Author - Clay Corvin


In my heart is hope
Tomorrow will be good
A day controlled by Thee
My refuge in the storm
Speaks Your word of hope for me

Deliver me from foolish acts
My rock of strength
Help me stand in failure
Praising You with heart and hands

I can endure
Because You live
I am free
Because You give

Love is the answer
I can live in You
Even in my failure
Your love will see me through

Straight the way of power
Obedience is the key
Wonderful Lord and Savior
Life is a blessing to me

Healing from Your presence
Your word leads in life
I am your servant
Willing to live for Thee

Promises to remember
A life I’m called to serve
Hope from Your presence
Jesus equips me to live

Clay Corvin 10/23/04


Jesus loves people
You and I belong
His testimony teaches
His love is lasting and strong

All of those encountered
Need to be told
What a difference with Jesus
He equips us to be strong

Strong when facing trouble
Never without His help
Even when we stumble
Jesus will keep us well

Failure cannot hold us
The future isn’t bleak
Economics doesn’t rule us
As we sit at Jesus feet

He gives us wisdom
Guidance through life’s maze
Carrying us on our journey
As we live the plans God made

We are not a mistake
The world is not our lord
Jesus gives us a future
Our life is His reward

One day we will answer
An ownership request
Who do you belong to?
Jesus is the answer
An answer we will never regret

Clay Corvin 10/22/04


God will deliver me
And see me through
Whatever I feel
Christ is real
He is my shield

My Lord bestows His glory
On my ordinary life
Thinking of my actions
Feeling all my pain
Even when things are a drain

Jesus sustains me
His energy revives my soul
Forever and forever
He and I will know
How much He means to me

Christ is my refuge
In disappointing times
The world dumps its garbage
On unsuspecting minds
The Lord heals me

The Father knows my journey
My life is meant for good
His plan unfolds with wisdom
His strength takes hold
I can trust the Lord
CC 10/17/04


Down those streets that scream with pain
They reek with heartache, fear and shame
Many names line the view
A street has many hues

Tree lined mirages of peace and calm
Shield the eyes from Satan’s mob
Swirling in the air we breathe
Seeking any he can deceive

Pulling away the façade of joy
We see short lives of desperate ploy
Never having what they need
All their life they are deceived

Joy rules in Satan’s roost
Seeking whom he might devour
Relishing the foolish plight
Of educated, dead fools

They believe only what they see
And in their hearts throb with disease
Sin is a blinding, evil chain
That holds them back from any gain

At 65 they feel the pain
Of wasted lives and helpless drain
Around the world in billions of ways
This sordid way deals in dismay

Jesus said I’ve come to save
All from a life of wasted days
Giving each a relationship
The Lord loves you

Clay Corvin 10/11/04


Talk to Jesus
Tell Him what you need
Let Him heal your heartache
And deal with your greed

Talk to Jesus
You need His help
Hidden things are hurting
They seek to disgrace

Talk to Jesus
Prepare you day
Open up your heart
Have your say

Talk to Jesus
Pain runs so deep
So many memories
Lead you to defeat

Talk to Jesus
Tomorrow comes too soon
He will give you wisdom
Christ will take you through

Talk to Jesus
Plead for the lost
He’s seen you through your crisis
Pray for the lost

Talk to Jesus
Remember He is first
If we don’t walk with Jesus
All will be lost

Clay Corvin 10/9/04


Do it now
Don’t recant
It’s not about you
Sin sidetracks
Obedience leads through

Through all our blindness
Through our pain
Obedience is the answer
To grow in Jesus name

Order is important
Chaos breaks a heart
The Lord is the healer
His law is the chart

Never walk in wildness
You can’t see the demons there
Jesus holds us precious
No devastation there

Don’t forget forgiveness
Order guides our life
Giving time for Jesus
To equip us to face strife

Don’t stop to hustle
Don’t forget your place
Jesus is man’s answer
To defeat evil’s pace

Clay Corvin 10/9/04


God is true and faithful
Neither right nor left
Giving grace aplenty
To each and you best

Loving His creation
Coming for to see
His love is focused
As He marched to Calvary

Suffered for the sinner
No saints around
Paid for our sinning
He’s brought salvation around

Provided for sinners
Given for free
Asked for by the broken
Healing from God’s hand

He is love unblemished
Ethereal in its shape
Able to save any sinner
The Lord has come to man

No one has to suffer
Christ lives within
His hand guides our pathway
As we live among man

No more fears and worries
No more losses to bear
Jesus is abundance
He shows How the Father cares

I can walk in victory
Not because of me
But because of Jesus
He bought and paid for me

Clay Corvin 10/9/04


Heart of stone
I weighed a ton
The wisdom heard
Was easily undone
I couldn’t feel the need
I only sought to please
And yet I didn’t know
A heart of flesh was my goal

I came to Him on bended knee
Avenues exhausted
Now my plea
Help me Lord to find myself
This world is a rock
And I am full of stone
I need to know the way
To peace and relief

He took my hand
Forgave my sin
Replaced my heart
I could be His friend
Now I’m flesh
With eyes that see
The world of God
He’s made peace with me

Relief and joy
Wisdom and peace
Each day I walk
I live in grace
Jesus is so good to me
In Christ I am free
The world is a trip
Heaven is my home

Clay Corvin 10/5/04


It’s not enough to know
How my life will go
Christ has come to me
He will fix the flow

The flow of life so daily
Ordinary is what we say
And yet the flow is a journey
It all ends one day

Everything that happens
I want to be equipped
To face eternal movement
Before this life is quits

And in the early morning
I seek His face
Let me live forever
Covered by His grace

Choices seem so simple
They often fool my heart
What I want is changing
Truth does not depart

In the moment of my weakness
Fear takes control
I do something foolish
Losing self-control

Jesus never leaves me
He knows my path
He removes my weakness
His love equips me to last

Then the day of darkness
Comes without a word
Jesus brings His sunshine
The truth is in His Word

I am just a morning mist
Soon I’ll be gone
In Christ I’m everlasting
I will just be going home

Clay Corvin 10/2/04


Jesus is my creator
He knew me
Before I was something
Before there was a me

All of my transgressions
All of my works
Were seen and experienced
Before I could act

In my lost condition
Christ died for me
I was one who killed Him
My sin was the decree

Yet in my sinful state
Christ forgave me
Offered to be my family
Gave it all for free

Now each day is perfect
Christ is in control
Whatever obstacle
Jesus keeps me whole

Failure comes right regular
Victory isn’t what I do
All my life is covered
His blood freed me too

Each time I face disaster
Each sin I commit
Jesus will forgive me
If I will confess it

Life is made of choices
Christ my Lord is here
To help me see through darkness
So that I will remain free

Jesus cares for me
His love sets me free
Every time I stumble
Jesus fixes me

Clay Corvin 10/02/04