Author - Clay Corvin


God could choose any way
To send His only Son
He could have been a super star
Born in the rising sun

God chose the people
That populates the earth
Disenfranchised poor ones
Who live with a sense of disgust

Jesus came to help us
To show us God’s way
Never trust in power
It will always ruin the day

Poverty is oppressive
But Jesus clearly showed
Poverty is our choice
God will guide us home

Every day He will listen
Every need He will meet
His presence gives us value
Jesus is all we need

Life can be scary
Losers seldom win
Jesus changers losers
To peaceful, consistent wins

Never say you’re worthless
Never admit despair
Jesus died for your sake
There is VICTORY in the air

CC 12/5/04


I stand amazed in the presence
God loves me so
My life is just a jumble
The Lord knows where I should go

His hand is on my spirit
My focus helps me see
His work in many places
Of this life I seek to be

I want and need and look for
The Lord patiently cares
He knows the steps to victory
He will gently lead me there

Tomorrow always beckons
Fear and concern at large
His peace is my passport
For living life at large

Where ever He shall lead me
Any place I lay my head
Is the place of peace and victory
The Lord is there, I’m blessed

When ever I start to worry
I stop my racing mind
I ask my Lord and Savior
Please give me your time

He listens as I ramble
It’s this and that I’m sure
He knows my need of comfort
His hand is my cure

I listen to His protection
Reminding me He cares
Offering me His victory
Joy is mine to endure

I don’t know the outcome
But I know that it will be with Him
Humility is my watchword
Jesus Christ is here
Clay Corvin 11/14/04


Jesus came
He died for me
Raised by God
He can set me free

He was looking
When I was dead
Overcome by sin
Losing my head

My heart heard Him
My will was beat
I knelt my life
At Jesus’ feet

The Word of God
Was real in me
It gave me life
It set me free

To face each day
In every way
Defeating the world
Living free

My Savior lives
He guides my soul
I walk with Him
He lives in me

Every day I know Him more
Every day He hears me say
I love you Lord
Thank you for saving me

Clay Corvin 11/13/04
Acts 1-01


War rages
Around me
It’s in my head
It will not let me be

Moving and bobbing
Hiding from view
The war is here
Destruction is near

Jesus lives
To free my soul
Fighting evil
Power for my heart

Never far
Willing to give
His strength to me
So that I can live

Live and share
Live and grow
Knowing my Lord
Knowing my role

He calls me near
To build me up
Wisdom and grace
To stand the hurt

And then I live
Knowing He lives
Surrendering my heart
To freedom’s way

Every day is new
Each battle rages into view
But when it hits
Christ will deal with it

I can work and play and grow
Knowing my Christ
Will not let me go
His power is present-Christ lives
Clay Corvin 11/13/04…Acts 1-02


You are called to service
Not to sniff and whine
Jesus is the focus
He lives for all mankind

You are the witness
Power in your heart
Christ lives in you
His life is what we impart

Telling all that listen
Anyway we can share
Faithful loving servant
Jesus in me makes me care

The world is dark and lonely
We have the answer for life
Christ is King and always reigns
He’s come to forgive mankind’s sin

Making us His kinfolk
We are an agent for Christ
Quick to share our lifestyle
Willing to die right here

The day dawns new and precious
Life is going quick
Tell each one you talk with
Tomorrow may never come

I want to proclaim His goodness
Tell of His miracles I’ve seen
People are hurting and missing
Life in Christ is what they need

Clay Corvin 11/13/04


Everyone we talk with
Needs Jesus Christ
A relationship with the Father
Gives them new life

Quickly share your story
Tomorrow may be too late
The world is wrought with evil
Jesus provides our fate

I must tell my story
Each and every day
The work of Christ brings glory
Praises for the Lord each day

You have needs that haunt you
You know that life is real
And yet so many people
Live without Christ still

Passing days lull them to sleep
They fail to claim God’s plan
Death is always present
Evil controls their hand

Tell them about your Savior
Tell them how you’ve changed
Remind them life is precious
Eternity is its aim

Ask them for an answer
Ask them to let Christ in
Never fail to witness
Christ soon will come again

Clay Corvin 11/13/04


Galilee of the Gentiles
God brought Christ to you
Raised Him there to save us
Religious there were few

Unstained by tradition
Working in the pagan’s midst
Feeling all the evil
That swirls in this world

Stainless through obedience
Sinless by His ways
Living close to the Father
Listening every day

Never was He distracted
Never was He confused
Accepting the rules I live by
He gave His life for use

Now I live in weakness
Bemoaning all of my lack
Yet all the things I’m missing
Do not stop me from His use

Ego is the problem
Pride is its source
Everyday I suffer
Is because I want my way

Surrender is the pathway
Obedience is our strength
Taking us from weakness
To rely on Jesus strength

Clay Corvin 11/11/04


Driven to her knees
Alone with God
Courage to stay and pray
Aware that Jesus was there
Refusing to run away

Listening as the Lord speaks
She never stops her work
Willing to risk dying
That Jesus might be heard

Living in defiance
Of the scruples of the world
Resting all her faith
On the Lord’s precious Word
That called her with Him
Going to the poor
Standing at their door
Even if they roared
The Lord is in control

Today is the time of faith
She knows it so well
And all the things she’s doing
Bring glory and honor to Christ
His love evidenced by her sacrifice

Mother, daughter, wife, servant of the Lord
Descriptive titles of her life
Lived each day with courage
Despite sins desperate hate
Of one who lives beneath His hand
Loving those sin hates
Jesus is her Lord

Clay Corvin 11/07/04


Soldiers tough as leather
Used to brutal days
Bruised our Lord Jesus
God had decreed

Bloodied our precious Savior
Who stood a silent watch
As all our sins came on Him
I deserved what He got

The mob of people cursed Him
Barabbas for them their plea
The Lord knew what would happen
Still He died for me

Walking to Golgotha
His strength drained away
Simon from Cyrene
Came to the Savior that day

Women stayed to see Him
They watched as He died
A gruesome fate I gave Him
Sin walked by my side

Then He died to save me
Carried to His grave
The women watched old Joseph
As He carried Him away

Pilate was a player
Rome was watching Him
He feared the Sanhedrin
He joined us in our sin

Now we know the story
The Father raised my Lord
Jesus paid my ticket
Christ has set me free

CC 11/06/04


Icy gaze of evil
Marching Christ to death
The religious leaders hated
While love was in their midst

Wrongly accusing
Twisted with sin and lust
The religious men were troubled
Holding God with disgust

Fighting against His presence
Refusing to bend frozen knees
Pointing death’s cold finger
The cross was all they could see

Once the Christ was destroyed
No one could question them
They would be the rulers
God would be pleased with them

In their evil furor
They forgot one thing
The Scriptures presented Jesus
They refused God’s lamb

Playing out their hatred
The Romans did their will
Satan claimed a victory
Only it was very short-lived

Jesus burst from evil
Resurrected from the grave
The Lord of hosts was the victor
No grave could ever hold Him

This king of kings is living
I name Him as my Lord
Jesus is my Savior
His victory is my sword

CC 11/05/04