lord Himself were there

How can I live free from worry? Trust the Lord
When I fail I will get up, when I am victorious I will be humble
Anyone that needs help I will give it, always giving more than I get
Day by day I will focus on Jesus, seeking His wisdom, doing the next right thing

Clay Corvin May 4, 2013

I’M HERE GOD (Thoughts on Psalm 131)

David cried out “my heart is not proud, my eyes are not haughty”
Don’t trifle with God, HE knows your heart, pride will out, think this through
He sees your eyes, Jesus knows you, every second, every look
Set aside your pride, life is a common experience; every person you see has value
God knows you, your boastful past, set it aside, pride of the present, bend your knee
Be yourself, not what you think others think of you, bend the knee to the Lord

Set aside the pride of life, self sufficiency, dependence on the world for your happiness
His GRACE is sufficient for you, do what you can, do it the best you can, rejoice in who you are
Those who wish to be everything will wind up being nothing, know your limitations
Mind your business, seek to help those around you, people need people, they need you
So often in wishing to be great we fail to be good, seek the Lord and His righteousness
Do His will and the Lord will see you through

Hope in the Lord, in things, every day, every way, hope in the Lord
We do not build value with things seen but it is those things unseen where we build value
Stop yearning for the world, do not seek position, or prominence, instead serve where you are
Calm your soul before the Lord and things will straighten out, appreciate the Lord’s presence
Look at your past, it warrants confidence, evaluate you present, it demands confidence
Hope in the Lord, our future justifies our confidence, I’m here Lord, I love you

Clay Corvin 4/13/13