Category - General


Waiting for the shoe to drop
My life, my heart on hold
Ordinary life in limbo
The unknown is hard to hold

Facing who knows what
Without confidence of strength
What is it that changes me?
How can my courage grow?

Christ is all and in all
He has my best interest at heart
Only Jesus can fill my soul
With strength and joy that will hold

Through all of the vagaries of life
The stress of ticking minutes
Dimly lit vistas
And a mind like swiss cheese

I can trust Christ
He says He will stand with me
His Word is sure and true
My life rests in His hands

Believing this I step forward
Today is the Lord’s day
I don’t know what will unwind
I do know the ONE

Jesus is worthy of my adoration and praise
Jesus is able to make my heart sing with joy
His peace pervades my whole
Jesus is in control

Clay Corvin March 26, 2011


Jesus Christ is faithful
Even though we aren’t
You can join His family
By asking for His heart

Power for the life we lead
Strength to face each day
Life is worth our effort
There is value in what you do

His living word
Guiding you
Calling you: BE MINE
Daily renewing our walk

Survival is our watchword
Jesus knows our heart
Tomorrow’s not a burden
Christ is alive in our heart

Giving us the answers
Removing all the fog
Life is faith in action
Jesus Christ is God

Now I’m in His family
People count with Christ
I am in His purpose
A servant in His place

Joy in the journey
Value in my walk
Peace a constant companion
In Christ I am never lost

Clay Corvin 3/19/11


Jesus has delivered us from the shackles of sin
He cut away the hardship and troubles we couldn’t mend
God is at work in our lives to save us
He will not let anything destroy us
We are His and we belong to Him

Joy, peace and life are our inheritance
Even when things go bad we know
Every thought that the Father has towards us is good
By faith we believe that and it encourages us
For there is much evil in this world and it will find us

Hard times and difficult tests come
Surprise is their calling card
Do not be surprised when trouble comes your way
The Lord is never surprised and He loves you
We can live with the sure knowledge that Jesus is for us

Set aside your bitterness
Ask the Lord for a sweet spirit
Trouble cannot destroy you
We live in the presence of God
He has saved us before and He will do it again

Forget about measuring time
It is our enemy and does nothing good for us
Live by faith that all things will work together for good in your life
Relax and tell Jesus all your troubles and then trust Him
Hang on because the Lord Jesus will deliver you

Clay Corvin
March 5, 2011


I was made to worship You Lord
In the ups and downs of life
My focus strays
Pain and anguish stalk my day
Lord I am seeking to know You
Looking at your Word I find my error
I forget it’s all about YOU
Help me to see myself

Passionate living focused on anything but YOU
Results in frustration and disappointment
Life is frail and but a mist
Grabbing hold results in a momentary high
Followed quickly be a deep sense of loss
Sin is the constant enemy
Only in surrender will it be controlled
Worship is when I let You hold me

Today Lord I pray that I will make my life about You
What would You have me do?
Who must I forgive?
I will not run ahead of You even when it looks easy
My thoughts will gravitate to You
My emotions will be under Your control
When I look at others I will see you
People count most of all-I will Worship YOU

Today it is all about you Lord
I worship You
Praises to my King
I will sing about You in my heart
Where I am is Your cathedral
Lord I love you, Serve you
Order my words and my steps
That today I will not sin against You

Clay Corvin
February 23, 2011


Jesus is the focus of my life
Spending time with Him is joy
Calming the heart and soul
A conversation thru His Word
Writing it upon my heart
The Holy Spirit ministers to my need

Following Jesus is an activity not a thought
It results in obedience
Doing what He says
Applying His Word to my life
He makes a difference in how I act
I am in the process of changing into Christ likeness

I give Him my time
There is so much to do
The harvest is plentiful but the harvesters are few
My money belongs to Him
Generosity is a way of life
I live to serve Christ my Lord

My belief in Jesus changes the way I do things
I pray for those that abuse me
Forgive the unforgiveable
Serve the thankless
Stand with those in need
I am becoming less like the world and more like Jesus

I live a confident life
My heart belongs to Christ
This world cannot destroy me
Whether I am down or up Christ is Lord
Whether I win or lose Jesus has the victory
Nothing can separate me from the love of Christ

Clay Corvin February 5, 2011
[email protected]


Know the Lord in fullness
He loves you
Pouring out grace and mercy
Giving you His power to live life
Equips you to be like Christ

Knowing is a journey
Purposeful and true
Look in the mirror
Does God see you?

