Category - General


It’s 49
You are still here
I am so blessed
Thank you Carol, you are the best

It’s 49
Children, grandchildren blessing us
It has passed so fast
Your stands for Jesus continue to change me

It’s 49
Another year ahead
Together we stand
Thank the Lord you are here

It’s 49
I love being married to you
You complete me
You fix the glaring errors in me

It’s 49
The best year yet
Many more ahead
Before we rest

It’s 49
Hip hip hooray
Carol I’m praying for you to have a great day
That the year ahead is as wonderful as all that have passed

Clay Corvin in honor of our 49th Anniversary


God is complete – Knowing the end from the beginning
He has a plan – His plan includes us
Sinner beware – Our God is a burning flame
Bend the knee – Repent of your self-centered ways
Our God is an exclusive God – Jesus claims all of us

God is love – His love knows the results of our sin
Disastrous world for mankind – Jesus stepped into our world
He lived a perfect life – To the Cross, To His death, For our sin
Christ paid our price – Once and for always, His death created our life
Now we are alive in Jesus – He is Lord of us and Lord of all, praise God for His love

God is not fooled – Man’s laws do not change God’s Word
Sin is always sin – Adultery, homosexuality, transgenderism, addictions, self
Jesus calls us to know – He will give us His strength to change and succeed
Christ gives the church – His church not the man made civil religion of our day
We are to quit our unfaithfulness – Stand with Jesus and He will stand with us

God is here – every day we face pain, anguish, sickness, death of loved ones
There is a constancy of evil that we ward off – It is tough and it is tiring
In this world we will face all the heartache of life – Jesus is with us, caring for us
Do not weary brothers and sisters – God is not mocked and He sees what is happening
He cares for you – He will never leave us or lose us – One day soon He is coming back

Clay Corvin   August 26, 2017



Our walk begins in Jesus-He is God’s everything
In Him our future – In Him our function
We live and breathe and are in Jesus
Dealing with each issue we face by His Word and in Him

We are called to a moment by moment experience of life
Everything we do in the now, this moment-the present quickly done
The future beckoning – the past accusing
Know this-God says “trust me-move on”

Joshua directed to cross the Jordan-leading Israel into the “promised land”
The Lord calls us to live our life-don’t back down-don’t give up-be
We belong to Him-each of us has promise and value-Jesus is Lord
We are His, He is ours, every step, every breath, every thought –Jesus

Conflict is part of life-this world is a place of chaos and sin-evil abounds the World reigns
Our call-change—change our self—change the world—be a broker of peace, love, forgiveness
It pleases God to give us strength therefore we can stand in the midst of a perverse generation
Knowing we will not be dragged down, knowing the victory is won, we belong, we count

Be strong and courageous, each one of us is called to ministry
All of us are gifted, some with one gift some with ten gifts but each one of us qualified
We can share about what Jesus is doing in our life, living a life of lavish forgiveness for people
We know God’s will – We know God’s Word – we do what we must and never never quit

Life is hard for everyone-every person you meet is facing significant challenges
They may not have Jesus-you may be the only Jesus they ever meet-care for them
Too often we will not get a redo-life is fast-be kind-be Jesus now
We follow the Lord-we mature-we suffer for Christ-we grow and we do it over and over and over

Daily we seek the Lord’s face, daily we read His Word, daily we speak His care and concern
People need the Lord, they need Jesus more than anything else but they don’t know it
Only those that love them can communicate the love of Christ and it takes courage to share
We are now creatures, we struggle with fear, share Jesus and let Him do the rest

We are challenged to walk in the promised land, to stand with Jesus to serve Him
It will take courage to do this but the Lord is in the business of strengthening His servants
Ask Him and He will give you what you need to minister-share what Jesus is doing in your life
Be confident in His love, love one another, have faith in Him, Jesus is Lord of all

Clay Corvin
July 1, 2017



Change is a process, difficult, elusive and hard to do
The universe is aligned against us, it’s called sin, we lose
Yet there is a way before us, hard but profitable
It begins with Jesus, He is God’s everything, He is calling you

We all have a lost façade, formed by sin, no one is exempt
The walking dead, that’s who we were, far from God
But now in Jesus, we have been brought near, He is our salvation
Forgiveness for our sin, provider of our righteousness

No longer at the mercy of the world, we are new creatures in Christ
So, change is what we do, it is a process, difficult, elusive and hard
But, we can do it, if we put our soul to it, surrender ourselves to Jesus
Keep what we do simple, make it heartfelt, knowledge never changes us

Identify your problem, make an action plan, get busy
If you are on your own, find someone you admire, what did they do
Emulate their plan, our heart follows actions, do it, do it
It takes 30 days to make a habit, work you plan, work your plan

Everyone who calls upon the name Jesus will be saved, that means you
Failure is ever present no matter how well you’ve made your plan
But the Lord declares that we must not fear for He is with us
And He declares that it pleases Him to make us strong

What is the process? What must I do beyond a plan?
Focus on the future, why you’ve put this plan in place
Keep on working your plan, never stop, never stop
Success is always the next moment away, the Lord is here, follow Him

