Author - Clay Corvin


(The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. Ps 87:2)

Nehemiah’s gates were well laid on a foundation of rock
The Lord recalls His house
We go from private to public entering these gates
The Lord calls us to public worship in His house

Many ridicule the Church of Christ
Changing names to hide the place
Failing to see the simple truth
The Lord ordained His public rule

Private, private so many shout
I do just fine alone with God
Yes that is true, in Christ we do
The Lord ordained His public rule

The Gospel Church is the Father’s school
Jesus gave us HIS Church
The gates of hell will not prevail
The Lord ordained His public rule

Clay Corvin March 26, 2008


Gethsemane was a wonderful place to stay
Olive trees for shelter
A quiet retreat from the chaotic city

They had eaten their evening meal together
The disciples didn’t know it was the “Last Supper”
Jesus led them to Gethsemane so he could pray

All of them slept
Long day, hot any number of excuses
Jesus prayed alone

Sweat drops of blood
A powerful prayer
Feeling my sin and yours

He knew what he faced
He dealt with our disgrace
Willingly he went to the cross

Clay Corvin March 25, 2008

KIDRON VALLEY (Jeremiah 31:40)

We walked across the Kidron Valley
By the tomb of Absalom
Up the other side towards the Temple Mount
It was very tiring and demanding

Judas kissed Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
The soldiers took Jesus
Walking him across the Kidron Valley
To the house of Caiaphas

Weakened by aggressive prayer
Jesus was strong enough to walk across the valley
Up the Roman stepped way
Presenting himself at the house of Caiaphas

The Kidron was the city cemetery by the time of Josiah
It is important in some apocalyptic literature
It is a wide, dark place that even today is somewhat rugged
Behold days are coming when it will be Holy to the Lord

The impossible is easy for God
What we cannot do, what we cannot imagine
Is prophesied by the Servant of God
Jesus takes us from where we are and makes us Holy

Clay Corvin March 25, 2008


(Luke 19:41-42. As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.)

Jesus wept over the city
As He looked from the mount
So many times He had walked here
This time was near the end

This is a sobering picture
It should cause us to pause
His weeping preceded His sacrifice
For us this is good advice

Be careful how you judge
Be careful how you scold
Jesus knew about us
And died for us all

The next person you dislike
Think it all the way through
Get before the Father
Jesus died for you

Treat people with kindness
They are of great worth to God
Walk their road in their sandals
Christ walked to the cross for you

Clay Corvin March 25, 2008


Bread is the staff of life
Found in every civilization
One of the oldest prepared foods
Needed for sustenance of life

Bread is good for us
I love bread
Especially when it is fresh from the oven
Burning your fingers as you eat

Early in the morning
Very near the Cardo
One of my favorite bakeries
Sells fresh bread

We get it right out of the oven
Stack it in a bag
Walk the streets of Jerusalem
Eating fresh bread

Don’t ignore this
It is a great treat
You will never forget about
Walking the streets of Jerusalem eating fresh bread

Clay Corvin March 25, 2008


O little town of Bethlehem
Jesus born in you
Proclaimed by ancient servants
God’s Word is heard in you

This little town
No fame was found
Except the Savior
Came quietly at His birth in you

David’s place
Shepherd’s place
Holy place
People flock to see

This place where the Word
Came to man from above
He was here and gone
Now He is alive and lives in you

The shadows come early to Bethlehem
No wealth or worldly seat
Still we go to see the place
Where God came to you and me

Clay Corvin March 25, 2008


(“I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.” Solomon 2:1)

A Shulamite woman is like a rose
Look at the flowers that blanket Sharon
A beautiful rose, perfect in every way
A picture for us to imagine

Jesus isn’t like a rose
Jesus is the rose
He is perfect in everyway
He gives us himself and not an image

Riding on the bus
Through this broad, sweet plain
Think of how Christ touched your heart
His saving work setting you free

Perfect in every way
Taking our imperfection away
The Rose of Sharon lives in us
Life in Christ is the key

Clay Corvin March 24, 2008


Roman, Byzantine, Crusader
Choose your age of study
Caesarea was important to each
Today it is ruins and sand

Don’t be fooled by its look
Once it stood graceful and rich and cruel
The wealth of the world flowed through here
Making this country work

Herod, what a despot
Built and built and built
Safer to be a pig in his household than a child or a wife
Named his new port city after Caesar, seeking to curry favor

Paul came here under guard
Accused and abused Paul claimed Caesar’s review
The Holy Spirit sometimes leads us through tough times
The end result was Paul’s great ministry in Rome

Caesarea we are here to look at you
Remembering those persecuted by Rome
Claiming the power of Jesus as Christians have through the ages
Life is in God’s hands and we have seen His work right here

Clay Corvin March 24, 2008


What do you see from Carmel’s heights?
Pharaoh’s conquering army?
Assyrians marching to Jerusalem?
Babylon taking Israel to captivity?

Ancient civilizations all came by here
Everyone knew this place
Elijah came so all would know
His wonderful Lord reigned

The march up Carmel was arduous
Folks walked a few abreast
Elijah was confident
The fire destroyed Baal

I’ve always wanted to do something big for God
Fire from heaven would be fine
In the privacy of my prayer closet
The Lord reminds me of His cross I can bear

Wanting to do the things we can
Always seem so mundane
Today reclaim the cross and its bane
This is what Christ calls us to do

Clay Corvin March 24, 2008


Fifty-five hundred years ago, when urbanization began
Megiddo dominated the countryside, its history begun
Occupied through the ages, everyone stopped to fight
Including the British General Allenby

A powerful Canaanite city, defeated by Thutmose III
Later Joshua fought Megiddo
Defeating the pagan king
Adding it to his list of cities taken by Israel

All through the ages
Megiddo was a wealthy place
Seized the imagination of the Biblical writer
By the hand of God declared to be an end time place

It doesn’t look too formidable
Everything appears peaceful and calm
That’s the way of evil, lulling us to distraction
But the Lord knows where the stand will be

Quiet times are for us to refocus our hearts and minds
Giving the Lord time to root out our evil ways
Letting the Holy Spirit identify and reveal
What we should confess and change

Be quick to kneel-Slow to judge
You can’t see the activity of evil swirling everywhere
But you can spend time with Jesus
Christ is our strength and joy and in Him we are wise

Clay Corvin March 24, 2008