Author - Clay Corvin


Inside of me
The world is small
I do not see the obstacles
Life will be what I see

Along the way
I go my way
The path is always blurred
Things get disturbed

Along the way
I lose a day
Then things disappear
Now I am here

How did this happen?
How could I have known?
Is there a plan for me?
Or is life a cruel joke?

Jesus came to end the joke
His love repairs my soul
Giving me His hand each day
As I walk in living woe

All around the heartache rings
I see things I can’t fix
But Jesus fixes me
I am able to be

A plan for me
Straight from God’s hand
Jesus brings life to me
And wisdom to walk the land

Now I’m on my way
Focused each day
On walking His way
Jesus lives in me

CC 6/11/05


In the beginning
It was just me
Alone and fearful
How could I be free?

Wanting to be
A powerful one
In my heart
I felt undone

So many times
So many ways
Life trod me down
Beat out my fun

All along
Nagging at me
A need for something
To make me free

Free from fear
A friend of peace
Those were the things
I sought for me

Jesus came
Touched my heart
I saw my sin
It kept me apart

Apart from the Lord
My creator and King
Jesus forgave me
My life was set free

Now I know
Someone cares
He loves me
By His power I am free

CC 6/4/05


Change is hard
I pay a price
Inside of me
Demands advice

I squirm and complain
Why is this true?
Change is so hard
Is this what I do?

I’m not pretty in change
I’m confused and slow
My heart is panting
Is this where we go?

And then those things
I cannot name
That stands against me
They really cause pain

I want to be at the top
Change puts me low
I don’t know
Others have the show

Ego see is always here
I’m important
I count
Change discounts me

Suffering at His knee
Crying out for help
My soul is stretched
His heart pours out love

He has my attention
Amazingly I grow
All through the pain and suffering
Jesus held my hand

CC 6/4/05


I heard God say
Live this way
It is your strength
To deal with each day

I give you rules
To guide your way
Life with me
Means go My way

So many things
The Father says
I listen and learn
He is life in my head

I focus my life
On the Living Word
Searching His Word
For promises to me

Claiming each one
I journey His way
Confident in living
My life today

Time well spent
Listening to Christ
He knows the future
Like I know the past

Do this He says
As I face this day
I bend my knee
Lord I will do as you say

I will not depart
From God’s Holy Word
I will give my heart
To accepting His love

Today God spoke
As I knelt with Him
Do this He says
Immediately I did
CC 6/4/05


Sit and think
Try to do
How about you?

Wonderful things
In my mind
I’ll get to them
Once upon a time

All my life
I’ve thought away
If I had any say
I’d change to be the right way

Then the Lord
Came to me
I will save you
It’s for free

I took His gift
It changed my heart
Now I did what I couldn’t do
Action happens because of You

Service is just a part of the ride
I’m a servant
In service
To Jesus Christ

He guides my way
I do as He leads
My focus is changed
I serve in Jesus name

CC 6/4/05


Ideas come and quickly go
Striving to be
The one You know
And in the struggle
Comes the Word
You have heard
I am known

Surrender begins the journey
It makes me fear
What will be tomorrow?
Who will be near?

Your hand calms my fear
I am is near
Listen as I fear

The growth is in the action
Taken when I surrender
Out of my fear
I believe You are here
Then I do what calls me near
And growth is the result

Every step into the dark
Every victory of my fearful heart
Takes me one step more along my way
Being able to serve You today

The joy rings within
When victory conquers sin
And I am used again
The Lord’s work wins.

CC 5/30/05


The Plan is you
Complete and true
Straight from His heart
Making a blessing of you

Written before
Foundations were laid
Every detail expressed
Making a blessing of you

Where you are
Is where you should be
Surrender your life
He died on your tree

Judgment begins
By your choice
Refuse His plan
Sacrifice your life

The options are clear
Your were made by love
Listen and hear
He will guide your life

In each one of us
Questions ring out
Has God said?
Can control our life

Throw off the guilt
Stop with the hate
Surrender your life
Before it is too late
5/25/05 CC


All around
Friends in need
Sometimes things
Sometimes thoughts
Prayer makes a difference
Expanding my heart
Giving room for action
By the Lord’s chosen art

Never do I remember
What the moment was
A thought for a friend
Taken to the Lord
Asking Christ for comfort
Or need
For that one my heart sees
Expressing to the Lord

Do not miss your wisdom
Do not discount your strength
You may be the chosen
The Lord uses to bring
Someone in need
Before His throne
Spend time with Jesus
You will belong

The world seeks to dismiss me
It says who am I?
I am God’s child
With His work
By His strength
At His urging
Being used in victory
Before a watching world

CC 5/20/05


Alive to God
That’s what I want
I need to hear His word
I’m God created; Jesus saved and Spirit-filled

David is a pattern
His life a joy to see
In Psalm 18 he hollers out
I will leap for Thee

David leaps for Goliath
Confident of God’s hand
Knowing that this moment
Death was Goliath’s fan

Running from Saul
David does it each day with zest
Never questioning if Jesus loves him
He lives his life under test

Rounding up stray sheep
Meeting Jonathan
Pursuing God
David leapt to live

Always alive to God
Down to earth and dealing with life
David was God’s man
I want to live like that
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Jesus comes to where I am
He is looking for me
Living in this place on earth
Christ comes and gives me worth

Jesus has a plan for me
He wants me to know
That where I am
Is exactly the place I should go

All the ages praise Him
He brings meaning for me
I’m not a slave of evil
The Lord has set me free

My unusual situation
Is not something to be spurned
Jesus brings great value and worth
To wherever I might be

He doesn’t circumvent my ways
He works within me
Changing the way I see
And all the things I can be

People all around me
Each one of them count
Jesus sent me to them
To live heaven bound

He doesn’t offer shortcuts
He equips me to stay the course
I belong to Jesus
He embraces me

5/15/05 CC