Author - Clay Corvin


(as you travel through the Golan you will be near one of the cities of refuge-Golan-the six cities are listed at Joshua 20:7-8)

The Lord calls us to peace and gave a place for refuge
Kadesh, Shechem, Hebron, Bezer, Ramoth, and Golan
Everyone was near a city of refuge
We partner with God for peace

The gates were open for the wrongly accused
Provisions for their stay were always stocked
Peace was important to God
This refuge was available for all who lived in the land

Jesus is our refuge, He is God’s everything
In Him we have God’s peace and provision
His gift to us is His right standing with God
Jesus makes us free and brings us into God’s kingdom

Clay Corvin March 23, 2008


Baal and Panias both ruled here
People through the ages
Stood at the gates of hell
Worshipping man made gods

Cool and inviting in the summertime
Jesus brought the disciples all the way here
Who am I Jesus asked?
Peter replied you are the Christ!

We declare Christ by the way we live
Either Jesus is in charge or we are
We cannot worship the world
When we are sold out to Christ

When you stand at the gates of hell
Ask yourself “who do you love”
Be about the master’s business
Let Jesus have control of you

Clay Corvin March 23, 2008


“they called the name of the city Dan after the name of Dan their father (Judges 18:29)


Ancient Laish, captured by Dan
The northernmost boundary of the Promised Land
Dan dishonored God by their graven image
This city started out bad and got worse

People get the best from the Lord
Then ruin it by their selfishness and greed
Instead of serving they think they can manage
The Lord isn’t an errand boy for you and me

One day all of this fell apart
Evil was destroyed
Notice that Dan is a nature preserve today
The people that lived here disappeared 2,800 years ago

We can’t fool the Lord
He is interested in our obedience not our control
He calls us to be servants not masters
In Christ we have life

Clay Corvin March 23, 2008


Pharaoh had an ally in Hazor
Joshua called it the head of the kingdoms they fought
He put it to the sword and burned it to the ground

Today the site we see is 200 acres
The largest of the ancient cities in Canaan
Sitting astride the Via Maris

Hazor was powerful for 2,000 years
Doing as it pleased
An important city at its peak had 40,000 inhabitants

The people were rich and thought it would last
After Joshua came and conquered
The people never changed-Money was their game

God determines our days-people and cities and states
It is important for us to lay up treasures in heaven
Walking with Jesus day by day

Clay Corvin March 23, 2008


The Galilee captures my imagination as I sit on the shore
Quietly contemplating Bible verses
All of those events happened here
This small arena of God’s activity among mankind

The sweep of Genesis touches upon the Galilee
Jesus lived the majority of His ministry around these shores
The Mount of Beatitudes, Capernaum, Bethsaida, so many more
I’ve seen them all and walked along the shore

How can the Lord use this in my life?
Change comes to mind first-I must change
I can begin to let Christ work out of me
Making a difference in the person you see

As I sit on the shore I recognize the opportunity
The Lord values who I am and what He has called me to do
I will recognize that too
Lord I will be me and let You express your power in me

Clay Corvin March 22, 2008


Jeremiah 31:16-17. Thus says the LORD, “Restrain your voice from weeping And your eyes from tears ; For your work will be rewarded,” declares the LORD, “And they will return from the land of the enemy. “There is hope for your future,” declares the LORD, “And your children will return to their own territory.

DO NOT WEEP (Luke 7:11)

Walking from God’s victory-straight way to Mount Tabor
Observing a funeral-the widow of Nain’s sweet son
Felled in early life-death’s evil complete
This poor woman was going to bury her son

Do not weep dear mother, young man arise
Conquering death with one quick word
A gift of compassion and a gift of love
Jesus stunned disciples and all raising one from the dead

He gives this gift to us, undeserved and free
Conquering death by His great power
Setting each one of us free, giving us what we need
The power to live a life of worth, Jesus sets us free

Every time I visit Mt. Tabor, with all of the other events that happened here I am mindful of the widow of Nain and the wonderful picture of the gift of life that Jesus demonstrates for us. Be sure to note where this small village is located and as you drive by there note that it is just an ordinary place that was changed by the power of God in Christ.

Clay Corvin 3/22/08


John 21:15. So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter,

Jesus revealed himself for the third time to the disciples
This time on the shores of Galilee
Reaching out to teach them
The truth that would set them free

Christ is all and in all and He is our need
When our focus is on pleasing Him
Our life will be to set mankind free
His love will be what people will see

Evil comes so quickly unbidden
Confused hearts do many things
Jesus calls us to do this one thing
Love Him in all we do

Obedience to Christ by our actions
Results in care for others
People count with Jesus
He uses us to proclaim His gift

Clay Corvin


Saul and Jonathan’s body hung on its wall
Canaanites’ rejoiced celebrating Israel’s fall
Later Rome came calling pushing out the folks
Who thought they owned this city
They didn’t now Rome had it all

Times are always changing
This world is passing away
Look as you walk those Roman streets
Is Rome still in control?
The truth-Only God has control

Listen as you walk this place
Look at the hill, building outlines
The people here were rich and important
They ruled and judged and thought it would go on forever
Life is like the flower, it wilts and dies too quick

When you finish in Bet Shean
Ask the Lord to be in control of you
To help you make each moment count
Building things of eternal value
Living His truth each day

Clay Corvin March 21, 2008


Carmel to Bet Shean
A valley in the sun
Ahab built his capital here
Challenging God, God won

Peoples through the ages
Sought to own this land
Fertile soil, gentle climate
A perfect place to grow

Gilboa and Tabor overlooking
As traders and civilizations fought and died
Today it is a quiet plain
Agriculture is its fame

Gideon fought and won here
Led by the power of God
Saul fought and lost here
He had turned his back on the Lord

History will have its say one day
Good and evil will stand toe to toe
We have nothing to fear from this battle
The Father raised Jesus from the dead and the battle has been won

Clay Corvin March 21, 2008


David dwelt in the strongholds of En Gedi
This oasis of water and wine
Cutting off a corner of Saul’s robe
David fled until God’s time

Traveling by the Dead Sea
We don’t see its importance
Minerals mined all the time
This place looks like a waste

Just a place to travel from
Only a spa to most
Through the years a special place
Now it probably won’t register on our mind

Look close, smell the eggs, see the death
After that day fishermen will line the banks
The water will flow fresh and alive
We have seen the place as Ezekiel saw in his vision

Israel is alive with the Word of God
All around we can see His face
This is His place and we are here
The Lord is speaking to us and He is near

Clay Corvin