Author - Clay Corvin


What a thing
This life I have
Gift from God
Especially to me
Making me His child
Living and free

Free to be His servant
Sharing things I see
All those times with Jesus
Are things I share
Direct from Thee
With all of those I see

The very best of who You are
Is found in me
Because Your life is planted
In the new heart given to me
So that I can share my life
With others seeking for Thee

In the heart of each of us
A push to be like Christ
I can share this push from God
By living unto Thee
Giving to those You send
Letting them see me

Surprises to me
Are not to You
You know all that will come
I use those times of chaos
To listen to You speak
And in Your speaking see

Reaching out to let You
Handle all my life
Power, strength and wisdom
Given freely to me
So that Your plan for me
Will glorify You

I’m willing to be Your servant
I’m willing to walk in Your strength
Speak through my experience
Help me walk with You
And keep on living in victory
As I let You use me
CC 3/12/05

Partners in Christ

Colossians 2:9-10 For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;

Everyday we face a multitude of joy robbers. Sometimes it is because we have been lax in our quiet times. Other times it is the stress of too much month at the end of our money. Quite frankly we must remember that our adversary is in the business of robbing our joy. Today claim Christ and His supremacy for your joy. You and I are partners together in Christ. He is our joy.


Pure of heart
Depends on me
Will I be the focused child?
Bending my knee in surrender
Letting Jesus have me
I want to see Jesus face to face

See Christ as He is
Full of all God is
Creator, ruler, friend
I want to bow at His feet
Knowing my heart is His
I want to see Jesus face to face

Revel in the revealed
What a joy divine
To see who He is
My savior and friend
Who gave me life
I want to see Jesus face to face

He made me
Unique in all my ways
According to His plan
My life was in His hand
Now I stand before Him
I want to see Jesus face to face

Righteous king and Lord
Who lived in my heart
Knowing what I am
The depths of sin in my heart
He cleansed me from the start
I want to see Jesus face to face

In the midst of all my pain
Healing was around
Jesus offered peace and strength
He never left me
Victory was in me
I want to see Jesus face to face
CC 3/5/05


I’m alive-The Lord is blessing me

He didn’t take me home
It could have ended yesterday
I’m alive-The Lord is blessing me

I can walk and see
My heart beats free
I’m alive-The Lord is blessing me

Things I need
Jesus has time for me
I’m alive-The Lord is blessing me

It’s easy to see
My need for Christ, help me Lord
I’m alive-The Lord is blessing me

So many things puzzle me
I don’t want them to stumble me
I’m alive-The Lord is blessing me

Christ is in control
He pours out good on me
I’m alive-The Lord is blessing me

One more chance to share with you
Come to Christ, He will set you free
I’m alive-The Lord is blessing me

CC 3/05/05


I need it
I want it
Now not then
Wake up Jesus
It’s time to answer me

I have a plan
Here it is
Let’s do it now
Don’t you see Lord?
It’s time to do for me

I’m tired of being wrong
Look at all those that get along
What’s wrong with me?
I need a miracle
Lord aren’t you going to fix me?

Today is the day
I feel it for real
I’ve been good Lord
Let’s do it for me
Lord I know you will answer me

I learned today
Out of my pain
Life is for living
Giving is gain
Wow, Jesus answered me

CC 3/5/05


I need God
In this woeful world
Pain and hurt control
My life is a mess
I need God

I need God
For my foolishness
My life is out of control
Catastrophe soaks my soul
I need God

I need God
Christ has come
To bring me in to Him
I want to deal with failure
And make each day complete
I need God

I need God
Because I cannot see
What will happen to me
Or those I love
I want them to be free
I need God

I need God
My heart bleeds
At the way I live
This day strong
Tomorrow weak
I need God

I need God
My life is short
Where I am is not at peace
One day soon I will die
I want to live eternal life
I need God
CC 3/5/05


Early in the morning
Before the sun is up
Dawn is creeping
The chill isn’t gone

I hear the Word
Spoken by the Lord
“Sit by My side”
Before the day is lit

I listen as He comforts
Reminding me
How much He loves me
Life is sweet

The day has its features
The Lord is in control
Remember He knows
Before it shows

He calls me to surrender
Trust His strength
Life in all its splendor
Will not out think

The plan today
Go His way
Carrying for the people
I meet on the way

Fears are aplenty
Favor is complete
I spend time with Jesus
Sitting at His feet

The result is surrender
Follow His way
Reach out to others
Let them have their say

People count with Jesus
I can help them know
By showing them respect
And listening as I go

All of this before the sun
Takes its place today
The Lord of all is Lord of all
I’ve surrendered my day
CC 2/28/05


Listening, hearing, speaking
Time constrains our acts
Trying to speak for God
We often look like hacks

Words the Lord has spoken
Instilling us with strength
Often are for comfort
Not to create others disbelief

Don’t try to impress them
Accept the Father’s Word
Use it as you serve Him
For strength in His Word

Always stop to listen
The Lord loves you
Let Him have your attention
To guide you through

Patience, patience, wait
You don’t have the time
His schedule is not controlled
Or developed by our whine

Straighten up in service
Work without kudos
Remember who you are serving
The Lord of mankind

Keep on with His vision
Speak to Him alone
Let His strength fill your heart
See what you do with spiritual eyes

Jesus is always working
Living in you
His timing is always perfect
Let the Lord use you
CC 2/27/05


Jesus stands before us
Living as we live
Suffering all our heartaches
Yet no sin in Him

King of kings
Lord of Lords
Living in me
Strength to face my life

He is still precisely
What He came to be
Fully God and Fully man
Representing me

Giving me His access
An entrée into God
The Father shares His secrets
Because Jesus brings me in

My life may look mundane
No kings or princes here
Wealth is not calling
Christ still uses me

I represent God’s kingdom
I speak as He would have
In face of evils accusing
My soul is hidden with Christ

Jesus is my answer
He has defeated all my foes
Life is His possession
He calls me His own

Guiding, showing, caring
What a life Christ gives
My life is new each day
The Lord loves me

2/26/05 CC


Christ came to earth
Looking for you
Each of us included
As He sought to set us free

Yet the average person
Flees from Christ
Jesus come and save us
We want to be free

I know what it’s like to be alone
Working hard and on my own
Seeing all I’ve done accuse
My life then was built on sand

Then you came and saved me
A gift I couldn’t give
Free from the hand of God
Freedom for me to live

Courage was your first step
Helping me see
How little what I did
Could ever help me

Wisdom was your work
Giving me ears
To hear and see the plight of man
We have so little to give

I gave You my life
You gave me a new heart
And came to dwell within me
So that every moment would count

Each of us can come
And claim the gift of life
A gift You will not reclaim
It’s is given for us to live

Eternal life lives in me
Jesus gives me the way
To face each and ever choice
That leads to Him each day
CC 2/26/05