Author - Clay Corvin


A little girl
No background known
The Lord spoke
He was known

She bent her knee
To do His Word
A humble heart
Cleansed and good

Her question was small
How can this happen?
A question from belief
A procedural thought

Quality in her
Relationship built
Mary was able
To walk without guilt

Now she began
A journey of faith
Knowing the Lord
Would never be late


God has spoken
In many ways
Today you hear
Christ is near

You are the one
That can change your life
Listen to Jesus
He will give good advice

Every day will challenge you
Wisdom will come
From Christ in you
And He will guide you through

Through the journey
Back to life
That life you see
In your memory

Able to be
The one you knew
Would always do good
And be loved too

Jesus will stay with you
Christ will make you new
You will feel His love
He loves you and you are the one


I know the pain
That life can bring
I see it happen
Again and again

I feel the need
That poverty brings
The emotional drag
The yearn to be free

I’ve felt the gift
Of life in Christ
Removing my pain
Sparing my life

Standing here
I know I’m free
Jesus my Lord
Walks each step with me

Pain has a life
Poverty is a state of mind
Christ heals me
His resources free me

I know the joy
That Christ will bring
I felt His presence
I’ve seen His way

I’ve walked and shared
My struggles with Him
Wisdom and grace
He always gives

My life is important
Because of Christ
The daily grind
Is now a daily prize

Each day is new
Each miracle comes
To enable me to serve
And tell Christ is come


Just another stranger
I’m ministering to
Weak and lonely
A lot like you

But in their weakness
I find great strength
The believe in Jesus
He’s all they think

Not distracted by geegaws
Or fooled by sight
They know evil
It’s in their sight

Life parades before them
Heartaches vie for time
But Christ heals every evil
He is always on time

How does it happen?
I think I’m so strong
Before I stop evil
I’m singing Christ’s song

Lining out His workplace
Building His house
Expecting Christ to answer
As I laugh out loud

All around is evil
All throughout is pain
And yet I loudly wisper
I live in Jesus name

His name knew heartache
His life devoted to God
He knew eternal
Dying for my soul

What have I done lately?
That furthers Christ’s cause
Maybe I should listen
And let the Lord have all

Leslye’s Wedding

My daughter was married on July 3, 2004 in Leavell Chapel on the campus of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. This was a moving and beautiful experience for us. Her new husband, Jeremy, is an outstanding young soldier and strong Christian. Their wedding pictures are at

NEWLYWEDS-July 3, 2004


Jeremy, welcome to our family. I feel like we have not lost anything but instead have gained a son. You are a blessing to us and my prayer is that you and Les will build a life that will honor and glorify the Lord. Please note that I am ready to support the decisions that the two of you make as to schooling, vocation, and location. We can trust the Lord.

Leslye is very special to us. As a child of our maturity, we were ancient when she was born; she is a blessing to us everyday. I cannot think of anything she has done in her life that has been a disappointment. She is in every way a princess. I marvel at her decision making skills and her commitment to being what the Lord wants her to be.

Through her and by her I have seen many superb qualities in you. We are proud to have you in our family. Bless you on your honeymoon. We will pray for you every day as you continue your training and transition to Iraq.


Little things build mountains
Good is one act at a time
Don’t miss the simple
Searching for the sublime

God is eternal
We can trust His reach
Guiding us tomorrow
Do not forget to sleep

Dealing with life’s issues
We can lose our way
If we forget the simple
And Christ not have His way

One day at a time
Build the future now
Hold each other closely
Jesus will show you how

Care for those hurting
Give more than you get
The joy is in the journey
The Lord will not forget

Don’t forget the visions
The Lord has put in you
Grab for His coattails
Let Him lead you through

Work, love and pray
Have babies along the way
Let the Lord use you
And joy will mark each day

Clay to Jeremy and Leslye on the occasion of their marriage on July 3, 2004


I. MY LIFE COUNTS (vs. 12-17)
a. Focus on Jesus
b. Do what you can
c. Be faithful in service
a. Alive in me
b. I am doing His work
c. He is victorious
a. I am valuable-God loves me
b. I am useful-Jesus lives in me
c. I am His-eternal
a. Stop doing evil
b. Start doing good
c. Pay attention to your actions
d. Let the Lord change you


It’s like this every day
I think of my own way
Most of the time
It’s poor me on the line

Looking out for self
Feeling angst and grief
I just keep on talking
I don’t ask Christ for relief

Then the pain increases
I cause a swirling mess
All because I’m selfish
And don’t see others best

How can I build wisdom?
In a life that seethes with self
What is the answer?
Take Jesus and nothing else

Don’t look for the platform
Rejoice where you are
Be surprised with blessings
Let your life be full of joy

Spend time with Jesus
Lift up your heart
Ask for Holy air and your life will declare
Jesus is Lord of me


Focus on the Lord
Tell Him your pain
Ask Him to give you
A heart for change

Change will give you wisdom
To see erroneous ways
Change will stop your weakness
It will strengthen your days

Ruts grab and hold us
Pulling in the world
Flooding out the witness
Of Jesus to our world

We are Jesus actions
Reaching out with help
Used to serve the Savior
The world needs our help

I can be a helper
I do God’s work
The things that I am best at
Will change my world

All around are sinners
Dead from their sin
I can help them uncover
The death within

When one sees the Savior
They reach for the light
His light shines in all I do
My life counts in Christ


Jesus in me
Alive and strong
His love is true
He guides me through

Through the things
That always hurt
Through the things
That I can’t fix

Jesus in me
He’s come to stay
He will give me
Work each day

Work for those
That have not learned
Work for those
Who feel the burn

Jesus in me
Enabling me
To live and be free

Free from the pain
That addiction brings
Free from the pain
Of a life lived in vain

Jesus in me
Walking each step
Lifting me
To where I want to be

To be the one
I always saw
To be equipped
When life is raw

Jesus in me
Makes me complete
I am His
Christ cares for me