Author - Clay Corvin


Caesar decreed as the mouthpiece of God
All to their city, a census be done
Joseph and Mary unaware of their role
Began a journey that Micah foretold

The birth of Messiah
It was mean and rough
A cattle trough, a smelly cave
Damp and musky foreshadowing His grave

Calvary begin, His journey was long and poor
He looked like us, just weak human flesh
No power, no money, a victim of circumstance
But no, He was the Son of God and lived by His Father’s power

Fear not, rejoice, peace
Three powerful calls
The Son brought life
For any and all who believed that He was God

Choose today what you believe
The circumstances of your life filled with fear and pain
Or the Son of God
Who brings salvation to man

Clay Corvin December 20, 2008

FOLLOW HIM (1 Peter 2:21-25)

Follow me, Christ said, simply, completely, without dread, eternity begins
A challenge, a call, a condemnation for those that stall, turning away to their own pursuits
Follow me, Jesus said, we choose, our actions tell our path, talk is not an action
Follow me, make me a priority, I am the center and will draw mankind to me
Nothing pleases Jesus and the Father like our obedience, a simply act of priority
God first and nothing else compares, following Christ is our legacy, His well done
Follow me in prayer His actions told, a man of prayer first, the Father’s will His goal
Prayer changes us, outfits us, makes us useable, prayer is indispensable, Pray, pray, pray
Follow me Jesus said, people always count, little children, the poor and widows first
People count with Christ, look at His life, He went to the cross and died for people
His every action spoke of the importance of the lost, the mean, the hated, God loves
Christ was pure of mind, pure of speech, pure in His actions
Follow me Jesus said, in purity and perseverance, endure to the end, your life counts
Follow me He said, so that all might know, eternity without me is forever apart
He heals broken hearts, sets the captive free, gives sight and light, salvation for you and me

Follow me every day, shout it to the roof tops so that all might hear
His footsteps are before us, Jesus said, Follow me.

Clay Corvin December 13, 2008


Hope, faith and love
These three
Build the foundation
For what I’ll be

Our hope, expectant hope
Triumphantly declaring
One day we will be with Jesus
We will exit the grave and be with Him

Praise the Lord, Our life is blessed, The Lord is King, He gives us rest
His mercy defining, refining, forgiving, enduring, therefore we live
Christ is alive, risen from the grave, coming one day, assuring us we will overcome

One triumphant day we will enter into His glory
Seeing what He has already given us
Christ is our guarantee
The Lord Himself guards it right now

Faith sees this, faith believes this, faith equips us to follow Him
Salvation has canceled our sin, destroys the power of sin, and will take us all the way home
His mercy creates the wait, evil is destroyed, God’s grace is in control

We choose our life, trials outfit us for heavenly clothes, no one can defeat us
We love Him, haven’t seen Him and yet we know Him
We believe Him, haven’t seen Him, but He is in us
His sure salvation, frees our life, fear not for Jesus is with us

Clay Corvin December 6, 2008


Praise God, praise Him in every way
He is worthy of all our honors, worthy of all our praise
Praise Him for all you have and are
Heaven bound, God sent, He is alive in you

Praise Him for His promise
Victory stalks our path
Reaching out to grab us
When failure clouds the day
All along He loves us, it is His way

Don’t forget to praise Him
Our praises change our day
Reaching down inside us
Lifting our souls towards God
Victory comes to stay

Tell Him that you love Him
By the things you do and say
Busy at His kingdom work
Proclaiming loud His praise
Come follow me this way

Working hard to live His truth
Working hard to be His truth
Christ resides in our new hearts
Filled to overflowing with His praise
Jesus is the Way

He knew how He would use us
He knew the troubles we’d see
His victory walks each step with us
Jesus is Lord and conqueror
Before I came this way

Praise the Lord for He is lovely
He shares His home with us
Promising we will be with Him
He guides each step we take
Christ is here today

Clay Corvin November 29, 2008


Jesus Christ is king of kings and Lord of Lords
Before it had all begun
He was the one
Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Christ created everything
Galaxies, stars and earth
Land water and birth
It all exists because of Him

He came looking for us
Birthed in Bethlehem
Knew our pain without any gain
All the sin from us, visited Him from birth

