Author - Clay Corvin


Why do I worry?
Why do I plea?
My life has a purpose
Jesus uses me

Unseen evil lurking
I will often fail
Out of sight
His victory
In Jesus I am well

So many issues
I’m not in charge
Bending self
To Jesus use
A beginning for my heart

See the sun shine brightly
While in a soul is gloom
The Father sent man Jesus
To remove us from evil’s doom

I can be and will be
Equipped in spite of self
The path I walk is worthy
Because Jesus gave His best

Jesus is all we need
To a life of victory
Giving us release

Clay Corvin


Grace, grace
A gift from Jesus Christ
Equipping me to be
A person Jesus uses
Making me alive and free

Grace, grace
Conquering my sin
Bringing me to Jesus
Giving what I need
Spending time with Him

Grace, grace
My heartfelt plea
Reviving me
When trouble takes its toll
Remaking me

Grace, grace
Calling out to me
Come follow Jesus
Obey His voice
Peace comes free

Grace, grace
All I need
To help me see
Jesus with me
I belong to Christ

Clay Corvin


Life has not conquered
Death cannot destroy
Jesus sees my hurting
Bringing victory in His hand

Guiding me through darkness
The unseen is so cold
He brings warmth for living
Jesus is my goal

Service is His calling
Love His gracious gift
Leading me to conquer
The fear that life emits

Giving me His calmness
Strong hand on my heart
Tomorrow is not a worry
Fear must depart

Free to be a servant
Strength to be myself
My life has a purpose
More than things and self

Jesus Lord and Savior
King of life and death
Equips me to be a blessing
To be used as His best

Living at the pace of life
Looking towards my Lord
When life gives me failure
Victory is with the Lord

Clay Corvin


This is the day
The Lord has made
He was here
Before I came

Knowing all
That soon would pass
He knows my path
The road I’ve trod

Teach me
To number my days
Claiming life
Before it can pass

Enough to guide
My future way
Enough to know
Choices I face

Christ is all
And all in me
Creating strength
I’m able to see

Now I go
The way He guides
This life I lead
This trail He knows

Clay Corvin 1/31/06


Tomorrow we say
Will come our way
Yet to defer
May create a stir

Soothsaying wind
Talking me in
Bow your neck
Do it now

I must live my life
Be who I am
Not to be waylaid
Do it now

By ease and its disease
Causing one to lose
I will…I can
Do it now

Tomorrow never comes
The time is now
Let Christ have His way
Do it now

Now is the day
Destroy life’s defeat
Do it now

Clay Corvin 1/30/06


Paul was walking
His own guide
Gifts and skills
By his side

Jesus came
Saved Paul’s soul
The Good News life
Paul now told

Told of Christ
His love for you
Willingly died
His death saved you

True to Christ
True to self
Gave his all
Each one he helped

Heard the call
“Come to me”
Came to Greece
To take the Gospel to me

The world was changed
Lives renewed
All that was
You can have too

2,000 years
Christ’s story told
You’re His goal
Now the world knows

Clay Corvin 01/01/06


The Babe was born
A lonely morn
Teenage girl
Fearful and poor

Joseph was strong
He brought her along
As ordered by God
He obeyed the command

Angels came
Fear not they said
As the shephers heard of His birth
Coming to see Mary’s child

Now we rejoice
A child was born
Wonderful Savior
He cares for me

All is changed
The future is sure
Today’s in His hands
Tomorrow we’ll see Christ

Glorious day
So many miss
Rejoice with me
The Lord is here

Clay Corvin “For Carla and Chris”


1st District: ‘Fort Apache’ officers draw the line at the French Quarter
Sunday, December 18, 2005 By Michael Perlstein
The officers holed up in the 1st District station recognized the sound right away: ka-pop, ka-pop. Gunshots.
It hardly came as a surprise in the growing panic and lawlessness after Katrina left New Orleans upside down and under water. But then the officers recognized the source: the Iberville public housing complex just down Rampart Street from their station. Not only that, but the shots appeared to be aimed at their two-story building.

A study by The New York Times of more than 260 Louisianans who died during Hurricane Katrina or its aftermath found that almost all survived the height of the storm but died in the chaos and flooding that followed.

LUKE 2:8 -11
That night some shepherds were in the fields outside the village, guarding their flocks of sheep. 9 Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terribly frightened, 10 but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news of great joy for everyone! 11 The Savior – yes, the Messiah, the Lord – has been born tonight in Bethlehem, the city of David!

I. COURAGE is a SPIRITUL issue-babies, children, adults, nations
II. COURAGE is a GIFT-from God to His Children-(Proverbs 30:5 Every Word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to Him for protection
III. COURAGE goes hand in hand with PEACE
IV. COURAGE equips us to SERVE-where we are/what we have


I was afraid
Circumstances encouraged it
Jesus died for me
His life destroyed it
I can claim His strength
Courage comes to me
A gift direct from Christ
Equipping me today

I was frozen
What do I do?
How can I serve you?
Peace came to me
Held my hand
Courage moved my feet
I ceased to stand
And came to walk with you
I wasn’t well trained
Resources were few
In the eyes of man
I couldn’t do for you
Jesus said go
He said He would know
What I should do
As I lived life on the go

Now I’m His man
Storms come and go
He helps me stand
To face the waning sand
Time will not win
Courage comes again and again
Jesus is my King
His joy mends my soul

Clay Corvin 12/18/05


Jude 1:1 Jude, a bond-servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, To those who are the called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ: 2 May mercy and peace and love be multiplied to you.

1. ONLY THE CALLED-in Christ by redemption and forgiveness of sin
2. ONLY THE BELOVED-eternal bond, unbreakable
3. ONLY THE KEPT-held close, nurtured, guided, provided, precious
4. ONLY THE BOUNTIFUL-multiplied mercy, peace and love

Our BONDAGE is for our protection, purpose and priority


Called to be a member
In the family of God
Birthed by Jesus service
He lived and died for love
Love that I could fathom
The Father’s loving heart
His life is poured into me
I am given a new heart

Eternal bond of kinship
A gift I cannot earn
It keeps me safe through living
That I might experience love
His hand holding me up
In the midst of my sin
Guiding me to forgiveness
That I might live again

Now I know the secret
That burned within my soul
I wanted to be important
Now Jesus has made me whole
Calling me to service
To show by my love
The Gospel makes a difference
In my actions as I go

Closely held, protected
His hand my daily guide
I can be a servant
With Jesus by my side
His mission is my service
Christ equips me to go
I am precious to the Father
Jesus loves me so

All around the needy
Rich and poor
He is my deliverer
As I give more and more
Mercy is my privilege
Others need to hear
That peace and love from Jesus
Makes every day dear

Clay Corvin 12/11/05


Forgiveness came looking
For me today
Giving me strength
Guiding my way
Jesus my savior
Gave His love
That I might be whole
That I could give love

Where I am strong
You may be weak
When I belong
You may feel wronged
Life is given
That I might give
His word in my life
That you may live

Life is so quick
Too quick to waste
Forgiving –forgetting
Is a better way
It relieves my burden
It lightens my load
To walk with others
On Jesus’ daily road

Stop where you are
What’s hurting you?
Give it to Jesus
He will see you through
The Babe of Bethlehem
Came just for you
So that others would know Him
Through you
Clay Corvin 12/5/05