Category - General


I’m thinking of you Rick
I wish you could have come
Rome is a joy for each of us
Buses full to bursting
Speeding around the town
Cramming in more people abounds
The joys of deliberate strolls
Walking by buildings 2,000 years old
And feeling all these Roman ghosts will make your skin tingle
Seeing where Paul suffered
Knowing Peter and Luke were scared
Helps me see your courage to be where God called you
The food is fabulous
I eat too much
But we’re walking five miles plus so I shouldn’t balloon up
It is a real celebration
Studying Ephesians
Seeing Paul’s profession of Christ and knowing he was true
Rick we miss your laughter
And the insights you’ve learned
You are God’s servant in you we see God’s son
Clay Corvin 3/19/04


Weary bones
Hungry eyes
As we discovered Rome

All ahead
Flight behind
What would my week hold?

I want to know more about Jesus
More of what drove Paul and Peter
To walk to their death
Praising and glorifying the Lord

The world ruled
With a Roman hand
Christians were charred
And Christianity spread

I want to know about big cities
Majestic cities of old
Stone cold and powerful
With a wealth that turned to dust

I want to see the ancients
To hear about their lives
And see their work
What can I use today?

I want to try the food
Smell the smells
And walk all their streets

I want to build this journey
Into a masterpiece
That I can filter and relish
For many years to come

And I want to see Jesus
And listen as He speaks
Of His love for me

03/19/04  Clay Corvin


Early morning light
Foggy mind
Excited heart
Heading for Rome

All have come
To travel Rome
To get to know
Paul’s second home

Busy streets
Crowded walks
Everywhere is history
Open to our eyes

Carla comes to help us see
Pointing out and explaining
Paul was here proclaiming
Jesus death and resurrection

All the wealth
And power to own
And Paul claimed
This place for God

Around the world
Paul’s letters went
Soon he died at Rome’s feet
Jesus brought Rome to its knees

Paul and Peter and Luke
Wrote what Christ could do
Those Words from God
Speaking to me and you

Christ intended us to know
Where we stood and how to grow
Now we arrive in Rome
To see this place early Christian’s called home

03/19/04  Clay Corvin


Working thru our actions
Seeking what to do
Following Jesus
Will let your service be true

Struggling with our message
Writing out our plan
Things we say and do
Should lead others to You

How can I best serve?
Only where I am
Dreaming only futures
Forgets about man

Jesus saves people
Giving them light
All the love Christ gives us
Enables us to fight

The fight is for focus
Off the enemy’s ruse
God will fight our battles
If our heart is true

True to our confession
Faithful day by day
Filled with obedience
Serving Jesus’ way

Clay Corvin 3/18/04


Immanuel, God with us
Where we are
Not where we aren’t

Came to be
A part of us
All we do
Not just the good

Seeing us
Feeling our pain
Knowing our name
God’s love is real

Calling us
To follow Him
Eternal life
We can be like Him

Guiding us
Each day we live
Equipping us to give
And be His hands and feet

Doing for us
So we grow
Get to know
Jesus outfits us to win

01/05/04   Clay Corvin


My life is real
All the things I do
And God loves me

Where I am
And for what I am
Jesus has set me free

He has plan
For you and me
A plan of value and worth

Not to elevate me
Or lower you
But to equip me to serve Him

In service I grow
And reap what I sow
And see the Lord of life

My surrender to Him
Is victory for me
Enabling me to help you

My freedom is from sin
And not from God
I am free from death
I win

01/05/04  Clay Corvin


God judges
Not me
I am to love
And care for you

All I do
I do for you
To become like Christ
And live His life

His control
My surrender
His life
My death

When I serve
It is to do
But first I must be
Like Jesus

I see you
The things you do
But I am called to serve
And not declare you wrong

1/05/04  Clay Corvin


I cannot be
What others say
And stand for Christ

I must be
Surrendered me
And live for Him

Gifts and skills
Can honor God
But obedience is first

To change my life
From flesh to Christ
That I might be bold

Bold to serve
Bold to give
Trustworthy with my life

Spending time with Jesus
So I can help you
And live for the Lord

Days will come
Days will go
But I can survive

Live with Christ
Obey the Lord
And I will grow

01/05/04  Clay Corvin


I have come this way
With a purpose and a hope
To get to know better
How to live and grow

I’m looking for the Lord
In every place I can
I want to change
To be His man

I read His word
I pray that it will stick
Inside my heart
And guide all I do

I fall down
And by His promise
Climb back up
Jesus never fails

And then I saw
The Lord alive
In my heart
And by my side

Christ is with me
He hears every word
He knows my need
And gives me worth

I am not alone
I’m victory’s child
Jesus has come
My life is won

1/5/04  Clay Corvin


Now we have come
To the victor’s stage
A drama written by God

He sent His Son
On our behalf
To show how life could be won

Ordinary men
Impoverished times
The world changed for 2,000 years

What a thing
The Lord has done
Showing us how to give

To give of self
To have a heart
To be what we can be

No one left
By themselves
Unless they choose to be

God is good
Christ is Lord
The Holy Spirit has come

All this happened
Where we’ve been
Now we know

We know the Lord
We know His peace
Christ is in our heart

Now we go
To distant shores
And share Jesus with all we know

1/06/04   Clay Corvin