Write this plan down, it’s important
The dullest pencil is sharper than the brightest mind
When you’re hip deep in alligators, victory lies in knowing why you drained the swamp
A simple plan, well executed over a period spells success for you

Cleaning up your life takes time, make sure you plan covers at least a year
Build it out in small steps, it takes a while to eat an elephant, one bite at a time
Repetition wins the day, courage helps you stay the course
When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, stay with Jesus

Good habits are built daily, read God’s Word as if your life depends on it, it does
Claim every one of the 7,000 plus promises you can find, hold them close
Pray, pray, pray – prayer works, because prayer changes you
It’s your life, change comes, Jesus is in charge, He loves you

Clay Corvin 5/13/17


WAKE UP (MT 28:1-20)

Rejoicing in the risen Lord, Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Christ is alive, He lives in us, we are so very grateful, our call to arms is now

Jesus came to show us how to live, His death paid our price for sin
Now the work needs to be done, every generation has evangelism to do, no grandkids in God’s family

Free, clean, holy, relaxed, assured-too many Christians live that way!
The truth is that there are too many lost dying and going to hell, people need Jesus!

We are saved for a purpose: to be the hands and feet and spokesperson for Jesus
Glorifying the Lord by spreading His Word, doing His work in the highways and byways of life

You are an agent of the Lord God Almighty, Christ is living in you and equips you
His work is dependent on your accepting His call to action, be busy telling the world about Jesus

Our testimony is our relationship, we talk about what Jesus has done in our life
I love Jesus because He first loved me, He is active in my life and guides me day by day

Cooperate with Jesus, get to know Him and get to know Him better, it is relationship
Be about His service, be available for divine appointments, Jesus is the reason for our hope

We are warriors, we are changed and blessed right here right now, not pie in the sky by and by
Right now, right here, Jesus uses us where we are and He is calling us to victorious service

Clay Corvin 4/1/17




New day coming, a day of God’s presence, the land filled with His Word
Jesus called the people to obedience, do what the Lord God says
Listen to Him and obey, not your way but God’s way, that is the perfect way
Resulting in our success, God would that we succeed, He wants the best for us

Save now Oh Lord, save now, come Messiah, come Lord Jesus, we await your return
Jerusalem stirred, even the rocks would cry out as Jesus crosses the Mt of Olives
Riding on a donkey, a beast of burden, no challenge to Rome, He was coming home
Have you listened to Jesus? Have you accepted Him? One day Jesus is coming back

Jesus began with cleansing the temple, now as He enters Jerusalem
His first act is to cleanse the Temple, He infuriated the priests, Jesus wasn’t scared
He knew everything that would happen, He was zealous for His Father’s house
It was a place of worship and praise, not a place for evil, Christ claimed God’s House

We must look to our life. We are the Temple of the Lord, Do we act like it?
Have we surrendered our life? Or are we demanding control, becoming a den of iniquity?
Choose Christ, let Him cleanse your life, Jesus is Lord, He is powerful enough to help you
Obedience is our charge, resulting in praise and worship of the Lord

Jesus comes healing, what are your needs? Great needs? Great healing!
He walks among us, He carries us, guides us, enables us
We trust as little children, Christ is all and in all, we can do all things through Him
Now we know Him by faith but soon face to face and we will dwell with Him forever

Clay Corvin
April 8, 2017


Born – died, everything we do is in that little dash, everything
How can I make a contribution? I have no family fortune
I’m certainly not brilliant, in fact I question my own intellect
I learn slowly, repetition the key to most things I do well
Therefore if I am to contribute, how will I do it?

Believe in the Lord Jesus, trust in Him and He will do it, He will change you and equip you
Be firm and unwavering, seek those things that He is calling you to do, be devoted
God is calling us to be saved, we cannot have a spiritual relationship without salvation
The Lord wants to know you, not your success, or your sacrifice, He wants you
You have great value to the Father, Christ died for you, be resolute in your walk with Him

If you will walk with the Lord and know Him, He will put you to work, He has a plan for your life
Listen, He will talk with you, you will know it is Him if you have a growing relationship with Him
His direction will be perfect for you, your labors will be great but your satisfaction greater
The Lord is good, every thought He has towards you is a thought for good, know this
Let this encourage you in your hour of failure, success belongs to God, you do the work

Have a heart, a heart relationship with Jesus, let your passion be fueled by His love for people
Do not fear, The Lord is with you, He will never desert you, His work is not a burden
Jesus has a worldview, get to know it, people count with the Lord, period, love people
Claim change, we are easily manipulated by our heart, Jesus will change you, claim it
This thing you do is inextricably woven into your relationship with Jesus, be His hands and feet

Do not forget, the kingdom has a morality, forget applying it to the world, it applies to you
Surrender your heart and your wallet, give beyond your ability to give, kneel before Christ
Call out to Him, if you aren’t able to do your work without His intervention, check where you are
The world hates Jesus, it will hate you to, therefore you cannot carry out His plan in the flesh
You desperately need Christ, leading, guiding, encouraging, equipping, restoring, you need Jesus

