Category - General



Love the Lord your God with all your heart.
Daily focus.
Pray without ceasing.
Know His Word.
All required to maintain control of our deceitful heart.
My way generally tends to not be God’s way.
I will let the Holy Spirit control me, so that I will walk God’s path. 

Love the Lord your God with all your soul.
Be filled with the Holy Spirit.
He knows what you are facing, and you don’t.
Whatever the pain, or gain, the Holy Spirit controls you.
Good or bad are passing in the wind.
The only forever good thing is Jesus.
Serve the Lord with gladness and He will fill your soul.

Love the Lord with all your mind.
Get the focus off material things, they are passing away.
Only God’s people will last.
Study God’s word.
Serve everyone, enemy and friend alike. 
Be usable, train your hands and feet.
Do the next right thing. 

The Jesus way will cost you dearly.
He demands first place,
Because He is the only way.
Seek Him, with all of your heart,
And He will add all you need to your life. 
Following Jesus is the eternal way.
Plan on spending forever with Him. 

Clay Corvin – September 2, 2024



Life is never what it seems.
Dreams unfulfilled.
Evil always afoot.
Especially in the life of a child-evil adults destroying them. 

We never shake that evil.
It mocks us.
Always in our minds eye.
Most of us are grown up, abused, children. 

Jesus says you don’t have to live like that.
Come follow me and I will take you to the real Father.
He loves you.
Every thought that the Father has towards you is a thought for good. 

Now you have come to Jesus.
He says stay and grow.
You need some time to heal.
It’s not heaven but it’s the best situation you’ve had.

Then that old snake Satan whispers in your ear.
Look how nice it is over there. 
Come with me, these folks don’t treat you right. 
I mean the reality of life at Bethel is hard. 

The evil one says you are stronger now.
It’s much better back there. 
Nobody appreciates you here.
Let’s go, you’ve had enough. 

The Lord says, “Follow me and you will have great peace and will not stumble.”
I’m shaping you into a new creature. 
Your sins have been washed away and you are learning how valuable you are. 
You are precious to me and I will make all things new. 

It’s always your choice.
Will you stay and become more like Jesus? 
Will you follow Jesus even if you lose?
Jesus loves you – follow Christ. 

Clay Corvin – Lacombe, LA – my new home!
Praise the Lord Jesus – King of the Universe
August 25, 2024



History wings its way,

Through endless spirals.

Mankind only changed,

By the interruption of Jesus!

He, Himself stepping into our world,

Shedding His blood, giving His life.

He paid a ransom for us,

None of whom cared, we nailed Him to the cross to die. 

The power of God,

Raised Him from the grave.

Jesus has the only scars in heaven,

Seated at the right hand of the Father. 

Today and every day until He comes back,

He intercedes for us, for things we do not know. 

What a Savior! 

What a change!

We live by faith,

The victor’s life.

The power of God protecting us,

As we keep our eyes and mind focused on the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Clay Corvin



Praise the Lord-He is my revelation.
Jesus brings the light, giving us life.
Our hearts flooded by His gift of understanding. 
All we see is God’s gift to us. 
Praise the Lord-He is thinking of me.
His Holy Spirit resides in me.
Bringing the presence of the Holy One here.
Never leaving me, carrying me through the rough times. 
Praise the Lord-He brings spiritual wisdom.
So that we can know by faith His blessings.
The ability to pray over there with Him. 
His throne room my spiritual appointment. 
Praise the Lord-guidance for today.
Taking care of tomorrow. 
His watch word for me is do not fear.
Jesus our Lord and Savior changes life for me. 
Praise the Lord-one day soon I will be with Him.
Seeing Jesus face to face.
Reconnecting with loved ones.
Knowing God, our wonderful gracious God, forever. 
Nov. 9, 2023



David was a shepherd boy, son of Jesse, in Ancient Bethlehem. 
He knew hardship.  He knew danger.  He was courageous.
God called him to be King of Israel. 
The Lord said David was a man after his own heart. 
David became a great leader.
He was also a great sinner. 
Just like us, his sin led him to brokenness and desperation. 
He cried out to God, the census was a great sin, forgive me. 
God forgave him but his sin had tragic consequences.
The Death Angel killed 70,000 Israelis. 
David and his officials repented.
God stopped the angel from destroying Jerusalem. 
Overly proud of all his victories, David was seduced to sin.
His sin, pride, arrogance, “I did it my way.”
For a short while David forgot the victories belonged to God.
It deeply offended the Father, and His wrath responded. 
Pride, arrogance, is a despicable sin. 
The Lord hates it and will move against it. 
We think it is okay to sway with the world. 
It is a great stumbling block for our growth. 
We belong to God and He belongs to us. 
He loves us desperately and always seeks our best good. 
“Come He says and sit with me and I will guide your steps.
I bring life and light for living.”
Ah but when we are winning, we drift.
Often recounting OUR victory, we forget it was the Lord’s victory. 
Arrogance blooms, we lose our focus and direction. 
The future dims, we sin, and the Lord calls us to account. 
Repent quickly-don’t hit bottom-plead with the Lord, help me. 
Our sinfulness is why Paul said work out your salvation with fear and trembling. 
It’s our arrogance that trips us every time. 
We don’t hear the Lord but keep on moving. 
In our minds we think “this is the way, walk in it.”
Finally, after a while we recognize we have wobbled away from God.
Lord, please forgive me.  He does but there are consequences. 
Have we killed 70,000 Israelites?  Probably not but we have hurt something. 
Thanks be to the Lord, we recover.
Sometimes it takes a while, sometimes only a few days.
We hurt.  We are embarrassed. We feel like dirt. 
But we stay the course and reunite with the Father in fellowship. 
Clay Corvin
May 13, 2023
Northport, Alabama

