Author - Clay Corvin


All that I see
Is Christ’s care for me
And I can give
The things that help you

Inside of me
A need to serve
To help you
Live your life free

Christ came to heal us
Destroying our sin
So we can live with joy
As we march at Jesus feet

What a privilege
To be with you
Christ says you count
My actions should fit His words

I can hear your plea
Come help me
And every day I live
I will give, give, give

Caring for the saints
An honor given me
Caring for you
Will set me free


I spend time with Christ
Listening to His Words
Reaching inside of me
So that truth will be heard

My passions push my heart
Christ gives me strength
To not do those things
That put me on a losing street

I want to be the one
That uses all he has
To serve the Lord on earth
To end sin’s evil work

All of those I serve
Have needs that ache for Christ
The best thing I do
Is treat them like royalty

Each of us is birthed
With sin entwined in us
Jesus seeks to free
His people from this birth

That sin stain in me
Is always reaching out
My walk with Jesus Christ
Will deal with the sin in me

All of those I see
I was sent to care for them
The way that I live
Will give them hope in Christ

All of those I know
Know how weak I am
But Jesus sets me free
To do His work for you


Life is hard
Has been for me
But I am here to say to you
Jesus Christ has seen me through

Through the days of fear
When growing wasn’t near
And all I saw was raw
Christ walked with me

In the days of pain
When life held me with disdain
I felt the hand of hurt
Jesus healed me

And then when what I knew
Wasn’t what I became
All the past aflame in me
Christ said I would be free

Each day is new
Jesus sees me through
Guiding me in wisdom’s path
To do the things that last

Every thing I say
All the things I do
Are shaped by Jesus hand
God cares for me and you

All of this to say
Life is hard each day
But Jesus Christ is King
I live for Him


Life slips away
Those we treasure
Never know how we feel

You are the best
At travel planning and helping
The best at what you do

You are a gifted man
Who shares his gifts
With those who need his help

Travel is a part of you
A gentle spirit sees you through
All those times of change
And yet you remain the same

Creative, insightful and wise
Words that come to mind
They embody you each day
Thank you for being kind

Always hardworking and purposeful
I’m amazed at all you do
Adventure is always a part of you

One of a kind-original
Creativity sees you through
Generosity comes easy to you

Soft-spoken and bold
Prompt in all you do
Flexibility is your guru

Thank you for a million insights
For all the trips you’ve coached me through
I am grateful for you


Sin will demand its lead
If I ever wait
Focus on my Lord
Sin will leave my place

Christ will fight my sin
But I must not give in
My first step must be
To turn away from sin

It’s easy to regard
My own disease
And give it strength
By bending my knee

Hiding in my heart
A weakness that I know
Refusing to let God
Destroy evil’s hold

All of us battle sin
The worst sin
Is the sin we are in
And that’s where the battle must begin

Survey all you do
What is it that hurts your heart?
Give it to the Lord
Victory will take hold

Do you want to win?
To live free of sin
Every time you fear
Jesus will be near

The way to be rid of sin
Don’t give in
Turn to the Lord
Bend your knee to Him


Daily life is lived
Careful with my focus
Important to think
Now is the time

The world would pull us away
Having its say
Wait and see
There will be another day

Tomorrow may not come
The mind set is lost or won today
Now is when we sin
Not then or then and then

Now is where the heart is
Now is where I live
Victory comes today
Not again and again

Winning is a now thing
I win this very day
This moment has its say
Do it now is the right way

It is too easy to think
I will fix this then
The water is leaking now
I must plug the hole somehow

A mind committed to now
Will accomplish enormous wins
I can think and grin
Christ will deliver me from sin

But I must remember now
The win must be now
Peace and grace are present
Claim the prize right now


a. Believed in religion-upright
b. Believed in what he could see
c. Believed in his past
d. Didn’t believe Gabriel
a. No background-relationship
b. Believed and wanted info
c. Accepted God at His word
a. Today
b. In Christ
c. Because of His love
a. In what you see?
b. In your past?
c. In God’s love for you


The promises of God
Touch my heart
And heal my soul
The Lord loves me

He is aware of all my pain
He knows the evil in me
And still His Word is sure
“Listen to me and I will lead”

From the pit of sin
He reaches in
Giving me a sure place to step
And holding me along the way

From the field of gain
In failures name
He sees my shame
And comforts me

When the loss is great
Because of my wait
To get before His face
He finds me and saves me

I love the Lord
He will not lose me
Even though I am weak
His strength will carry me

The Lord is great
He loves me
He will always stand with me
I can trust the Lord.


I want to know the Lord
To stand with Him
In one accord
And follow His way

I have excuses
My past or this or that
Lazy is its name
I’m immature and in shame

The way to life
Involves strife
Choices made
That bring current pain

But plant a crop
Of strength and fame
Able always to call His name
Jesus is my King and I serve Him

The price I pay
Is daily care
Watch myself
Bring His Word to bear

And when the pain
Is oh too great
Bend my knee
Ask Christ to take my place

It always comes down to pride
Will I surrender my life?
Am I committed to Jesus Christ?
Is His way best or do I cling to mine?

Questions only I can answer
Life is a daily thing
And when I live in Jesus name
Daily I spend time with Him

No magic fix
It is a daily choice
I claim my life in Christ
Today Jesus is first


Right as rain
And sure of life
Look at me
I’m wise and nice

I know how it is
And I’m fit to quiz
My accomplishments
Speak very loud

Everyone knows
How kind I am
All my good deeds
Can be seen all around

Michael came
Who is He?
Would God come?
And question me

How can this be?
I’ve done such good
I can’t believe
What I hear I should

I know those things
You don’t know
God wouldn’t come
To a person like me

He sealed my mouth
I lived my faith
Coming true
Day by Day

Miracles abound
When I don’t control
How my world unfolds
And God is on my throne

The Lord is sovereign
Help me not forget
He will use me
For His benefit