Let your heart be cleansed
By a faithful attention to His Word
A Godward life depends totally on God
A Godward life depends on you

Master your passions
They will deceive you
Surrender to Jesus
Everything you do

Stay in the fight
It is a battle to the last
Victory is won the first day
Victory is for those that last

Recognize how important
Obedience is for you
Everything you say and do
God knows you

Love your neighbor as yourself
Love Christ with the things you do
This is your journey
Let the Lord be alive in you

Clay Corvin January 22, 2011


Amazing Grace echos in my soul
As a song it is my favorite
My fear O God as I follow you
Bad things that happen to good people

I cry out properly
Pleading the cause
Yet you do not hear
Frustration is rampant

Many of us experience evil and even do it
We cry why God
When evil happens to us
Why me Lord?

We are living in difficult times
Injustice, evil reign supreme
From the Holy, loving God no answer
Why aren’t things done my way?

We look in a mirror
Seeing our reflection
We declare this is God
Seeking to make God in our image

God is in control and we aren’t
We do not know His ways
He calls us to trust Him
Especially when it seems unprofitable

God is at work in our life
To accomplish His good end
Seldom will we understand His work
We can’t even understand ourself much less God

God is unhurried
Time does not constrain Him
His judgment and justice will come
At the time God chooses

We can praise our wonderful good God
He is our salvation and strength
He gives us His peace and joy
In that day we will see Him and be like Him

Clay Corvin 4 December 2010


Celebration is in order
Forty-two years elapsed
Time spent together
Better than forty-one

Another year to thank you
Another time to rejoice
You are blessing me with your presence
I am better because you care

On this day I thank my Lord
For giving you to me
Through thick and thin, good and bad
You have completed me and I am glad

We are ordinary people
With an extraordinary journey
A journey of delight with challenges for sure
Each one dealt with and we continue on

Today is the first day of the rest of our life
Thank you for everyday of this life
You are a treasure, a blessing
My soul mate, my partner

My prayer for you is that this will be the best
Not as good as forty three
Joy and peace for the coming year
I love you and rejoice that you are near

Clay Corvin Celebrating 42 years of marriage to Carol Corvin
September 14, 2010


He died for me on that rugged cross
Feeling sin suffering loss
Burdened by my agony
Jesus is Lord of me

Daily time in His precious Word
The Holy Spirit silently heard
Direction, advice, counseling and more
Jesus is Lord of me

I give my all to Him each day
All my thoughts are sent His way
My heart is light for He holds my hand
Jesus is Lord of me

This journey began before I was a man
My pain and heartache placed in His hand
He spoke to me with loving words I was heard
Jesus is Lord of me

Fifty years I’ve walked His path
He has shared every failure and victory
Always guiding me His love never fails
Jesus is Lord of me

Jesus is my friend
I could not survive without Him
One day I will stand before Him
Jesus is Lord of me

Clay Corvin September 4, 2010


Mankind made a mess of things
God desired to bless
We must know our lostness
Before we are open to confess

Jeremiah spoke a prophecy
A New Covenant was on the way
Just because it pleased the Lord
To give His love away

The blame game was our fame
It was always somebody else’s fault
Sin was evil and sure to win
I must see it in me

God has said this is how
Christ is the way to me
By grace are you saved-a gift from ME
No other way but Jesus

Now His law is in our hearts
The Holy Spirit guides us day by day
The Lord is actively living in me
My life, His love-the Lord is Lord of me