The contribution you make will be in the people you serve, this is an eternal contribution
Jesus is Lord, He is Lord of the dash, He knows your heart better than you do
Christ also wants you to be able to serve every day of your life, not a burdened serving
Service that cares for those in need, in poverty, the alien, the hurting, those you hate or hate you
Your dash, your contribution, as a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ is in the lives of people

Clay Corvin 3/4/17




Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be saved
No longer at the mercy of the world, a mean and evil place
The foolishness of His message, reaching out and saving those who believe

I believe in Jesus, a faith that preserves my soul
The same for you, for by grace are you saved, a gift of God so that none can boast
Vilified by the world, Jesus walked to the Cross, He saw your need and died for you

My life, my focus, proclaim the name of Jesus
It isn’t a preacher thing, it is a Christ believer thing
All of us, each one of us are to tell the story of Jesus-He is the Gospel

God’s Good News to Us, Jesus, He came that we might have life
He came to break the bondage of sin, it is a back breaking bondage
We cannot deal with it on our own, Jesus our Savior gives us life and light for living

If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord
Believe in your heart that the Father God raised Jesus from the dead
You will be saved and that is a promise from God

The Good News, the power of God for salvation to all who believe
A story that must be told-everyone needs to hear
Jesus has come and His coming saves us from a certain death and it is our right to choose

The Father would that all would be saved but they won’t
Tell everyone you see but remember you don’t save them you just tell them
The power of God in the Holy Spirit through the Lord Jesus Christ saves us-a free gift from God

We don’t judge, we don’t condemn-we love one another, we care for the orphan
We minister to those in prison, caring for the alien, giving all we have to help
But first and foremost we tell the story about Jesus-how He died and what He has done for us

Nobody knows another person’s trouble, but they certainly are troubled
Jesus knows our sorrow and He came that we might have life and that more abundantly
His free gift to you and me-life like the Father’s-life eternal

No longer in bondage to sin, we go and tell the story, of what Jesus has done for us
For when we were dead in our trespasses and sin Jesus died for you and me
His love saves us, His love saves whosoever calls upon His name, He is the Gospel

The Gospel-Jesus Christ is the good news of God coming to us because of our great need
Jesus changes everything-we are no longer slaves in bondage to sin-we are free
There is nothing the world can do to us-we belong to Jesus

Clay Corvin
February 4, 2017


God in Christ came to man, our great need so clear
All of us where hurting here, this place of pain and agony
Each day of life filled with sweat and tears, the world in need of a Savior

Jesus came in Bethlehem, the God/Man in a child’s form
Born as the least of us, filled with faith in the Father
He lived like us, at the mercy of the world, only His faith to guide Him home
Growing up hard working, He loved the Father without reservation
Sinless, perfect, all because of His absolute focus on God the Father
God with us, He walked among us, His word to us-TELL THE GOOD NEWS

Jesus came to the disciples walking on the water, showing God’s power available for us
Equipping us to deal with this moment’s decision, giving us the ability to cope
Able to deal with dangers, disasters and problems, He brings victory into our life
Nothing surprises the Father, life moves at a quick pace, Jesus calls us to TELL THE GOOD NEWS

Jesus came to the demoniac, overwhelmed in his sins, garbage to those who lived nearby
Beloved by Jesus, cleansed of his demons, in his right mind, in control of himself
Jesus makes the wrong right, He purifies us from our sin, He cleanses us
We are not alone, we are not at the mercy of the world, Jesus is with us-go TELL THE GOOD NEWS

Jesus came to the disciples in the Upper Room, He knew what they were thinking, the fear they felt
His peace, the peace of God, creates life, dispels fear
Jesus says to you, do not fear, go TELL THE GOOD NEWS

Jesus came to die on the cross, He paid the price for our sin
He lived a perfect, sinless life, Jesus was the sacrifice, He died for you and me, raised from the dead
By the power of God, Jesus is alive, Alive today interceding at the right hand of the Father
As we live in His presence, His encouraging word to us today is TELL THE GOOD NEWS

Clay Corvin    1/15/17




Pain and anguish night and day
Sleeping little
Every step hurts before knee replacement
Then a fall and rehab and new aches and pains
Seventy is a tough year, the bloom is off the rose

Planned trips scuttled by a surprise event
Tomorrow has new ills to experience
Time moves at a rapid pace
Driving is a chore
Stamina falls by the wayside
Seventy is a tough year, the bloom is off the rose

Precious grand children growing up
Enjoying their excitement
Loving the things they see
Seeing what they are becoming
Their comments and foibles, precious ones
Seventy is a blessed year, I’m better than I was

Decades of answered prayers
Friends more than I can count
Life is good in spite of the pain
Precious children, wonderful grandchildren
Comfort from the Lord my King
Seventy is a blessed age, Jesus loves me

Clay Corvin – on the occasion of Carol’s 70th Wonderful Birthday