Author - Clay Corvin


Darkened recess
Unknown path
I’m not going
Where I seemed to, last

Hurting more
Than I can explain
World divided
Filled with pain

Pain so deep
My soul is numb
Where is the light?
When did I come?

Can I ever leave this pain?
What is its name?
My life was so good
Now I’m not where I should

The sun is out
The things I do shine
But I am in the dark
My life is entwined
With a future that’s bleak
I have promises to keep
I don’t deserve this way

But I have it
What can I do?
I know You
You are good

I can trust Christ
The end will bless
Hanging on
My life is His

Today I will be me
A bit here, a bit there
One foot, one heart
Soon I will be there
Maybe I will even feel joy
God is good
He loves me

Clay Corvin 9/07/04


What a life I’ve led
You guarded me
When I was blind
Standing up for me
Keeping me free

Through all of life
You’ve walked beside
Even in my sin
You were saving me
Reaching out to hold

What a joy to be
Your child
Filled with gratitude
Knowing my attitude
Often times was wrong

You are my king
Knowing all about me
Seeing what I do
And when I disappoint You
You still care for me

Love is what You are
I can call on You
Throughout eternity
And love unites me
Thank you for saving me

I have been a partner
You gave me a plan
Every day I seek to be
The one who can
And You enabled me to serve

All the paths I traveled
All the times I cried
Every time I crumbled
You were by my side
You are my shield

CC 09/06/04


Jesus is our only hope
Each that asks He saves
A gift of life for any
A way of life for all

Money doesn’t make us
It divides and destroys
Tasting like saltwater
It demands ones soul

Miracles do not save us
Saints are everywhere
Jesus is our Savior
The only way to God

Family isn’t our ticket
Families are a joy
But families are only human
We need a God’s son

Luck is not the measure
Good luck follows some
The day we face destruction
Luck will be undone

Only Christ can save us
He is Lord of all
He has paid our ticket
Jesus is our all

The Lord of Creation
Wrote about His son
The Word of God describes Him
Jesus is the one

Come to Christ your savior
Ask Him for your life
Bend your knee in repentance
The Lord has paid your price

He will be forever
Forever starts today
The Lord of all is with you
When you ask Him for His way

Never more to wander
No longer alone
Evil has no handle
You are God’s own

9/4/04 Clay Corvin


Faith is my choice
I can believe in Christ
Faith is available
To claim the Christ like life

Christ is pleased
To hear me believe
Trusting His Word
Opening my heart
Asking to be heard
Knowing He is near
Because my life is dear

Faith is an action
It changes how I live
Jesus gives wisdom
To help me live

Near Him
Knowing Him
Guiding me each day
Because my life is dear

Every step
Every thought
Offered to Him
His life in me

Faith is important
I cannot survive
The morass inside
Without faith in Christ

Jesus helps me see
Reminds me to be
A child of God
His precious child
Able to smile
Because my life is dear

Faith changes everything
Keeping me alive
Through evil’s drive to smear
My life and its year
All I have is Jesus
All I need is His life
Eternity in me
Jesus holds my hand
Leading me home
Because my life is dear

CC 9/4/04


Suffering is a given
Everyone hurts
I choose to live
By the Bible
By the strength Jesus gives
In spite of the pain
That evil deals me
I will live each day
In Christ’s victory
Seeing that pain
Isn’t an indictment of me

Evil comes calling
Seeking to kill
Its favorite target
Is a weak will
And a blind heart
Why me is the wrong line
All people suffer
That’s life
And I am alive
To stand with Christ
Getting good advice
Where to walk
How to grow

Ignorance is man’s excuse
Dead in trespass and sin
Until one comes to Christ
Evil always wins
Pointing a finger at God
Always saying it’s Him
Hurting you more
Because you cannot see
Evil is slavery
You aren’t free

Then Christ comes
You see His hand
A thought of victory
A desire to win
You ask Him in your heart
You bend your knee to Christ
Forgive me Lord
Save me from evil’s device
Christ will save you
Suffering’s hold will be through

