Author - Clay Corvin


Night time when our hearts beat loud
Conscience condemns
Courage clouds
The light is set
Concealing truth
Hard to see through sin
Bend the knee and turn to Him

Prayers are heard
Miracles done
Daily lives are blessed
Yet darkness only condemns
Giving one no rest
Denying answers really came
It was only things the same

I took a note
Writing my plea
Come dear Lord forgiving me
Blessing me with wisdom and peace
Give me courage to bend my knee
Listening to your Word
Christ is here, He heard

I don’t understand a lot of things
Suffering life and feeling pain
I do know this and I believe
God is good and He loves me
This is my strength
What ere befalls
Temptation has a hollow ring

God is great
He uses me
The world only accuses me
Joy comes in faithful days
Giving light to darkened days
He is all the world to me
Thank you Lord for making me
CC 11/28/05


Genesis 1:27 So God created human beings in his own image, In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Matthew 1:23 Look the virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means God is with us.

Matthew 2:1 Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the reign of King Herod.


I. CELEBRATION- life-opportunities-God’s concern-prayer
II. RENEWAL- friends-peace-future (God’s activity in the past)
III. SACRIFICE- giving-serving-thanking
IV. SENSATION- audacious-applause-joy

Little girl
Not long wed
Donkey ride down south
Traveling to Bethlehem
The tax man demanded a count

Normal things
Contain great truth
Miracles responding to life
Making us objects of love
Our Savior gave His life

Celebrate His birthday
Rejoice in His life
Live because He is present
Giving value to our life
Enabling joy in sacrifice

Giving us the foundation
For wealthy lives in Christ
Knowing all we give is sown
In fellowship, prayer, and growth
The Lord is on His throne

CC 11/27/05


Hebrews 12:12 So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees.

I. LIFE IS A TOUGH JOURNEY-not for the weak, not for the overburdened
II. LIFE IS NOT A SPRINT-my strength is for you, your strength is for me
III. LIFE IS SOMETHING WE SHARE-people count, the way I act towards them makes them count, when I make others count I count


Journey with me
Not ahead
Not behind
I will walk with you

Pray with me
Others need our help
I can’t walk alone
Forgive me

Talk and I will hear
What I have I give
I want to be transparent
How can I help you?

I tired and weak
Helping builds my strength
My fervor grows
When I pray upon my knees

Jesus cares for each of us
He loves you and me
The best I do
Is when I love you

Life is tough
Not for solo lives
Together we can do
What Christ calls us to

Remember all the pain
Let His strength renew
Don’t drag me down
I depend on you

Clay Corvin


We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18

1. PRESENCE OF GOD-This is His world
a. I’m missing something-Heaven Complete
b. I is important here-Jesus will occupy my every thought
c. Time destroys-Heaven eternal

Devastation all around
My heart is troubled
My strength is gone
Time is pushing me down

Christ speaks to me
I love you
This is your life
I will use you

Feeling failure
Shortages at every turn
My path is rocky
My life incomplete

Christ speaks to me
I created you
Do this for me
Life is where you are

Oppression –depression
Seeking out my soul
A hidden hand destroys
Desperation stalking me

Christ speaks to me
I am in control
Be calm and hold my hand
Heaven is your home

Clay Corvin


I was thinking about retirement. I had served for more than twenty-five years at the Brantley Center Homeless Mission in New Orleans. There were many tough years. Lord look how well I had served. My work had become predictable, rewarding and safe. Tomorrow looked like today. Then Hurricane Katrina hit. It will never be the same.

I was stunned, speechless and confused. The future no longer looked bright and shining. Heaven looked much better than it ever had. I really just wanted to sit on the sideline and let the world pass me by. Deep inside was anger, disappointment and hurt. How could this happen to me. Then gradually, slowly the questions stopped. It is what it is. Life is not mine to contain. Life is mine to serve.

A lemon is slowly but surely becoming a sweet lemonade. Miracles are happening all around me on a daily basis. The hand of God is visible in ways that I had never seen. Jesus makes life precious. My prayer is “Lord make my words gentle, gracious and kind for tomorrow I may have to eat them.”

[email protected]
Clay Corvin


Knowing God
In peace and grace
Standing at the tiger’s face
Jesus guides me home

Knowing God
When failure comes
His strength defends
The future’s son

Knowing God
In chaos deep
Grabbing hold of His feet
Jesus never fails

Knowing God
When times are tough
He listens as I cry
His love cleans my eyes

Knowing God
When I don’t know
What will come or go
I stand upon eternal life..made in Jesus Christ

Knowing God
I bend my knee
All I am I give to Thee
Tell me what to do

Knowing God
Will never go
My love will grow
Each day I know

Knowing God
My questions stop
Answers aren’t the key
It is Jesus Christ in me

Clay Corvin 11/05/05


What will I do?
O my King and Lord
As suffering rules each day
As darkness rules the night

I claim the SON
To give me living sight
That sees beyond the gloom
Confidence rules my life

You are always with me
Walking in my pain
Giving me assurance
In tragedy flowers still bloom

He is here inside my heart
Ruling my life with peace
Giving me Godly wisdom
To claim victory out of defeat

Jesus holds my future
Troubles can’t change that
I claim my Savior’s victory
In life I will not fear death

Clay Corvin 10/23/05


I was stunned
Fear came down
All that I held dear
Disappeared before my eyes
I couldn’t think
I lost control
I could not hold
The vision guiding me

Everything was changed
Nothing remained
All around was tragedy
My world was dark
Had I been wrong
What about my song?
But it wasn’t about me
We all needed help
Fear walked our land

This is the time to think
Time to be calm
Step by step
Rebuilding my resolve
Lord I need You
Be my eyes and feet
Hold my hand
As I walk in quicksand
Bring me through this fog

Restoration is the key
Not a time to mourn
Keep moving along
Do the right thing
No feelings required
Something greater than me
Is at work in my land
Take the Father’s hand
Wait upon the Lord

I don’t have to know
I cannot change these facts
I am not in control
But I know who controls me

He has set me free
This façade I’ve lived
Is not the truth
Serve the Lord with gladness
Jesus is here

Eternity is marching
Reaching into me
I can be His man
Serving where I am
Not for what I get
But because He loves me
Jesus has my hand
His love never fails
Christ loves me

Clay Corvin 10/20/05


Like Jesus
I will be
He lives
Inside of me
Expressing His desire
By the things I say and do

To many times
I want things my way
I can’t tell the times
It’s simply spending time
Kneeling at Jesus feet

Willingly I give
As I experience His love
Knowing I am His
His life in me
Changes all I do
Enabling me to see
The need in you

Today is the time
Holiness begins now
Setting time aside
To let Him abide
In my heart and mind
He is all I see
Jesus lives in me

Clay Corvin 10/03/05


No other god
Can set you free
Listen as I speak
“I’m in love with you”

All your life
You’ve sought my look
All your life
You’ve prayed

Now I’m here
To say to you
I’m listening
I love you

Light is here
It will guide your path
Especially when it’s dark
And you think you’ve lost your way

My gentle hand
Is strong and kind
My nudge will guide you
On a path that leads to me

I’m a jealous God
I want your time
Seek my face
All the time

Know that I am here for you
I died for you
I forgive you
I love you

Clay Corvin 09/24/05