Author - Clay Corvin


God loves me
I am free
This is the day
Life is real

All the things I do
Reflect the Lord’s care
He cultivates my soul
So I must beware

Carefully make decisions
Because of what you see
I can be a helper
That will lead you to be free

What I have is given
As a trust and a treasure
A relationship with Jesus
Gives me joy now

Everything I’m facing
Provision is made
The Father knows I need Him
Jesus is His way

Today is all I’m promised
I always am in the now
Soon I’ll crossover
Jesus will show me how

Rejoice in all my sorrow
The Lord will stand with me
Rejoice in Jesus goodness
His life is in me


Stop with all your evil
Change what you do
Stand up, sit down
Jesus isn’t through with you

Every action offered
Has a choice we can make
Do those things of goodness
Your strength will not be late

Sow the seeds of action
Working for the Lord
Look at what you’re doing
Be sure you’re doing good

Then those times of evil
Human’s sin so much
Ask for intervention
The Lord will hear and touch

Quick to give you wisdom
Quick to change your heart
Thank about your witness
Do the next right thing


Troubled lives
Grappling for a hold

Must be managed
With open eyes
Or risk grabbing the wrong hold

Just when we stand up
From sins aweful weight
Is just the time to shut up
And live in Jesus strength

Too quickly
Man assumes strength
Just as diarreah cuts him in half

Powers of the air
Create lives of despair
Carefully manage change
Do not issue a dare

The joy of Jesus
Gives us future hope
But we must make it effective
By each of lifes stroke

Remember life is a marathon
The rabbit always loses
And failure is his friend

But know this truth
Jesus Christ is Lord
Walk ye in Him


Summer has come
Things undone
Lazy days ahead

All the things
I want to do
Added up are great

I promised this
And wanted that
And said I would because

Fuzzy goals
Points unknown
Obfuscate my acts

Now I stop
And think of things
The order they should be

What I want
From summer’s stay
Are important to me

I make a list
And make it right
I will do this

And then proceed
To fill the need
Summer days ahead

My goals are good
I hope I could
Complete my lengthy list

But at the end
Of summer’s stay
I want my Lord to say

People count
You’ve done my work
I have blessed your way


I know
Or so I think
My talk is distinct
But the future is unknown

I gather data to educate
I call upon my past
Saying what I think
Thinking it may last

Everyday is filled with acts
Options I cannot control
Look to Christ for wisdom
He will always know

Teach me my limits
Assign a guide to me
Stop me from evil
That self will bring

I want to help
Give me hands that care
Reaching out to others
Teach me to share

Strength to witness
By word and deed
Jesus is the future
Only His way


Everyday is filled
By joy and dismay
Equal parts of life
Hold every breath we take

A wise man makes
The best of time
Too soon our journey ends
Life walks so quickly away

Away from goals
Away from friends
Guard each moment well
The end comes all too soon

Now to laugh
To sing with glee
This is the day
God is with me

I can face
That pain of days
Knowing Christ
Loves me always

Therefore I pray
For a heart of joy
And lift my arms in gratitude
Jesus is my good


a. Grace
b. Peace
c. Live it
a. Pray
b. Rejoice
c. Grow
a. Kinship
b. Fellowship
a. Wisdom
b. Holiness
c. Gratitude


Christ saved me
When He found me
All alone and without value
He gave me worth and life

His entrance in
Brought peace within
My war with God
Was at an end

And peace with self
Was an added relief
That image of me I would never be
No longer controlled my heart

He gave me strength
To rise from pity
My life was good
He gave me a goal

My goal in Christ
Was to take His advice
And live my life
Until that day

When life was changed
From here to there
And I would walk
The streets of gold

No longer cursed
My life was changed
The day I asked in Jesus name
Give me life forever


I pray for you
For your peace and worth
That life would bless
And you would not be cursed

That Christ would reign
In all you do
To lead your life
To guide you through

Thank you Lord that I can help
Remembering those who need you
Rejoicing as you lead them through
The confusing mess called life

Thank you for Your time with me
Pointing out what I should be
And showing me Your strength
To live and serve You

Thank you Lord for loving me
For sending friends that care
Enabling me to share
And live together with them

Every time I bend my knee
I learn to serve you more
And out of service find victory
My life is yours, use me


You love me
You paid my price
It set me free
I love you Lord

Every day I can walk Your way
Knowing Your hand
Will hold me close
And when I fail You will save

It’s all about Your love
It nourishes my life
Enabling me to grow
And live in Paradise

Every pain I feel
Every hurt in me
You will forgive
And heal me from myself

All the foolish things
Cannot ruin Your strength
All my life I live in You
Because Jesus lives

Help me
I know you will
Confidence fills my heart
God in Christ will not depart