Author - Clay Corvin


Our salvation was not an afterthought
It was decided before anything was made
His plan for me was always the only plan He made
It is more than a pardon from sin
My salvation includes everything I need for the journey

He rescued me from death and hell
He put me on heaven’s path
Giving me the things I need
For growing, living, and being His
His life in me is the strength I need each day

I have a duty to live my life as His agent
Everything I say and do is a reflection on Him
Therefore I am focused in Jesus
I want to know Him more
I do this by reading His Word and putting it to work in my heart

The result is more than I could ever imagine
I have a relationship with the Lord God Almighty thru Jesus
I can talk with Him any moment, each moment of the day
The Lord is concerned about me, He loves me
My journey may be long or short but it will take me to heaven

Clay Corvin November 2, 2008


I was dead, alone in sin, Jesus rescued me
My life my own, my way was sin, Jesus gave me sight
He paid a price I could not pay, I wouldn’t even have tried
He was looking for me, I was filled with pride

His grace bestowed, I bent my knee, Jesus saved my soul
The price He paid on Calvary, was enough to bring me home
No more alone, His place my home, the Lord is Lord of me
Life is real, my heart is new, His love lives in me

Now each day, my life is renewed, the Lord alive in me
He leads my way His strength today, my walk shares His name
I am a conduit for His love, to all I meet, especially those in need
I am under orders the Lord is on the move, living His life in me

My past is past, my future rests in Him, Jesus is my friend
Fellowship with the Lord, a daily time with Him, refocuses my heart
Filling me with His strength and joy, encouraging my faith
Reminding me, that life in Christ is victory every day

Clay Corvin October 4, 2008


We claim our place on earth
Based upon our birth
None of us decided this
God gave life to us-a gift to use for good

We are aliens in this world
Called to live like Christ
Our relationship with Him
Is mirrored by the things we do

People count with Jesus
They should count with us
The greater our place
The greater our need for grace

Family is important
So is the widow, the orphan, and the poor
The better we treat the least of us
The stronger our relationship with Jesus

Each of us is first with Christ
He knows our name and our needs
Nothing we do surprises Him
Jesus is our friend

Clay Corvin October 4, 2008


He knew our need
Before we were
His love for us declared
He came into our world and died
His love for us explained
In the only way we could see
Jesus loves me

Grace is just the thing I need
Each day, each moment on life’s way
God’s good will
His hand of help
Strengthening me each step
Excellence reaching out to say
The Lord is in love with me

What a debtor
What a sinner
I have nothing to recommend my soul
Always going astray
Never following easily, I want my way
Selfish and assuming
But God is there and He loves me
Jesus has rescued me-I belong to Him

Clay Corvin October 4, 2008


We celebrate a joyous life
Mourning our loss
One man has made an impact
Our loss is his gain

A long life of value and worth
He cared for us-loved us
With courage when courage wasn’t cool
Hearing our hurts and pains
Living with a discipline that encouraged us
He knew each of us by name
Landrum walked to God’s song-Jesus

Family always counted
Wife, children, grandchildren, kin and friends
When you were with him
You were somebody and you knew you could win

A man with no guile
His vision was far-reaching and transparent
Tough with a heart of gold
Beulah land his goal-now he is there

He was our preacher, teacher, leader and friend
Strong guts, no quit
He hated dirt, debt and the devil
One man-Landrum Leavell II
We love him

Clay Corvin September 28, 2008-Wichita Falls, TX


Be careful what you do
Your mind will fool you
His way will disappear
Life will blind your heart
Peace will drift apart
You’ll find yourself alone
A long way from home

Guard against this thing
Run when you see sin
The world is at your door
Knocking evermore
Only you can send it away
Do it now or sin will stay

Study and seek
To be at Jesus feet
Remember He loves you
One day face to face
Prepare or be disgraced
Evil wants its way

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Keep your eyes on Him
His strength will make you win
Your life will be in Him
Stand and let Christ in
Then evil will not win

Clay Corvin 9/20/08


I am an alien
Living in the land
It doesn’t belong to me
I live at God’s hand

Remembering whose I am
When suffering comes
Equips me to stand
In the midst of evil’s land

Lost horizons blind my sight
I fail to see Christ’s hold on me
Suffering dulls my senses
Today and now become life’s goal

Not true, not true
Grab hold of Christ
Run to Him
Seek His advice
Jesus will keep you free

Ethics compromised
Throw a blanket over the mind
Immerse yourself in Christ
Serve, love, surrender
Jesus will keep you free

As we stumble along the way
Everything seems easier for the wicked
Fear the Lord
Remember what Christ did on the cross
His faithfulness will be your strength

Suffering is always a danger
We are weak and shortsighted
Keep your eyes on Jesus
He will keep you free

Clay Corvin 9/20/08


Tragedy carries with it great gain
Earmarking our lives with a date
Personal, lifelong, stalking our dreams
Katrina did that to a million plus
Now we relive all of those dreams
Each time a hurricane attacks the coast

There is an anger that wrenches one’s soul
The heart grows cold at the thought
Everything comes to a stop
Again, we’ve got to run again?
But we do and we will
We know the consequences of not running

Things can be replaced
We know that
But we cannot replace things that were part of us
Our pictures, our events, keepsakes and mementoes
For the rest of our life we will feel that loss
The pain of the dream of losing our hold is real and lasts a lifetime

Clay Corvin 9/2/08


How many miles does it take to make a life?
Can it be done in a day?
Wiling life away, a foolish idea or mistake
A life wasted never to reveal the plan
Written in at birth
By the Lord of value and worth

For me it is at least sixty years
Some days have been low mileage
Others have been extra ordinarily long miles
Rode hard and put up wet
Wringing all of each hour
At the end of the day my soul proclaims success

Competing for who is more important
I vow my strength, only to be taken down by flu
People are quite weak and foolish
I pray for ending well
No sad and evil tale
Life takes the miles we use

Pray for the poor, the widow and the tot
Disadvantaged lot
They look to us
What would God require of you?
Your life and the things you do
You count and Christ enables you to do your part

Clay Corvin 9/2/08


How quickly forgotten, lessons learned
Disasters fade quickly from the mind
Now old thoughts and pains
Revived anew to live again
I am just as scared as I was then
Maybe even more
For my age is beginning to show
Frankly I am depressed

Faith is called for
Memories of the miracles worked before
Yet our hearts know what a sordid sort we are
Doubt takes control and seeps into my soul
Now I’m just as scared as I was then
I begin to shake, rattle and roll
My life is all a mess, woe is me, why
From His heart He calls, come to Me and I will give you rest

My arguments begin as time unfolds
A long ride from the storm
Fears chiding my mind
What ifs taking my time
I have bequeathed control
To the one who would waste my soul
Stop I proclaim in Jesus name I am free
Taking my eyes off the world and putting them on You, Lord

Clay Corvin