Fully God and fully man
Jesus did what no man can
He lived a perfect life
The Father was all of His life

He chose to do these things
Suffering at the hands of man
He chose to bend the knee
Father your will not mine

His example led to the cross
Our burdens He bore
Our sins He wore
He died for you and me

God had first place
He wants that from us
Not to limit what we do
He wants it all for you and me

Willingly submit in life to authority
Suffer quietly when wronged and right
Transformation will occur
Well done will mark our life

Clay Corvin November 22, 2008


Our life counts
Even if we’re enslaved
Christ the Lord of all
Has gifted us with his name

He wants first place
A choice only we can make
Forgiveness cleanses our heart
The future lies ahead

Do your best at what you do
God is looking at you
He knows all that you go through
He will walk this life with you

Everything of value
Is found in people’s lives
We are on an eternal trip
Choices direct our path

The world is filled with violence
Submit your life to Christ
Jesus is real life
His presence brings victory over strife

It seems like evil is conquering
Christ will walk with you
Jesus is alive and well on earth
His work is what we do
Clay Corvin November 22, 2008


Raised to think we count most
Focused on self from birth
Taught our worth was what we owned
Conquer and command our home

The blood of Christ christened me
His work cleansed me
A newborn babe in Kingdom years
My past is over the future lives

People count in His kingdom
He fervently loves the lost
His example laid out for me
The Perfect Man from Calvary

I’m as fit for heaven as I’ll ever be
His love calls me to be
More like Him every day
Jesus said “Walk this way!”

Just like the lost
I doubt and blame
It’s my old nature
I’m just the same

Every challenge does me in
Blown about by all my sin
How in the world can I ever be
More like Jesus and less like me

His Word spoke to me
Life is hard-its not your world
The struggle is the thing
Suffering and pain makes you like ME

Read, read, read MY Word
Write it on your heart
Focus all on ME
Your love will grow-Do it-You’ll see

Clay Corvin November 15, 2008


Joy and passion about her Roma
Sees its history cast in stone
Emperors and leaders and all their work
Shared with a sense of their importance to us

Connecting all the dots
Who did what and where
Especially the art, stunning art
Explained, communicated, and shown

Painting for weary travelers
A canvas of ancient buildings and their events
Helping us belong
So that each person will see her precious Rome

Tirelessly she directs each day’s sights
Weaving through busses and streets
Explaining each church and street
Who lived here and this is who they would meet

With words of insight she shares
You realize that she really cares
That you know Rome and its truths
Presented by Carla of Rome

Clay Corvin November 12, 2008


Being lost in Rome
Six thousand miles from home
Hours and hours
Discovering my way

Down pastel streets
Buildings older than age
Secrets of passersby ensconced in stone
Reveal to me their elegance

Feeling history underfoot
Along the Sacred Way
The Forum shines in the sun
Once filled with law it lies undone

Walking back to La Naumachie’s
Thin pizza and house made pasta for lunch
Stopping for meditation at San Clemente
Two blocks up to the Lancelot for a short nap

Early afternoon to the Vatican
Watching the Swiss Guard function
The piazza and St. Peter’s filled, stunning
It is a storybook at every glance

Today on my own experiencing Rome
Grandeur on display and I was properly overwhelmed
Sights and smells grabbed my mind
This one-day lost in Rome was mine

Clay Corvin November 12, 2008


I have a problem
More than I knew
Sin is aggressive
It has a hold on me

I thought it was over
I said the right words
I purposed good
My will withstood

How can I fight
The sin in my flesh
It rankles and rumbles
I get no respect

I tell it be quiet
But then I see
Sin, sin, sin, my sin
It has a hold on me

I thought it was over
I felt so clean
Now I’m beaten
It won’t let go of me

I’m tired and defeated
I’ve worked so hard
To be the best Christian
In God’s yard

Suddenly I realize
There’s no power in me
Sin laughs at my antics
It encourages conflict in me

Jesus saved me cleansing my soul
The new heart I have is in His hold
Christ isn’t waiting for me to be strong
He wants me to let Him have my goals

Forgiveness and living belong to the Lord
In Christ sin’s defeated
Victory each day
Living life Jesus’ way

Clay Corvin, November 8, 2008