Author - Clay Corvin


The world is an evil place
Demanding all you have
Stomping out your wishes
Ending all your dreams

Tough and unforgiving
Never on your side
Taking what you value
Death always abides

Every time you conquer
Failure returns
Reaching out its fingers
Demanding the victory you’ve won

Savoring the moment
We quickly feel the pain
An aging life brings
Time quickly flees

Looking back at moments
As though they were just now
Reliving in a second
All those years we’ve seen

I demand better
I will not quietly die
I want a life forever
Jesus tells me why

Stepping up to the moment
Seizing the life I see
The Lord is here to give me
All the love He has for me

Failure was my posture
Now victory is in me
Jesus lives to conquer
All the failure in me

Clay Corvin 9/18/04


Made by God
Stamped with Him
Sin destroyed our claim
Cast down to live in pain

Every moment
Counting down
Death our goal
Blind and wayward soul

Inside we hear
A voice that’s near
Claiming that we count
Valuable to the Lord

Straining to live
Striving to survive
Life is precious
Yet we die

Blind to life
A gift from God
Ordained in Christ
Jesus is life

Offering us eternity
Perspective of God
Able to see
Life’s value given me

The gift is at hand
All I do is ask
Christ will give
The very thing I seek

Worth and wisdom
A guide to direct
A friend to hear
Jesus gives me life

Clay Corvin 9/18/04


He chose me
Before I was
Knowing I would fail
Even spurn His love
Still He called
One day I heard
Thank you Lord
For loving me

He chose me
Upon His cross
Giving life
I thought was lost
In the midst
Of all my fear
Jesus came
He drew me near
I believed
What a day
Joy received

He chose me
Seeing my sin
Feeling my weakness
Again and again
Holding me
When I failed
Victory came
Jesus healed
I am strong
In Christ my Lord
Marching in eternity
Standing by God’s Son

Clay Corvin 9/16/04


All of life
Teaching me
I cannot do it alone
Fixing up my defects
Is done by Christ alone

Here I am in trouble
Now I need your fix
I try and try
No victory
Only Christ can fix

All are worshipful things
Breaking off my focus
Is the only way to succeed

Each of us has idols
They languish inside our souls
Some are better hidden
All bring disaster and woes
And Christ knows
What each one holds
He is able to deal with my foes

Only in exhaustion
When all else fails
Will I let Jesus
Rip my idols form their wells
And then I sense the victory
Removal quickly brings
The end result is Jesus
Is king of more of me

Clay Corvin 9/15/04


Watch for tomorrow
Stay alert today
The future likes appearing
When our attention is far away

Trouble’s not to surprise
It is what people face
All of life is a challenge
I will not be laid waste

Prepping for the moment
Calls me to abide
Spend time with Jesus
He is at my side

When the moment calls
My heart will respond
Peace and wisdom
To see the moment done

The future can confuse us
Don’t let it draw a blank
If you know Jesus
He will not let you stray

Hear Him every morning
Walk each day with Christ
His path will always lead you
To wise and good advice

Then when your trouble
Finds you all alone
You will stand with Jesus
Trouble will go back home

CC 9/15/04


So much of life just happens
Even as we watch
We think we are in control
Truth is, we aren’t

Waiting on a bad storm
Causes prayers to rise
Each and every person
Not surprised

And yet each day is similar
Storms mostly come unannounced
We should be committed
To watch for storms each day

They swirl about us
Striking while we snooze
Thinking life is easy
Then crumbling in the storm

Storms have a purpose
If we will look to Christ
They let Him strengthen
Our ordinary lives

Life lulls to boredom
People go to sleep
While all around the evil
Strikes a strident beat

Wake up casual Christian
Pay attention to your ways
Pray for wisdom
To face the evil day

Clay Corvin 9/15/04


I want to serve Jesus
And be busy about His work
Standing ready for service
Undeterred by the world

Failure isn’t an option
The Lord brings victory
People count with Jesus
He has hold of me

As I walk His pathway
I will be His hands
Reaching out to others
Sharing His love with them

Everyone needs Jesus
But each one must choose
I want to be a good servant
So that no one might lose

People have funny ideas
They base their life on dreams
Sadly most will miss it
They will ignore Jesus Christ

Help me Lord share Jesus
Help me give my best
So others see You in me
And see that You are best

I want to be a good servant
Sharing Christ with all
The Gospel is God’s message
No one has to fall


Power is a new thing
I’ve never had before
Christ gave me His life
Now I’m strong in Him

Every day He leads me
Each new path I go
Giving me His plan
So that I will know where to go

Every day He hears me
Knowing what I need
Equipping me to serve Him
By doing what you need

Every day He is with me
I’m never left alone
Jesus is in my heart
He has made me His home

Every day I know Him
Better than before
Living as He says
Willing to serve my Lord

Every day He heals me
The world is an evil place
His love and grace
Equips me to live in this place

Heartache may come and visit
No longer will it stay
The Lord Has conquered evil
Jesus cares for me

Clay Corvin 9/11/04


I am sick
My life’s a mess
I make choices
Never the best
Even when I think it through
My choices come back
They make me blue

I’ve seen the way
I want to be
Able and strong
Kind and free
Not a thing, Not afraid
The world’s a place
Where messes are made

Jesus is the way
He changes me
Giving me His strength
To change the way
I face each day
Wise and strong
An encourager
Able to deal with wrong

I can finally be me
His love sets me free
He died for
That I might live
With Him now and in eternity
Giving me sight
To see the evil I do
Throwing off my chains
Christ equips my life

I can care for you
Each day I know my way
The Lord cares for me
He talks with me
And tells me truth
Equipping me to be
A servant able to hear
The pain and need you have
Telling you about Christ
He can give you life

Clay Corvin 9/11/04


God is at work
Seeking you
Looking for you
Because of your need

Every day is painful
Failure is hard on you
Life is deceptive
It is always eluding you

Christ brings life
Christ brings sight
You can be sure
Jesus will not disappoint you

The future disappears
Each day is fear
The world closing in
Your heart no longer cares

Jesus gives a new heart
Christ inside of you
Living in your present
Guiding you too

Equipping you for joy
Carrying all your pain
Life in Christ is kingdom life
The world no longer restrains

Clay Corvin 9/12/04