Category - Poetry


Avner is a great driver
He anticipates the day
Planning as we forecast
The places we would go

Only so much time
So many places to go
Every road an experience
Of ancient and modern flow

Avner knows
We are seekers
Studying the Word of God
Wanting to know its development
And the places men of God trod

Adept at navigation
Intent with a listening heart
Able to help us know the land
Avner finds the right roads

What a joy to see new valleys
The land from a new vantage point
We didn’t know this place was here
Avner read our hearts

A man who seeks to serve
A man with a gentle way
Careful with his charges
Listen, follow Avner today
CC 3/23/05


Look out your door
Towards Jaffa Gate
Standing in between you
A place the ancients hate

Babies killed for Moloch
The place of great depth
Running into the desert
Where evil demons dwelt

I’ve often felt the shadows
Inherent in this place
Hinnom Valley, Gehenna
An evil, evil place

Cursed by the prophets
Condemned by the Word
Garbage always burning
Its evil howl still heard

Hell on earth
Sunlit valley
Herod’s tomb
Daylight gloom

Avoid this mindset
God is in control
His power is presented
When we give Him control

CC 3/23/05


I had trouble with Jerusalem’s streets
Here and there
The ends never seemed to meet
I was always lost

I studied a map
Still no luck
It was just tough
Nothing seemed to match

Driving through the streets one day
I noticed all the hills
God had made this place He loved
And hills were everywhere

Then I hit a curve
It ran back and forth
God had placed His hand here
On this place He loved

Ancient streets had followed His way
Working thru the grooves
Suddenly it made sense to me
The roads followed God’s hand

Jerusalem Holy City
The place where earth and heaven meet
The roads are placed where God’s grace
Traced His love in thee

This may not be good science
And it may not be exact
But it helped me learn the roads in here
To travel thru Jerusalem and back

CC 3/23/05


It is a winding old road
Gathering dust
One lane and not big enough
Few folks travel the Old Roman Road

Armies came this way
Jerusalem to Jericho
Jericho to Jerusalem
Destruction both ways

Trade through here
It was a grand route
One to be feared
Robbers lurked near

Just a little asphalt and rock
Non-descript and quiet
Hard to believe its face
This was an important place?

What do we need to see here?
Yikes the road veers
Look at that old Roman bridge
Wow the bus is over the cliff-side

Jesus walked here
With purpose and dear
He taught about the outcast
He came to the cross through here

I have been here
The Old Roman Road
A place of lasting beauty
It reminded me I belong
CC 3/23/05


Zechariah was a priest
Who served the Lord well
Walked from Ein Karem
Each time his service fell

Barren for a long time
An angel came to tell
God had answered his prayer
John would be his son

I like Ein Karem
Nestled on a hill
Just a few miles from Jerusalem
This story unfolded here

Unbelief was the cause
Zechariah suffered vocal loss
Everyone was stunned
Six months more

His name is John
Zechariah learned God’s rule
When God says you can do it
It is easier to follow through

There it is today
An European scene
Much different than when John came
But today evil is still the world’s king

The spiritual realm speaks to us
Listen, listen hard
You have a gift to be used
Give your life to God

Jesus brings His plan for you
Provides the strength to see you through
Equipping you to do
His victory covers you
CC 3/22/05


Looking up from Silwan
Straight at David’s place
The Holy Ark was lodged here
Also David’s disgrace

Saint and sin lived within
David’s city grew
Israel split
Who knew?

So much history
Forgotten for 2,000 years
Many thought Jerusalem
Was always on top of the hill

If Jesus tarries
No one will remember me
But heaven knows
What I think and plan and see

The Lord is not forgetful
Salvation is a gift
The Lord has called me to service
Not to sit and moan and live

Life is a call to service
Freedom equips me to give
Giving is the foundation
Of learning how to live

David wrote about this
He was a man of God
But he was just like us
Maybe the difference is he trusted God

So every time David faltered
He got on his knees
And when he rose to service
He was confident God was pleased

Do you trust the Savior?
Do you think Christ can use you?
Spend time with my Jesus
And do and do and do!
CC 3/22/05


Looking at the Western Wall
I see the pain and grief
Etched in the ancient stones
Man’s love and relief

Willing all these ages
To stand and seek God’s face
Coming to the Western Wall
And celebrate disgrace

Failure for the people
Failure for the world
To hate another people
Slavery is their world

So many people
Hated so much
Jesus comes with care and love
“I died for you because I love you”

How can we atone?
What can we say?
Hands and feet speak loudly
Care for their disgrace

Listen as they say it
Accept them as friends
Remember our real foe
And evil will never win

This is the day that the Lord has made
Pray for all you see
Care for their heartache
Pray that they will be free

Jesus is real freedom
Remember He loves you
And you and I are servants
So that the world will know too


Soon we will see Megiddo
Head of the Jezreel
A place of many battles
Civilizations lived and died here

So many armies
So much trade
Consumer wealth exploited
Evil men raged

The stage is set for one day
The mountain will be the stage
Armageddon will come exploding
The world is center stage

Nations will reason with logic
Politicians will explain
Why we must go fight there
To die on evil’s day

Logic will get you in trouble
When dealing with spiritual things
The Lord of all creation
Speaks in mysterious ways

Note that He has led us
Jesus is always the same
When we love those around us
We are honoring Christ’s name

Handling others with kindness
Dealing with respect
Equips us to serve God’s creation
Let’s us represent His love

Christ will come in a moment
Armageddon will fit some way
But you and I are servants
Living our lives today

CC 3/21/05


One, two, three-We go today
Jerusalem’s gates just miles away
The city of the great King
The city of the Lord
Jerusalem we hear you
Now we come with one accord

We want to see the stones
That took the prophets lives
To see the place where Jesus died
The ground on which he was crucified
Reaching out to each of us
With healing in His hands-Jesus saves

Ahead of us the gates have stood
So many years they’ve testified
Evil men have ruled this place
One day soon the King returns
Jerusalem will live again
The place the great King rules

Listen as they testify
The hills sing of His love
Look and see the sky above
It waits for His return
Speak to me Lord Jesus
Heal my broken life

Let me be your mouthpiece
And tell of your love for me
I’m willing to live my life
So that others might be free
Speak through me
My life belongs to you

CC 3/20/05


Sacrifices one and all
Pagans worshipped here
Holy Headland by the Egyptians
Even the Romans came
Elijah faced the Baalist
They were so extreme

Cried out to their idols
They were on the pot
Elijah challenged their ethics
God disrupted their plot
Elijah wet the wood
The Father sent the fire

Muhraqa are you listening?
The world has moved
Divine Lord has visited you
Creator Christ has touched
This world we love so much
Letting us know He loves

This is not the final place
We are covered by His grace
Every day is new
The Father will see us through
Even when we fail
His love will prevail

Stand up to your evil
Give the Lord your heart
Let Him have your weakness
Surrender your plans
Serve Him with zest
And Christ will live through you

CC 3/20/05