Author - Clay Corvin


Jesus is the focus of my life
Spending time with Him is joy
Calming the heart and soul
A conversation thru His Word
Writing it upon my heart
The Holy Spirit ministers to my need

Following Jesus is an activity not a thought
It results in obedience
Doing what He says
Applying His Word to my life
He makes a difference in how I act
I am in the process of changing into Christ likeness

I give Him my time
There is so much to do
The harvest is plentiful but the harvesters are few
My money belongs to Him
Generosity is a way of life
I live to serve Christ my Lord

My belief in Jesus changes the way I do things
I pray for those that abuse me
Forgive the unforgiveable
Serve the thankless
Stand with those in need
I am becoming less like the world and more like Jesus

I live a confident life
My heart belongs to Christ
This world cannot destroy me
Whether I am down or up Christ is Lord
Whether I win or lose Jesus has the victory
Nothing can separate me from the love of Christ

Clay Corvin February 5, 2011
[email protected]


Know the Lord in fullness
He loves you
Pouring out grace and mercy
Giving you His power to live life
Equips you to be like Christ

Knowing is a journey
Purposeful and true
Look in the mirror
Does God see you?

Let your heart be cleansed
By a faithful attention to His Word
A Godward life depends totally on God
A Godward life depends on you

Master your passions
They will deceive you
Surrender to Jesus
Everything you do

Stay in the fight
It is a battle to the last
Victory is won the first day
Victory is for those that last

Recognize how important
Obedience is for you
Everything you say and do
God knows you

Love your neighbor as yourself
Love Christ with the things you do
This is your journey
Let the Lord be alive in you

Clay Corvin January 22, 2011


Amazing Grace echos in my soul
As a song it is my favorite
My fear O God as I follow you
Bad things that happen to good people

I cry out properly
Pleading the cause
Yet you do not hear
Frustration is rampant

Many of us experience evil and even do it
We cry why God
When evil happens to us
Why me Lord?

We are living in difficult times
Injustice, evil reign supreme
From the Holy, loving God no answer
Why aren’t things done my way?

We look in a mirror
Seeing our reflection
We declare this is God
Seeking to make God in our image

God is in control and we aren’t
We do not know His ways
He calls us to trust Him
Especially when it seems unprofitable

God is at work in our life
To accomplish His good end
Seldom will we understand His work
We can’t even understand ourself much less God

God is unhurried
Time does not constrain Him
His judgment and justice will come
At the time God chooses

We can praise our wonderful good God
He is our salvation and strength
He gives us His peace and joy
In that day we will see Him and be like Him

Clay Corvin 4 December 2010


Celebration is in order
Forty-two years elapsed
Time spent together
Better than forty-one

Another year to thank you
Another time to rejoice
You are blessing me with your presence
I am better because you care

On this day I thank my Lord
For giving you to me
Through thick and thin, good and bad
You have completed me and I am glad

We are ordinary people
With an extraordinary journey
A journey of delight with challenges for sure
Each one dealt with and we continue on

Today is the first day of the rest of our life
Thank you for everyday of this life
You are a treasure, a blessing
My soul mate, my partner

My prayer for you is that this will be the best
Not as good as forty three
Joy and peace for the coming year
I love you and rejoice that you are near

Clay Corvin Celebrating 42 years of marriage to Carol Corvin
September 14, 2010


He died for me on that rugged cross
Feeling sin suffering loss
Burdened by my agony
Jesus is Lord of me

Daily time in His precious Word
The Holy Spirit silently heard
Direction, advice, counseling and more
Jesus is Lord of me

I give my all to Him each day
All my thoughts are sent His way
My heart is light for He holds my hand
Jesus is Lord of me

This journey began before I was a man
My pain and heartache placed in His hand
He spoke to me with loving words I was heard
Jesus is Lord of me

Fifty years I’ve walked His path
He has shared every failure and victory
Always guiding me His love never fails
Jesus is Lord of me

Jesus is my friend
I could not survive without Him
One day I will stand before Him
Jesus is Lord of me

Clay Corvin September 4, 2010


Mankind made a mess of things
God desired to bless
We must know our lostness
Before we are open to confess

Jeremiah spoke a prophecy
A New Covenant was on the way
Just because it pleased the Lord
To give His love away

The blame game was our fame
It was always somebody else’s fault
Sin was evil and sure to win
I must see it in me

God has said this is how
Christ is the way to me
By grace are you saved-a gift from ME
No other way but Jesus