The Census – 1 Chron. 21

David was a shepherd boy, son of Jesse, in Ancient Bethlehem. 
He knew hardship.  He knew danger.  He was courageous.
God called him to be King of Israel. 
The Lord said David was a man after his own heart. 
David became a great leader.
He was also a great sinner. 
Just like us, his sin led him to brokenness and desperation. 
He cried out to God, the census was a great sin, forgive me. 
God forgave him but his sin had tragic consequences.
The Death Angel killed 70,000 Israelis. 
David and his officials repented.
God stopped the angel from destroying Jerusalem. 
Overly proud of all his victories, David was seduced to sin.
His sin, pride, arrogance, “I did it my way.”
For a short while David forgot the victories belonged to God.
It deeply offended the Father, and His wrath responded. 
Pride, arrogance, is a despicable sin. 
The Lord hates it and will move against it. 
We think it is okay to sway with the world. 
It is a great stumbling block for our growth. 
We belong to God and He belongs to us. 
He loves us desperately and always seeks our best good. 
“Come He says and sit with me and I will guide your steps.
I bring life and light for living.”
Ah but when we are winning, we drift.
Often recounting OUR victory, we forget it was the Lord’s victory. 
Arrogance blooms, we lose our focus and direction. 
The future dims, we sin, and the Lord calls us to account. 
Repent quickly-don’t hit bottom-plead with the Lord, help me. 
Our sinfulness is why Paul said work out your salvation with fear and trembling. 
It’s our arrogance that trips us every time. 
We don’t hear the Lord but keep on moving. 
In our minds we think “this is the way, walk in it.”
Finally, after a while we recognize we have wobbled away from God.
Lord, please forgive me.  He does but there are consequences. 
Have we killed 70,000 Israelites?  Probably not but we have hurt something. 
Thanks be to the Lord, we recover.
Sometimes it takes a while, sometimes only a few days.
We hurt.  We are embarrassed. We feel like dirt. 
But we stay the course and reunite with the Father in fellowship. 
Clay Corvin
May 13, 2023
Northport, Alabama


We think about a lot of stuff.
Most of our thinking is worrying, denying or negative.
We don’t believe in ourselves.  
We don’t believe that the Lord is going to take care of us.
How do we change. 

Start by thinking about the Lord. 
Learn to meditate on His law.
His law says that we are to love Him with all of our heart and mind.
And to love our neighbor as ourselves.  
Loving others is hard to do.  

We make excuses for ourselves.
We forgive ourselves for unforgivable things.We deny forgiveness to others over minutiae.
Mostly for things we quickly forgive self.  
Also, how can I love others if I don’t love myself?

Then, how do I change?
Begin with the Lord in prayer.
Follow His lead for repentance.
Follow His lead for healing.
Love yourself, more and more day by day.

Then how do I change?
Think about the Lord-His goodness, His majesty, His greatness.
Count your blessings.  Name them, write them and thank the Lord for them.
Praise the Lord, praise His name, praise his greatness.  
Understand how much He loves you.  

Then how do I change?
Daily in prayer, seek His guidance.
What do I do today Lord?
Who must I forgive?  
Holy Spirit, help me walk my talk, help me change.

Then how do I change?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Believe in Him, His presence and concern for you everyday.  
Repent, praise and love.  Do that again each day.
The Holy Spirit will change your ways.  

Clay Corvin 
May 1, 2023


Believe God.

Believe that He wants to be with you,

So much that He sent His Only Son to die for you,

To pay the price of your sin, ransom you,

So that you could believe in Him, 

Trust Him that He has cleansed you.

Being with Him is His desire for you,

And you are honored and privileged to be in His Presence.  

Clay Corvin

April 24, 2023


Not facts or fancy that put us here.
Before the world began,
In time before time,
God spoke, He created,
And He knew us.
We are not a mistake.
Not a happenstance.
As difficult or hard as it may seem,
God knows everything,
And He created us-me, you. 
It’s no cruelty of fate,
That you came here,
Your parents given a gift,
A precious gift,
For them to shelter, and raise.
That so many fail,
Is not a surprise,
Generation upon generation,
Crying, dying, desperate.
God is good and He created us good. 
Yes, sin is a cause.
People hate, are evil and cold,
They want nothing to do with love,
And yet they themselves are searching for love,
But love isn’t something we acquire, it is a gift. 
Bold living is our call.
Caring for others our strength.
Growth and love we give away,
And in the giving we prosper.
It’s God’s way, He set things up for us to care.
We ask for His love and forgiveness.
In Jesus Christ we find everything we are looking for,
And life and peace and joy!
We find in caring our gift.
A gift from God to us.
Clay Corvin
February 24, 2023


SPOKEN – 2 TIM. 1:7

SPOKEN – 2 TIM. 1:7 – “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.”
God has spoken, He cares for you.
Your enemies will wring their hands in shame.
God is not missing.
He is here, carrying you in His arms each day.
He is not missing.
His hand protects you, preparing a future for you.
Your enemies will regret,
Going against God.
He is in control.
He knows the future now.
He prepares you for each fight.
He is on your side.
He says: watch and wait.
I am with you, stand firm and do not fear.
He gives wisdom and courage.
Our life is in His hands, He is always with us.
What can the world do to me?  Nothing.
His Good News: You belong to me.
Clay Corvin 1/30/23