Category - General


Wisdom and truth stand the test of time
Great the one that listens
Seldom far from Jesus side
The godly man is blessed

The wise one
Does not listen to the ungodly
No matter how curious their offer
The ungodly do not know what they are doing

When evil comes calling
Do not walk with it
Run away
For evil will soon have you

Avoid the perils of those who hate God
Do not act like them
Do not accept their view of the world
Ask the Lord to give you the right view-God loves you

Learn to rejoice where you are
Let God’s Word have your full attention
Claim God’s promises
Read God’s Word-His wisdom will guide your steps

The wise one will lead a life of prosperity
His life will be filled with abundance
Worry will not come calling
Life will be God’s adventure

The foolish one leaves God out of his life
He ignores God and trusts in his own understanding
Evil pervades all that is done
He is at the mercy of the prince of the power of the air

His way is doomed
His life is lost
Eternity will not be known
He will perish as the grass in the sun

There are two ways
The way of the cross-the narrow way
The way of the curse-the broad and popular way
Be careful how you choose for your life depends on it

Jesus says “no man cometh to the Father but by me”
When we accept Jesus we are numbered with the Godly
Christ will direct our path
The way of the Godly shall not perish

Clay Corvin July 9, 2011


God is in all and over all
Creator, binder, facilitator
Equipper, usurper, finisher
All that is comes from God
All that will be is known to God

God before, now and forever
Nothing surprises Him
Nothing can escape Him
His law is perfect
He restores our soul

God speaks and it is complete
His Words make the simple wise
What God does is right
His Word brings life and light
His decisions are always correct

God permits us to know Him
He sent Jesus, His Son, to explain
What we could not understand
This is what God looks like
In Word and Deed

Jesus is seeking you now
You are not alone
The Lord values you
Accept His offer
Ask Jesus to come into your life

The Lord will keep you in the family
You have His solemn promise
Nothing can separate you from the love of God
Be about the master’s business
Life is fulfilled in serving Christ
Clay Corvin June 30, 2011

WHO Romans 1:1-7

Who was Paul?
In the family of God
Why should the Romans receive him?
I’m glad to share with you
Paul was a believer in a personal relationship with God

A bond slave
Totally committed to Christ
Eternally bound in Christ to the Father
Willingly giving up control to Christ
Bending his knee in servitude he lived by grace
Jesus was all and in all to Paul

An apostle called by Christ for service
God did the calling
God calls each one of us to service
Giving us the ability to accomplish His task
You are included in God’s gifting of skill
Paul’s work was in Christ’s power for God

Sent by God to do the work of Christ in the world
Proclaiming the Good News to everyone
We are no long bound in slavery to sin
Christ breaks the chains and sets the captives free
A message from God for all people
Paul was sold out to promote Christ

Saint of God
As such we are
Leaning towards God in all we do
Having fellowship in Christ and with the Father
Never again being alone
Knowing Jesus loves us
Therefore we live to serve

Clay Corvin June 25, 2011


Do not be afraid
Where you stand
What you face
The Lord your God is with you
He has been where you are going
He will go there with you

A promise from the Lord
He knows what we are facing
He will not abandon us
He will not leave us at the mercy of the evil one
He is with us and knows our weakness
He will deliver us from our fear

Thank you Lord for all you do
Thank you Lord for the life you gave for me
Thank you Lord for Your promises true
Walking with me is a joy I can relish
Talking with me more than I can comprehend
Thank you Lord for all of your kindnesses to me

Thank you Lord for your victory on the Cross
It brings me power and protection and I rejoice
You are worthy Lord of all of my praise
Thank you Lord for equipping me today
The enemy is in Your grasp
I can live my life in peace and protection

I will live my life committed to praising You
Everyday I will submit my cares to You
I will believe Your promise of Your presence and protection
I will count my blessings and the wonderful life You make for me
The enemy will seek to destroy me
Thanks be unto God that I am safe in Thee

Clay Corvin June 4, 2011


Ask Jesus to forgive your sin
Salvation the result
Your journey begins
Walking pathways led by God
Partners in ministry
Life in Christ begun

Today, the next day hence every day
I depend on Jesus
My journey involves my change
How will I combat sin, especially my sin?
Will I let the Spirit guide me?
Only in Jesus will I find strength for the day

The battle rages in the spiritual realm
Whether I believe it or not
The evil one is seeking a hold
Striving to grab my attention
Pull me away from Jesus control
Lord help me grow, make me a blessing today

