Author - Clay Corvin


I surrendered all
Jesus lives in me
Giving me His life
Eternally equipping me

Salvation is a fact
He lives in me
Never going back
Jesus set me free

Every day I surrender
Rising to face my day
To let my Lord rule me
Jesus gives me the way

A way to do it right
Making choices He desires
Helping me to be my best
No matter what the world does

Claiming all Christ gives
Knowing He is with me
I face the moment when I fail
Christ forgives and claims me

Every day is new
The Lord is leading me
Helping me to struggle
He vows I am free

I know in my heart
One day I will see
The truth of all I have
Jesus loves me

CC 2/27/05


Here I am to serve You
Lord you know my need
If this is where you want me
This is where I will be

I rejoice in your goodness
I claim Your love
Actively guide me
As I seek to serve those you love

Power resides in surrender
If comes from your hand
Dealing with my worldliness
Guiding me to be your man

Wealth and honor sidetrack me
Help me hear Your Words
The world is passing by me
New Jerusalem is where I’m heard

The work I do is a blessing
I see You where I stand
Every time I surrender
Heaven gives me a hand

All around are the needy
Every face I see needs help
My life is here to serve You
Use me as Your hands

I see Your hand as it beckons
Holding resources I will need
Every time I surrender
Victory is instilled in me

CC 2/27/05

Romans 4:16-25 GOD IS ALL

a. Faith given by God
b. Belief from a pure heart
c. Eternal gift
a. Once and for all
b. Every day
c. Hour of our weakness
a. Where you are
b. What you have
c. Power comes from Jesus
a. Jesus only
b. Brings us into a relationship
c. Provides us with righteousness
d. Equips us to choose
e. Guides us in life


See Me
See you
Watching as you live
Walk like I’ve saved you
Live like we talk

See the vision given
Know that I will fill
All of those particulars
My promise gives
And your faith lives

See Me
As you face your trial
Hurts and pains come hunting
Sent by evil’s hand
Aimed to distract you

Know that My promise
Always arrives
At just the right moment
Don’t be surprised
Live like you are alive

Death is an aggressive hunter
Throwing fear around
I give life eternal
Fear is destroyed
Claim your joy

I will walk with you
Guiding your every step
Focus your intent
Act heaven bent
My promises always come true



Life in danger
Every day
Hidden things
The world holds sway

Reaching out
To deal with me
Jesus gives
His love for me

Righteousness bequeathed
A gift for me
I seek His face
Jesus knows me

Now I’m known
By heavenly host
God’s child
Lift a toast

Praise the Lord
For His precious gift
Saving me
To eternity

Grab the life
Courage gives
God is real
Jesus lives

Living in
This heart of mine
Jesus gives
This life is mine

Mine to serve
Mine to give
No longer a slave
I’m free to live

CC 2/19/05


Troubles come
Friends arrive
Praying for relief
From troubles side

Christ is in control

Let your heart be
Jesus loves you and me

Take this time
Hear Him speak
Reaching out
Christ is unique

He is alive

Now you think
Of all the things
You should have done
Fear has not won

Your frailty shows
Let it go
Christ is here
He will guide you from wrong

All you will ever need

Spend this time with Jesus
Let Him change your heart
Making you courageous
Then real life starts
CC 2/19/05


I look away
Not to see
The pain
Circling me

Feeling fear’s
Deathly grasp
Angst in me
About what will be

Time, time
Slowly ticks
Yet the years
Speed swiftly by

Hanging out
With fears fold
All the folks
That I can see

We’ve prepared
Readied souls
Humanity howls
I can’t let go

And the day
Consumes my way
Standing still
I’m not in control

So many thoughts
Hope’s revived
His hand on me
I’m new and alive




Today is special
Recognizing you
For all the things you do

Your family is your treasure
We treasure you
The way you bless us
Caring for each of us

So many years
As though a day
A loving life
By all you do and say

I love you
With all my heart
Thank you for loving me

Today is just a point in time
Reminding us
How much you do
And all you mean to us

Bless you as you heal
We pray for your strength
Your bravery is real
We care for you

I love you
All of you
In good times and tough
I love you

Happy Valentine’s Day
Thirty six of them
I love you

Clay Corvin 2/13/05


Father I have great need
Every single day
Sometimes I don’t even know
Until trouble comes my way

Hidden in the folds of life
Need is always here
Give me strength to serve you
I hold Your presence dear

Come and show me pathways
That protect and provide
Lord I need your presence
As I face this day’s surprise

I know You are loving
I trust You are here
Life and life’s illusions
Are not friends of mine

Thank you for your guidance
And all the gifts you give
Life is worth the struggle
As long as You are near

CC 2/13/05


Don’t forget the King is here
Jesus lives in you
He is real and worthy
Praise Him for His love
His yearning after you
God is good
Let Him have all of you

Every step we take
A choice rears its head
“Will I trust the Lord?”
Or walk in fear
Not knowing love
Or how much what I do
Is important to the Lord
He knows all I do

I will talk with Him each day
Letting Him speak to me
About the way I live
And what I am to give
Receiving strength to live
Enabling me to give
Jesus is God’s everything

Praise the Lord
Praise Him high and low
I give Him my life
He is Lord of all
Guide me and be
All of life for me
CC 1/12/05