9/4/04 Clay Corvin


You are most important
Jesus loves you
You cannot change others
Your choice decides your life

Choices change our pathways
Choices can lift us up
Choosing Jesus as your Savior
Is a choice that destroys your hurt

This change is eternal
You have a new heart
Saved from man’s blindness
Pulled out of the world’s muck

Everyday with Jesus
Victory stalks your trail
Walking out before you
Keeping you from hell

You feel the same inside
But everything is new
The walk you walk is a new life
Jesus has saved you

Every time you struggle
Christ will be right there
You will not be useless
The Lord has a plan for you

Jesus saves completely
He lives in your heart
The life we lead for Jesus
Is a brand new start

9/4/04 Clay Corvin


I have a friend in Yankee town
That seeks to live
And be God’s hand
Giving all she has

Willing to be the one
That sacrifices her life
To build the lives of those
You’ve entrusted to her

She brings a joy
With every step
Delightful ways
Willing help

Building up her man
She is his helping hand
The two live as one
Serving Christ each day

They give more than they have
Confident the Lord will care
To help them as they serve
Living to be His word

Facing outrageous odds
They commit to their God
To share with all
So others may not fall

Joy, faith and peace
Like a necklace grace their life
Bending a calloused knee
Always seeking His advice

Clay Corvin 8/28/04


Morning light
Across the bay
Throwing off
The dark of night

Shining for the new found day
With the light
The Father’s sway
Evidence of joy

I’m the one
That seeks His way
He is King
Of night and day

But in the night
I often fail
Weak and frail
Assailed by the night

Fear and doubt
Will wander in
Suggesting things
Like you can’t win

Morning light
Across the bay
Throwing off
The dark of night

Courage comes
Upon the light
The Father’s strength
Lifts my heart

Now I start
The journey home
Today’s the day
It is all my own

Everyday is a gift
No more promised
No more missed
This is when I grow

Morning light
Across the bay
Throwing off
The dark of night

My life has its say
By the way
I live today
With Jesus in control

Building me to think
Helping me not shrink
Away from the flow
The world must know

The Lord is King
He gives for free
The grace we need
Salvation complete

I want do His work
Let Him decide my way
My life is in His hand
No more fear

The night will come
And I am here
The Father never leaves
His strength to face the dark

Morning light
Across the bay
Throwing off
The dark of night

Clay Corvin 8/28/04


I hunger Lord to know You
I want to be able to walk
The paths of righteousness
Your prophets walked with You

To see the angels presence
Knowing what You say
Expecting significant miracles
Along my path each day

I find You in surrender
At times when I hurt
Will you let me be used?
Keep me from being a jerk

I don’t want to abuse
The knowledge from Your Word
Speak a strong expression
So that I’ll not miss Your work

Slowing down
I bend my heart
And open both my ears
Hear me Lord as I sit here

Let me see Your presence
Help me do Your work
All I have and all I want
To know You and be Your friend

I want you more than success
The things I have are Yours
Guide me to deeper wisdom
So that fear will flee

I want you more than miracles
I will gladly hold Your hand
As You lead me onward
Towards eternity’s land

Clay Corvin 8/28/04


If I will let Him have me
Christ will use me up
Giving life intensity
That will touch my soul
Beyond my ability to control
And I will see His work
In a way that I cannot explain
His life is to fill me with Him
So that I can be at work
Sharing eternity’s worth
A way to live and be free
Adding all joy and peace
To a life that is full
With people and need
Knowing that Christ
Will send what I need
And yet not able to say
In ways that communicate clear
All that I hold dear
Rest in His hand
Always near

And then a new day begins
What I was no longer is
Christ is at work in me
Moving me to eternity
Reminding me
To bring all I can
They are important to Him
I am His hands and feet
Giving up my demands
Letting Him free my hands
I walk where He says
Speaking His thoughts
Giving to those He calls
God is able
You are in need of Him

No longer counting by sight
The things the world says are might
Christ in me is treasure
His truth is joy
His hand is strength
I am His to use
Eternity is right now
Clay Corvin 8/27/04