Change is so hard
I must be willing to suffer
Bending my knee in Jesus name
My life in Christ’s control
Setting aside my demands
I willingly listen to the Lord and do what He says

Serving Christ is a challenge
Every day of my life I am confronted
Will I let the Lord control or demand my way and fail today
Taking the bumps and pain of a Christ centered life
I claim His peace and live sustained by His grace
Jesus is my life

Clay Corvin May 21, 2011


I feel like a failure
Standing alone
I did what I said I wouldn’t do
Now I’m blue
I want to know YOU Lord

You love me
Your Word declares that truth
Forgiveness and reconciliation are part of Your love
Obedience is required
But Your love for me trumps my failure

Thank you Lord
I can stand by your strength
I don’t have to fail
If I keep my eyes on you
Your deliverance never fails

I believe Lord
That you have saved me
From being what I was-dead in my trespasses and sin
To what I am-alive in Christ and part of your family
Always, once and forever, never again alone

You own me
I was bought with a price
The life of Jesus paid my bill
Now I belong to YOU
Forever and forever

God’s Word
Christ’s sacrifice
Holy Spirit indwelling
The Word of God in my heart
Four steps to success for Godly living

I feel like a failure
But I am not alone
I belong to Jesus
When the emotion comes I pull away
To spend time with Jesus to conquer this day

Clay Corvin May 28, 2011


No idols
Christ declares
Direct, to the point, complete
Daily I forget
On my knees I cry forgive me

No idols
Is not a foolish pursuit
It comes with Godly power
We will not lose
On our knees we will conquer

No idols
Removes me from control
By faith I live
His grace enough for me to own
On His trust I live even when I’m wrong

No idols
Habits and tradition goad me
Mindless living does not excuse me
Truth is truth and the Lord has spoken
On God’s Word my heart will be strong

No idols
The Lord is here and near
He will equip me to stand and live
He yearns for my focus on Him
On His promises I can stand

No idols
Christ on the cross
Bled and died for me
It seemed all was lost
On God’s power Jesus trusted and I belong

Clay Corvin


Words from Christ
Affect eternity
Given to us to live
In the power of God
By Jesus Christ

Words from Christ
Reach into our soul
Riding us of blinders
Ripping off our excuses
We really are sinners, ranking among the best

Words from Christ
Spread throughout our soul
Identifying what is wrong
Encouraging us when down
They speak to every moment of life

Words from Christ
Express His deep desire for wholeness
Pushing away my selfishness
Exposing my weakness
Undergirding my spiritual journey

Words from Christ
Remove the fear of life
Let us lay down the worry about tomorrow
I am a here and now creature
I need His help to exist

Words from Christ
Demand that I do the next right thing
A constant companion
Jesus knows my sorrows
He calls me to change and in Jesus I can

Words from Christ
Rebuild me day by day
Outfitting me for my journey
Using me for the Father’s glory
In Jesus I am whole

Clay Corvin May 7, 2011


Jesus set His face to Jerusalem
His ministry nearing its close
He had twelve and one chose Satan
He knew that and continued on

They had come so close
Yet clearly they were far away
Failing to see the ministry
As Jesus poured out His life in service

Arguing who was the best
Wanting to make tents on the mountaintop
Turning away children
Denying Christ in the courtyard

Anyway it is evaluated
They had missed it
They didn’t know what Jesus was doing or why
Christ knew that and continued on

When you find yourself at the end of a rainbow
Realizing there is no pot of gold
Remember that we also have a hard time connecting
We need to be forgiving and persistent, carryon

Christ went to the cross
Knowing the loss that we feel when life overwhelms us
He knew human failure experiencing it first hand
Christ knew that and continued

Jesus became a man to experience our life
He shed His blood to pay our price
He died on Calvary for me and for you
Raised by God’s power Jesus gives us His power to be free

Clay Corvin April 9, 2011


It’s exciting to be alive
No disguise
No odor, a sight
Time stands still
Collapsing into a second

Reality hits
I’m not the one
I planned to be
The excitement dies
Disappointment is my name

Christ loves me
Abundance is my right
I am God’s child
His delight
I can see it in me

Dealing with the deadly
Jesus forgives my sin
Written in His journal
Christ is my friend
He has a plan for me

Go away heartache
I have a valuable life
Step aside memories
Christ heals strife
“I AM” is in control

New life new day
Every where I go is victory
Fear out, Peace in
Christ in me eternity
It’s exciting to be alive

Clay Corvin 7/19/03