Now His law is in our hearts
The Holy Spirit guides us day by day
The Lord is actively living in me
My life, His love-the Lord is Lord of me


Look and see, where are you? Is Jesus Lord of your life
It is a choice, we have to make, choosing Christ’s way each day
The Old Ways, God’s way and God’s Word
Overlooked by the world, set aside as worn and foolish
Don’t make the mistake the world makes, the Old Way is the right way

The way of sensitivity to God’s Word, thus saith the Lord
God is God and there is no other, He knows the end from the beginning
Jesus died for our sin, we have asked Him to save us
He has a plan for our life, the Holy Spirit leads us in His living Word
Jesus is the Way, the truth and the life, delight in God’s Word and be free

The Old ways, God’s way and God’s Word
They never change, it is truth without error
His ways fix our ways, the Lord is in control
But we walk our way, drifting, drifting
Casually we freeze up, we wonder why sin is eating our soul

Choose to sacrifice, the Lord will not make us give
Greedy for gain, filled with evil and pain their hearts like a rock
The lust of greed filled with seed, sucking into its realm
Value in things, no life just pain and heartache always near
Give and give your things away, HELP someone today

Seriously look at your sin, don’t make excuses for them
We’ve lost the ability to blush, we’ve drifted and drifted from God
We cannot sense His presence, He hates sin
His holiness destroys sin, we have chosen war with Him
Saved but singed, we wink and blink and nod, sin offends God

What will you do? He is talking to you
They chose to ignore God, their prophets and priests incompetent
What are you demanding of yourself? Pray to get your life back on track
Walk with God, Give until you can give no more and then give more, blush at sin
Claim the old ways, stop drifting away from God

Clay Corvin,, July 17, 2010


Zechariah busy, he had felt the Word
God spoke, repent was His call
He was angry, man continued to sin
Even when God took care of them, idols were their friends
Refusing to acknowledge the creator, they loved their selfish ways
Mankind was evil, they did everything their way

Worldly customs, worldly ways
People listening to old wives tales, made up foolishness
Suffering and dying, going to hell, no one heard the Way
All because God’s children failed to tell, the Gospel story
God is love, He loved man so much that He gave His only Son
All mankind had to do, believe in Jesus and walk God’s way

The truth is, God’s way is the better way
He knows what we will face, Jesus will prepare us each day
A light for our path, a guide for our heart
We will know the truth, freedom will rule in our heart
There is a way that we should walk, Jesus will take us that way
He will equip us to love our neighbor as ourselves, to love God with all of our heart

When we love God, we will obey Him
We will care for the hurting, we will listen to His Word
Wickedness will no longer be our way, Jesus will forgive us and take us God’s way
Jesus will give us His righteousness, His power, His peace
Fellowship, relationship and joy will be the norm
Troubles will no longer rule our life, Jesus will be our strength

Clay Corvin
July 10, 2010


God isn’t like us, He cares for us
He chose to care, He chose to love because He wanted to

Surprising love, totally underserved
Enables us to fellowship, With God and with each other

Seeking love looking for us, drawing us to Him
Back to Him, Even when we abuse our relationship which we do often

Selfless love, Caring for us as we ignore Him
We rebel against God/Jesus/Holy Spirit, Our rebellion hurts His heart

Saving love, Jesus died for our sin, Forgiving us and cleansing us from sin
Giving us a new heart, bestowing upon us His own Holiness, making us new

Sustaining love, It takes care of our past, present and future
God will not let me go, God loves me, God is love

My response to God, Only because His love enables me to respond
Love God and each other, God’s love is eternal

Clay Corvin July 3, 2010


We look for the things that affirm us
Seeking to be recognized and loved
We work to be or not to be
Life is journey

Some fall by the wayside
Confused about the trip
They think and plot to out do the lot
Sinking before they can swim

Others are smarter than the Eternal
Looking through eyes of privilege
Assuming their trip will be their way
One day they will experience the end of it

The vast majority of souls that are born
Suffer with life and never experience any form of abundance
This may be ninety per cent of the peoples of the world
They bow their head and shield their heart their life simply endured

The journey is a promise from the Lord our Creator
He seeks the best for each of us loving us as His best
He knows first hand the suffering we will endure
He is willing to walk with us sharing our load until the end of our life

He is always thinking about you
His concern is for your life now and in eternity
Jesus will not leave you nor will He let you despair
Jesus will save us from ourselves and give us life now and there

Clay Corvin
June 26, 2010