Author - Clay Corvin


Hurt and pain go away
I cry as others
I want my way
So I rail at inanimate things
Claiming life things

Jesus uses failure
To help us see
How evil things cannot please
How much God cares
For you and for me

Abundance is in the eye of the beholder
What I see as joy
Others see as pain
I wear Godly glasses
Going to Christ to see

Unbelievers all around us
Foolish in their claims
All beliefs recycle
Claiming God can’t win
And humanity is in control

That kind of thought brings laughter
To evils casting call
Man is so conceited
He thinks he can win
When everyday brings failure again

Evil seeks to blind us
Convince us we have no worth
That nothing cares and we don’t count
Get all that you can grab
Life ends on a slab

Jesus says you are special
He died just for you
The Lord of all is waiting
For you to stop and call
Lord I need help today
CC 1/12/05


I see you
All around me
When I look at me
You become real

Wonder, awe and grace
Throughout the world I live
I don’t understand so much
But I know you live

I am so complex
Yet You are so divine
Loving me complete
Even with my breakable feet

What a plan for me
I knew it in my heart
Every day defeat
Robs the life I trod

I accept the life You give
I value what You do
Jesus gives me life
Until I stand with You
CC 2/12/05


Be yourself
God loves you
Share your life
Let Christ live in you

Service sows the future
Giving strength for today
Gratitude is God’s highway
To send His grace to you

More of things that are needed
More time with Christ
Gratitude equips living
So that you will know how

See the things of Jesus
People are number one
The Father sees our service
Gratitude gives the Son

Live and breathe and rejoice
Bless those you meet
A grateful heart is infectious
And enables growing belief

You are special
God created you
Rejoice in His creation
Eternity will bless you
CC 1/5/05


Hear me
Hear me now
Satan is coming
Be careful how you live

Ego is a downfall
Pride kicks hard
The sneaky ways of evil
Get us every time

Remember evil is hunting
You are on its list
Spend time with Jesus
So evil will always miss

Don’t do those things
You once loved to do
Finding out their value
When the gutter covered you

Life is always changing
Everything so new
Don’t let the unknown
Trample all over you

CC 1/5/05


The future is on the line
Life I thought was mine
Faces a challenge
I know the kind

Unknown forces vie
To turn our hearts away
Making us forget
Time is soon away

Time and time
I think life’s mine
And then the day is here
Life is really dear

If I had known
And I had grown
I’d feel the pinch of time
But then I like to whine

How and why and should
The truth is life is good
Because the Lord of life
Is here with me in Paradise

Thank you for the days
Many more I pray
But now today I see
The Lord of life in me

Jesus is my Lord
The focus of my soul
Time cannot withhold
Jesus is my goal

CC 2/4/05


Cry to Me
I hear you
Know My love
It will not leave

Claim My heart
I see your soul
Let Me hear
Your life unfold

Every day proclaim
Your love
And earnest need
Recognize My gifts

Expect Me to give
The things you need today
Left up your eyes
Deliverance is on the way

Thankful hearts will grow
See the love that flows
Peace like a river
Wisdom to stand and grow

CC 2/4/05


Daily bread
I need this day
Trust the Lord
He’s looking my way

Meet me
Where I live
Guiding me
To freely give

Forgive those
That cause you pain
Ask that Christ
Will cleanse their name

The end result
Forgiveness for me
Surprising love
The guilty are free

Every good
Encourages pain
Satan draws
An aim on my name

Christ is strong
Able enough
To win the fight
With evil’s lust

Every day
We need His strength
To walk us through
Evil’s rank

Now I rise
To face the day
My Father God
Will lead my way

CC 1/22/05


God is looking for me
Seeking for the opportunity
To help me know
That He, God, loves me so

Call me Dad
He said aloud
Through Jesus’ death
Alive now

Reach your hand
Out to Christ
Jesus brings me near
The Lord gives me life

Holy God
Sinful man
I speak through Christ
The Father hears

Change the way
I see my life
Jesus first
Life is right

Hope and freedom
Come from Him
Defining life
I’m alive and win

All the things
That pull me down
Father hear me
He does now

New, alive
Vibrant, free
All these words
I claim for me

A child of God
Through Christ my King
Today I’m His
My Lord is God

CC 1/22/05


Mark 16:5-6
So they entered the tomb, and there on the right sat a young man clothed in a white robe. The women were startled, but the angel said, “Do not be so surprised. You are looking for Jesus, the Nazarene, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He has been raised from the dead! Look, this is where they laid his body.

The world is in a mess. Everywhere we look is another problem. Wars, famine, genocide, catastrophes, and hate fill the pages of our newspapers and airwaves everyday. It is tragic and it is a problem.

Jesus is alive. Christ equips you and me to be a light to the world and a word of hope. Our Savior is not an absentee landlord, He lives in us. Jesus is alive and He is alive in you and me.

I am called to develop a close relationship with the Living Lord. The result of that daily abiding in Jesus is that I will be equipped to face the entire unknown that I will encounter that day. The Lord is with me and He will lead, guide, encourage, equip and enable me to accomplish what He has planned for my life. Jesus is alive.
Bless you today.


Here I am
Living life from God
So often overlooking
What I’m called to do

The Lord loves me
Not on a scale
Jesus died for me
So that I would be well

Healed from separation
Equipped to serve
Fellowship with the Father
To hear His words

So often I get lonely
A pity party event
Life gets unfocused
Sin creeps in

Then the Lord comes to me
As gently as I will let
He guides me back to balance
Whatever way is best

Eternity looms so quickly
But today is my concern
The Lord loves me completely
Jesus sustains me

CC 1/15/05