Author - Clay Corvin

GOD’S SUNRISE Luke 1:78-79

God’s sunrise
Has come upon us
A new day from heaven
Has dawned – Jesus lives

He is the light
Shining in the darkness
In Him we see everything differently
Our problems don’t seem so large
The world cannot defeat us

Christ reached into my world
He changed me – a new heart, a new mind
No longer alone – no longer condemned to death
He gave me life – a gift I couldn’t earn
Now I am alive – Jesus lives in me

I had lost my way
Jesus carried me thru
He walks with me and talks with me
When I am down He lifts me up
I have hope instead of despair – I belong to Him

Christ is the light of heaven
He has come into our world
Open your eyes and see Him
The Babe of Bethlehem is the light of the world
Give your heart to Him

Let Christ have your and life
Turn to Him to solve the problems you face
Ask Him for strength to face each day
He will not turn you away
Jesus is the light you need for living

Clay Corvin December 17, 2011


The Lord removed His royal garments
Put on the rags of a slave
Came to earth in our form
Lived among us as one of us yet without sin
Willingly dying a horrid death on a cross for you and me

Jesus is the reason my life counts
He has a plan for me
He loves me and cleanses me
His righteousness bestowed upon me
In Jesus I am free and God is my father

Christ calls me to submit
Do the best that I can
Be an obedient servant
Know that the Lord is with me
Every step I take every breath I breathe

Suffer in victory
Christ is all and in all and He knows me
I am the delight of His heart
God loves me
Picking up my cross sets me free

Listen to Jesus
Have confidence in God
Serve as though it were for the Lord, it is
Nothing can separate me Jesus
He will not leave me

CC, December 3, 11

A PHONE CALL FROM GOD … 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12

God is calling you
To live your life
In His kingdom
For His glory
What will you do?

Will you live a worthy life?
Not complaining about others
Critical of self, accepting responsibility for your life
Problem solver that helps and does not hinder
Actions make history, ideas come and go
What you do day by day is important
God knows you and He sees what you do

Will you live a Holy Life?
Life with God is the foundation for life
Seeking to be like Jesus
Reading His Word and applying it
Spending time with Jesus, choosing Him above self
Time with God doesn’t just happen we choose it
The truth will out, Jesus loves you

Will you live a powerful life?
Our life is hid with Christ in God
Success is determined by faith not circumstances
God is sovereign, He hates sin
But He loves you
Obedience is required
For strength to see you through

God is calling you
To live your life
In His kingdom
For His glory
What will you do?

Clay Corvin November 12, 11


Lord it is rough
The world is lined up against me
Hide me under your wing
Nothing that I do seems to change things
I’m overwhelmed by life itself
Hear my plea Lord
Set me free
Without your help I will not be able to survive
Lord be my refuge

Nothing changes day after day
It’s serious Lord
What do we do?
I will trust YOU
Even when I don’t know how you will deliver me
I will trust YOU
Every thought you have for me is a thought for GOOD
I belong to YOU
YOU O Lord are my refuge

Today you spoke to my heart
O Lord I am encouraged and strengthened
You have lifted the cloud of depression from me
I will sing your praises
Glory to God in the highest
I will give thanks to YOU O Lord
Great is your mercy
Your loving kindness immeasurable
Thank you Lord for being my refuge

Clay Corvin November 5, 11

I WILL SERVE (Joshua 24:14-15)

I will serve the Lord
Awesome, glorious, wonderful Lord
Saving me from destruction
I will serve Him all the days of my life

I will Fear God
Critical in my service
Reading His Word
Knowing His ways
I will trust Him-God loves me
Obedience evidences my respect
I will stand in amazement that He loves me
I will fear the Lord

I will serve God where I am
By valuing people
Especially those near me
Remembering those in need
For I am His hands and feet
My life will evidence His priority
My attitude will be based in His love for me
I will serve God in every way I can

I will put away evil
Jesus has broken my bondage to sin
I am free to choose
Each day I will choose to follow the Lord
I will read His Word and spend time with Him
My hands will not do evil
My heart is cleansed and my feet will follow Him
I will walk with Jesus and live in His presence

Clay Corvin October 29, 11


Do not fret
Worry will not change a thing
Undue annoyance will drain you
Faith will suffer
Confidence will slip
Stand in the Lord’s presence
Hear His Word
“Do not fret…”

Do not fret
Though mountains fall
Oceans rise
War rage
Death consume
Wealth disappear
All you know fades
Trust in the Lord-Do not fret

Do not fret
It makes your face sag
Your heart race
Your stomach ache
Your head hurt
Worry lines deepen
Fail to see God at work
Do not fret

Clay Corvin October 18, 11


I was alone
Far away
Inside I cried
Help me
No one cares
I hurt each day

Christ came
He knew my pain
His life, His blood
Removed my stain
He broke the bonds
Christ set me free

Christ brought me in
His church my friend
I was apart
Christ drew me in
The world divides
Christ healed the breach

Now I’m one in Christ
Jesus walks with me
His love has refocused me
He gives me peace
He watches over me
Jesus loves me

Clay Corvin, October 9, 2011


Peace, peace
Each of us looking for peace
Seeking it in strength, money, goods, friends,
There is no peace in the world
Peace is impossible without Christ
Jesus makes all things possible

Jesus is our peace
Bringing us near to God
Christ broke down the wall of barrier
Walking through it reaching for us
Go and speak the Good News
Christ has come with new life
His shed blood pays the price of sin
Uniting us with the Father in the church

Christ is our peace
Speaking peace to mankind
Jesus walks with us and talks with us
Christ is alive and well
He knows our pain and our sin
Yet gives of Himself
Suffering for us so that we might have life

His gift is life
Power, truth, and joy
Peace comes from Jesus
Christ will make sure we understand
Living in Jesus is the right choice
Thru Christ we have access to the Father
Jesus indwells us
Let Jesus have your heart

Clay Corvin, October 8, 2011


Complex the world says
You can’t do it
Look at what you’ve done
Who do you think you are?
Disappointment, failure and heartache
Life’s theme
Nothing has worked so far

Jesus came seeking you
“Ask me in and I will heal you”
Curing your sin problem
Giving you a new heart
His death on the cross paid the price
A price you could not pay
Jesus is the way

I accept right then
Salvation complete
Focus on Jesus
Follow Him
He will tell me what to do
Every day is new
Each morning, “Lord what do we do?”

Jesus fixes me
I talk with Him
My heart is filled with joy
I spend time with Him
He is the focus of my life
Christ calls me to be
To be with Him, To be like Him

Every time I fall down
Jesus helps me back up
My heart desires to be with Him so much
I read His WORD seeking to be with Him more
I discover HOW MUCH Jesus loves me
I’m amazed HE loves me
My heart is overwhelmed by His love

I wake and ask Jesus “Lord what do we do today?”
He tells me
I walk that way with Him
We go about His business
I end the day with Him
Thanking Him for this day
I sleep knowing Jesus is with me
Clay Corvin October 1, 2011