Author - Clay Corvin


I need the Lord
For every breath I take
For inner workings way
Limbs respond
And networks sync
The wondrous body
God bequeathed
I need the Lord

I need the Lord
To heal me as I live
From sickness and disease
And when I am hurt
To heal my flesh
Nothing works without Him
Jesus keeps me whole
I need the Lord

I need the Lord
For each days thought
For steps that will come
For defense of what I’ve done
For the future I’ve not won
To solve my fear
And give me strength
I need the Lord

I need the Lord
To guide my heart
To give my life its start
To tell me where to go
And how I will know
To stand or to flow
His work makes me whole
I need the Lord

The one day He will call me
Come home to Me
And I will stand face to face
And see Him full of glory and grace
I need the Lord
CC 4/22/05


Heal me Lord
Of sin and shame
Name my name
Beside Your fame

Reach into this world of grief
Heal me Lord
From man’s disease
Cleanse me in my heart

And on the way
Heal my flesh
Relieve me of this pain
Renew my strength

Stand with me
As I stride ahead
Not knowing what to think
Fear and dread whispering in my ear

Heal me Lord
Make me whole
To see Your face
To know You more

Thank you for hearing me
Thank you for loving me
Forgive me for endless slights
I am grateful to be known

Jesus is my strength
Jesus makes me whole
Bring me to Your presence
Lead me where You go

CC 4/22/05


Think of life
How it’s been
So often wrong
Sad again

All the good
Gone from you
You are broke
Don’t even have a coat

Did you see?
The hardship here
While you worked
To make life clear

Robbed of value
Convinced you’re done
Never to be
What your mind could see

Stop right there
Peace is near
Ask the Lord
He holds you dear

Value and worth
Your name in lights
Jesus brings life
Wisdom not strife

Every day Christ is here
Each moment He guides
Claim your right
In Jesus Christ

CC 4/16/05


God loves you
Created for Him
All of your running
Disconnects your view

God loves you
His hand is on your heart
Seeking to help you live
To deal with evil’s cart

God loves you
He said you are worth
His dying on the cross
To make you His from birth

God loves you
You are never far away
The Lord of all
Stands with you always

God loves you
He will heal every hurt
You must choose
Surrender is your part

God loves you
Offering His life
To indwell you
Giving real life

God loves you
You are unique
His love is deep
You are His keep

CC 4/16/05


Walk this way
For your own good
It equips you for living
And loving God’s good

Listen as He speaks to you
It takes you time
Quietness too
God will speak to you

He gives you rules
That help you live
Keeping you save
From the evil Satan gives

Satan will trip you up
He’s smart and strong
You will be wrong
In pain you will regret

When you disobey
You will rule your way
The choices you make
Will break your heart

Bend the knee
Follow Christ
Listen to His advice
Walk this way

CC 4/16/05


JESUS is in charge
He created what we see
Much beyond
You and me

So majestic
Loving and kind
Seeking to save
Jesus is divine

Nothing goes
Nothing stops
Without His awareness
And love

Christ offers care and concern
He knows and sees all
Closer than a brother
He leads me and you

Wanting to indwell us
Guiding every step
Jesus waits to hear us
Surrender is our step

Redeeming us from evil
Redeeming us to life
Redemption is His purview
Acceptance is our half

4/16/05 CC


Life is chaotic
We never know
What tomorrow’s time
Will show

Anxiety wins
Each day begins
Life is out of control
Our façade doesn’t change our soul

The Father cares
About our needs
He knows we fear
He lives in me

My trust in Him
Grows each day
Peace begins
When I go God’s way

Peace is strong
It equips me to be
The kind of person
That loves and is free

Able to stand
When others fall
Peace gives power
The Lord controls

Every day I spend with Christ
Equips my soul with strength
Knowing that Jesus completely saves
Gives me wisdom to go His way

CC 4/16/05


God is calling me
Listen to His Word
Reaching out to touch my heart
The Lord is talking to me

Directing every step I take
I must read His Word
Lighting up the way I go
Demanding to be heard

My relationship will grow
Jesus will train my mind
Spending time with Christ
Will change my life

The world is always calling
What can I do?
Keep my life in focus
Controlled by Jesus Christ

Ignoring God’s directions
Will give the world a win
I will trip and stumble
I must run to Jesus then

I will claim my provider
Jesus is His name
He will shape my journey
For the Father’s glory and fame

CC 4/8/05


The struggle for existence
What and who am I?
Yearning for significance
To make sense before I die

Why is this the way it is?
This question doesn’t work
What can I do that makes me live?
This question can be heard

Jesus died for people
For all who have been born
God providing significance
For even those in scorn

I can be important
Not a ruler or a rogue
But one who knows the Father
Living under His control

Jesus brings importance
To lives that seem not to count
He has a plan for you and me
We are His hands and feet

Ambassadors for Jesus
Right where we are
Doing what we can
Living in His hand

All of life is sacred
It is a part of God
Our part is His service
Because we belong to Christ

Every day with Jesus
I learn more about love
I have eternal life
I can serve those He loves



Power in the world
Hurts and maims man’s soul
Look around at centuries
Where power’s story is told

This power is a mimic
Of God’s creative love
Yet worldly power destroys
People and God’s love

Look at the hurting
Ignored by the rich
Wealth creates blindness
To the lame and the sick

Reach up with your dollars
Put them in a safe
Every day you save them
Evil is having its way

Put those dollars in action
Give them to Christ’s work
Reach the lost for Jesus
See God’s power at work

How can I have power?
Bend my knee to Christ
Rejoice in my privilege
To be where God calls me

CC 4/9/05