Author - Clay Corvin


I was who He died for
To set my soul free
Breaking my chains of sinning
New Life given to me

Showing me He loved me
Not when or how or can
Real time surrender
To win a heart that was blind

Reaching into my darkness
Amidst destructive goals
Jesus came looking
To save my soul

Value, worth and wisdom
Given from Christ to me
No longer am I blinded
By sin and its hold on me

I really have a choice
Every moment of every day
I can choose to suffer
And sin will walk away

I really am beloved
Of my Christ who died for me
My life was worth His journey
Now I will live eternally

Clay Corvin 11/06/04


He lived for me
So that I could see
My life could be used

To serve the Lord
To build a life
Of strength in Christ
And daily victory

Suffering, bruised and bloodied
Walking to the cross
Yielding all His rights
Giving His Life for me

Dying all alone
A burden I cannot own
Paying all my fee
That my life could be free

Laid out in a tomb
The stone was put in place
The light of Sunday came
The resurrection exclaimed

Jesus Christ is Lord
He gave for you and me
His life can set me free
I claim His gift for me

Salvation alive in me
My life belongs to Thee
I serve and live for Christ
His hand is guiding me

Clay Corvin 11/05/04


Joh 8:12 – Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.”

Jesus knew me before I was born. My life is a result of His creative activity and is a gift. The Lord Jesus equips me to be myself. Surrendering to Jesus gives me life. I am alive in Christ.

The difficulties and failure I face are not a declaration of my value. Sin seeks to destroy. Jesus comes into my life where I am and declares me to be of great value and worth. The spiritual realm is the arena where my victory has been won. The blessings of life come out of my personal relationship with Jesus. Knowing Him and growing in Him equip me to know myself and to be myself.

The Lord has a plan for me. It is a plan that is based in Christ. It is a good plan. I am somebody.

Remember, you are a creation of the Lord Jesus and He loves you.

Jesus loves me
I know this is true
He died on the cross
To prove it to you

I have worth and value
My life was made for good
Jesus gives me answers
So that I can live as I should

His hand is on my journey
His words equip my heart
To deal with all I am
He gives me light in the dark

Jesus loves me
Expanding my faith
Guiding me home
Even when I’m late

Nothing escapes His purview
I am not misplaced
Victory is the answer
My life was not too late

CC 11/05/04


Jesus knows what He is doing
His face like flint
Knowing all the future
He is coming again

Forgiving our sin
So that we can enter in
Spending time with Him
Growing beyond the place we mend

Help me Lord
I can’t see so far
Always surprised by my evil
Help me face the bar

Every day with Jesus
Equips me to grow
Giving me new muscle
To fight against the foe

Evil would devour
All that we do
Sidetracking every hour
Until we couldn’t do

Christ is in control
Nothing surprises Him
I serve a master
Who is Lord of all

Jesus is the answer
For facing life’s trials
I can trust the master
Christ is in control

Clay Corvin 10/30/04


Working through the ages
People come and go
Now I’m here with Jesus
He already knows

Knows the way things happen
Knows my desires
His plan is goodness
He calls me to His side

From the hand of Jesus
I get my strength
His hand is always leading
So that I will not sink

My burdens can distract me
But Christ cleanses my soul
Giving me His goodness
His life will unfold

As He builds a friendship
He gives me a Word
To know the way He’s leading
So He can be heard

He has a plan
That fits my soul
Filling out my yearnings
He gives me His goal

His goal is reaching people
So that they can be
Free from evil’s clutches
Free from a darkened soul

He has a plan
For each and every one
His plan maps out our journey
Until our work is done

Clay Corvin 10/30/04


Peter walked with Jesus
Saw Him raise the dead
Felt His presence
Every time he bowed his head

Peter walked on the water
Saw the blind see
Shook hands with the cripple
All people set free

And yet he still denied Him
Fear was his cloak
Every thing Christ taught Him
Deserted Peter in one stroke

Christ still used
To proclaim His mystery
God has come to His people
Christ sets men free

Through many trials and failures
Peter never quit
The Lord was His answer
Freedom really fit

Jesus uses weak people
They must know their pain
Seeking for their freedom
They live in Jesus name

Weak people know their limits
Running from sin
Willing to serve the Father
Letting Christ control them

Clay Corvin 10/30/04


God is good
He cares for you
He loves each one
He is always true

Perfect in all His ways
He came for us
To save our days
Giving each eternal life
God is true
He cares for you

Jesus lived for us to know
The Lord is love
He gives and gives
Making life valuable and good
Adding eternity to each one
That claims His gift of love

Jesus lived and died for us
Willing sacrificing because of love
Now we see the choice we have
Jesus Christ is eternal life
Because God cares for you

Then one day very soon
Christ will come for you
No more earth, no more day
Christ will come and take us away
His coming is dire
Judgment and truth
God is true
He cares for you

Clay Corvin 10/23/04


Christ died for me upon a cross
In control
His life the cost
To give me a chance of freedom from sin

A choice to make
A chance to take
Can I change?
How my life’s been

Everyday I struggled
Everyday I planned
Everyday sin beat me
I was at the end of my stand

Then Jesus came looking
He told me it was sin
My sin was the slavery
That beat me again and again

Come to me He told me
Recognize your sin
I will give you freedom
You will not lose to sin

I asked Christ into my life
Each day I ask His advice
He guides my life
Christ is in control
He knows what I need

Clay Corvin 10/23/04


Every day I want to go
Find the joy
In my heart I know

But all around
The world says no
I’m not the one
I cannot go

I know I can
I try my best
I fail and fail
I can’t meet the test

Then Jesus came
He saved my soul
He gave me strength
He made me whole

All around are wandering souls
They hurt and fail
Nobody knows the pain in them
Jesus healed my pain

Everyday in a thousand ways
The world destroys
It never saves
But Jesus saved my life

Christ seeks my good
He leads me where I should
And in the walk I live
Jesus guides each step

Destruction is the world’s way
Resurrection is Christ’s way
Saving me for service
Freeing me from death

Clay Corvin 10/23/04


All are lost
In need of help
Without a chance
To save themselves

Many roads
Man seeks to walk
All the roads
Lead to destruction

Jesus came
For each and all
To give that chance
To have it all

No longer lost
No longer slaves
Sin destroyed
They can change their ways

The way of life
Is shown in Christ
A way that brings
An end to strife

We know the Lord
And He knows us
His strength will guide
Through life’s storms

Then one day
We will die
Christ’s life in us
Will give us life

Clay Corvin 10/23/04