Author - Clay Corvin


The Word arrived in the flesh
God had come to man
Seeking out the hurting
Giving each a hand

God is forever
Always was the Word
Creating all before us
Hearing before we’ve heard

Reaches out for seekers
While they are sought
The choice for the people
Christ the Word of God

Stepping into this chaos
He knows how things are
Knowing all our secrets
And yet still loving our hearts

Giving us the power
To partner in this life
The Creator gives us business
His business is life

Every time we surrender
Every time we choose
The Word of God is with us
In Jesus we will never lose.

Clay Corvin 12/12/04


Faith is an oft used phrase
What does it mean to me?
That I can change the live I’ve lived
Freely give what I couldn’t be
The Lord lives in me

Alive and strong to face my day
Knowing all I do and say
Faith is well by itself
I can’t stop the world
Only myself

Faith is full and reaching out
Letting me know I’m not without clout
To change my heart
And grab my peace
The world is not my home
The future belongs to me

Faith reminds a saddened heart
There is joy alive even in the dark
And I belong to Jesus Christ
Walking victory
Living life
The world is not my home
The future belongs to me

All around are hurting lives
People hating and fully despised
Faith has come to live in me
Giving me eyes of love that see
The value of those despised
The impotence of sin in Jesus eyes

I belong to Christ
By faith I am able to survive
Spending time in Jesus school
Learning about the heavenly rules
Letting His heart guide mine
People count with God
The world is not my home
The future belongs to me
CC 12/12/04


Salvation walking
Looking at me
Reaching out a hand
To rescue me
Bound in sin
Sad each day
Wishing I had a way
Suddenly a new day

Salvation coming
From the heart of God
Knowing my pain
And the road I’ve trod
Helping my heart
Recover from abuse
Giving me understanding
I am of use
God is proud of me
He has come
To set me free

Salvation present
He lives in me
Guiding my life
So that I will be
A valuable person
Worthy and free
Able to deal with my hypocrisy
Knowing today is my day
I live in a world of joy and life
The Father desires my good
Christ walks with me
The Lord is alive in me.

CC 12/12/04


Nazareth to Bethlehem
A long lonely walk
Especially for Joseph
Who walked and thought
Thought of the future
How things would be tough
About the angel
Who changed all this stuff

Finally arrived to a cold review
Got no rooms
A stable must do
Amid the muck of the barnyard flock
Mary gave birth to a beautiful child
Joseph was warmed by his view

A baby wrapped in swaddling cloth
Mother and child and dad in a stable
Suddenly shepherds arrived on the scene
Telling them all they had heard and seen
The Savior had come to earth
It was this child of lowly birth

CC 12/11/04


Love is God
And God is love
He came to man
From heaven above
To break the reign of sin
Equipping the weakling to win

Filling each and everyone
By grace the strength of God’s Son
Filled with peace and joy for life
Giving man His best advice
In Jesus the victory is won
He breaks the chains of sin
Letting man see God again

No longer must we cringe
The future doesn’t hinge
On how hard we work
Or how much we have
Jesus is God’s gift
Making us rich in Him
Able to face the fight
That life brings left and right

Every day is new
Every battle we face
God will fight for you
No longer will you be disgraced
What you are is what He gave
Your value in life
Is because you are saved
And soon one day
You will stand with Him
Then you will know
What by faith He bestowed
Victory in the face of sin

CC 12/11/04


You have heard the Word
It relates to you
All of God’s promises
Can come true

They will change our heartbeat
Change the way we walk
Cut out our cursing
Equip us to talk

I can be the person
I’ve always thought about
Everything I’ve hoped for
Destroying all my doubt

All those years of heartache
Consumed by God’s fire
Jesus is the answer
To make a life I desire

I will be His servant
Getting much work done
So many need the Savior
It’s work from Son to son

Never fearing failure
Never alone again
Jesus is the answer
He is my eternal friend

Clay Corvin 12/05/04


You have heard the Gospel
Standing by its fire
Warmed by others
Sheltered by their prayers

Only you can claim Christ
It is a personal responsibility
I may want it for you
Only you can act to claim Christ

Everyday is a journey
We can grow in Christ
Claim each one of His promises
Seek to serve with your life

Always people ignore us
So many seem to have it good
Yet life is lived each moment
You must claim your good

It’s not enough to be here
It’s not enough to care
Only you can claim Christ’s Gospel
To change your life and care

Care for those hurting
Care for those without
Care for the downhearted
Jesus equips us to care

The Lord counts our numbers
Not by what we own
He counts our hearts commitment
And lives that give all they own

Claim Jesus as your Savior
Claim Him right now
Your life will be His journey
Living through you today

All those things you’ve wanted
All that you knew you could be
Find fulfillment in Jesus
He lives His life in thee

Clay Corvin 12/05/04


Joseph valued family
He listened to the Lord
Odd the meet with angels
Faithful in the midst of discord

A simple man
A quiet faith
He stayed with Mary
Facing his fate

Bethlehem was calling
Joseph walked the road
Believing without understanding
The Lord would be in control

I don’t think Joseph realized
How his simple act of faith
Would reach across the ages
Showing us how to think

God is our master
We cannot figure Him out
The Lord calls us to service
To live without great doubts

Daily claim His promises
Live them in your life
The Lord is quick to help us
He will not leave us without

Family is important
We belong to God
The way we act to others
Displays our love for God

Clay Corvin 12/05/04


Insiders often say
I’ve got the power
It will go my way
Laughing in their heart

God spoke against the world
Evil now would no longer swirl
Around the hearts and minds of men
Goodness can reign within

Jesus came to Bethlehem
Cold and dark
Early night
The world ignored the Christ

Shepherds tending their flocks
Saw heavenly hosts proclaim
Peace on earth, good will to men
They came looking for Jesus

Quiet men of low repute
Smelly cloths and all
Entered into the cave
Telling why they came

Mary didn’t know their name
Stunned to silence
The angel had proclaimed
Her child would bless the world

Wise men came calling
Gifts fit for a king
Prophesying His life and death
Mary was stunned again

Mary and Joseph were little people
Without power or strength
Yet God proclaimed His power
The world would not be the same

People count with Jesus
People are empowered by God
Every path and journey
Jesus will be our guide
We don’t need great fortunes
Luck comes from God
His presence will keep us faithful
No matter the road we trod

Jesus is our answer
As we face the hurts of life
He answers all our heartache
In Jesus we have privilege and life
CC. 12/05/04


You can be pious
Even if you’re poor
Jesus values people
Not what they wore

Every thought and action
The Father is aware
His purpose in your birth
Was to build in value and worth

No one is worthless
Mean little lives come from man
God has a plan
You are in demand

Remember what He’s given
A chance for you to choose
Choose a life of victory
Not brokenness and abuse

All of us have problems
The rich and the poor
Jesus solves our problems
When the wolf is at the door

The world is always evil
It’s looking to destroy you
The Holy Spirit brings victory
When we live a life that is true

True to Jesus
True to His Word
True to people’s value
Brings joy in life to you

Reach out to people
See their value and worth
Life is a journey
All are just like you

Struggling to face tomorrow
Struggling to find their place
All of us need encouragement
Give the Lord Jesus first place
CC 12/5/04