Category - Poetry


Out of sight of Jerusalem
Arad built its hold
Over minds of Israelis
Fashioned by evils cold

A thin veneer of proper
Developed by pagan priests
This place of Moses action
Was destroying God’s peace

Active on the edges
Coming out of the hills
Far enough away
For the king to forgive

Lulled into evil
Practicing man’s cult
Arad was evil’s companion
Destroying God’s love

Pulling at the garment
Fashioned by the Word
Claiming all the wealth
God’s people deserved

Just a little slippage
Not a major slight
Arad will soon destroy
The key to Israel’s might

Not unlike us Christians
Who are our friends?
When we live in two worlds
Our strength will surely end

CC 3/17/05


Moving up the highway
The road pilgrims trod
Heading to Jerusalem
The city of God

A place of many evils
Stonings and worse
Jesus went to see them
In the House of God

They ignored the Christ Child
They ridiculed the Son
Then they rigged the jury
And murdered God’s Son

It’s a long way to eternity
Every road goes through Christ
He died in Jerusalem
God’s strength gave Him new life

Raised to always conquer
Jesus cleanses us from sin
The Son is on my agenda
I’m going to see Him

The pilgrims road is littered
With heartaches and fear
So hard for man to trust Him
Belief is seldom dear

I know whom I’ve believed
I know who holds me
I’m going to Jerusalem
To rejoice with the King

CC 3/16/05


Kind and gentle spirit
His heart one with God
Letting Jesus lead him
No presumption, no façade, just a man of God

Loving husband
Faithful parent
Courageous for his kids
Shaping how they live
By the way he lives

A man with the gift of giving
He gives from his heart
Bending the knee to Jesus
Obedient from the start

He lives in Christ’s presence
Always smells of God
His heart displays the evidence
Rick is ruled by God

Many days of trouble
Many grief’s to bear
Jesus joy heals him
The Lord is always there

Rick is a soldier
Part of Christ’s Elite
Standing on the front lines
Satan in defeat

Serving every moment
Representing Christ
Always caring for others
Living a Godly life
He is my friend

CC 3/15/05


We are not consumers
Of religious juke and jive
The priesthood is to encourage
And help us give our lives

En Harod is peaceful
Streams from the mount
But once the Lord came calling
Gideon was announced

Just an ordinary person
Not especially skilled
All his gifts were given
Gideon fought for the Lord

Now mister preacher
Are you as weak as he?
Do you think your sin is small?
Only Jesus can set you free

Speak the words of wisdom
Gideon knew them well
The Lord of all creation
Can use you to tell

Tell them of His presence
Encourage them to grow
Call them to the Father
So that they will know

Know the Lord of Glory
Know the Prince of peace
Be equipped to see Him
Making life complete



Just me
That’s all I’ll ever be
Unknown and simple
Yet I’ve bent my knee

Given up my weakness
Christ is in my heart
Working daily on His plan
My hands and feet and soul

Often complaining
Fear sometimes calls
Faith is my connection
The Lord is in control

I am just a servant
His rule is my command
Praising all His greatness
I serve the King of the land

Victory parallels my journey
Failure my only claim
Each day life comes walking
I claim it in Jesus name

Who am I to stumble?
Christ is walking me
Only when I fumble
In daily time with thee

Lift me up in wisdom
Fill my lungs with strength
Let me live encouraged
Christ is living in me

CC 3/15/05


Faith functions
By your word
Not as the world
On things they see

It comes from Your heart
Helping me restart
When things are confused
It’s time to renew

Seeing through a glass darkly
Requires that I look
Lovingly and intently
At Your heart

I didn’t do it
I can’t create it
But I can follow as You work
And bend my knee in love

Put me on the right track
Lift me on Your back
Or take me there
So I will care

About the things You love
People count with You
Help me see
The faith You send to me

CC 3/15/05


Blinded eyes
Frozen heart
Aching from my pain
Deliver me again

It was part of me
Torn from me
It has to be
Now it’s today

Carry me
While I cry
Lift me up
As I sigh

Why me?
This current pain
Help me walk
In step with Thee

Every day is new
Time grows short
Strengthen me
For what You see

Give me Your hand
Touch my heart
Speak Your joy
Help me start

My new walk
Your new way
I hear you speak
I’m loved today

I know my pain
I feel faith’s gain
Encourage me
Say Your call-so I will see
CC 3/15/05


Set your heart on God
Seek the Lord
Every day you live
Look for Him

Focus all your thoughts
Fill up your heart
Organize your mind
Jesus is divine

Do not despair
However life unfolds
Give all you have
Let Christ be in control

Open up your hand
Help those you can touch
Give them respect
Remember Christ loves you

Be His hands and feet
Walk like a king
Then bend your knee
Jesus will be pleased

Talk to each one
That you see
Tell them how your life
Is eternal and free

Set your heart on God
Seek the Lord
Every day you live
Look for Him

CC 3/15/05


Marching up the valley
Heading to Bet Shean
All the armies came here
Most of the won

So many people
Have fought and died
This place is just a blood bath
Filled with evil and pride

So many merchants
So much grief
People so exploited
The left for relief

Now the valley blossoms
Technology from God’s hand
Jesus isn’t known here
Satan rules the land

I am praying for revival
Christ is coming back
When I exit from the valley
The Jezreel has begun

Armies will march here
Heading for the plain
A final confrontation
Hoping to stop Christ’s name

Do you feel the spirits?
Are you aware of the cost?
One day soon the battle
Christ will still be boss



Coming up around the bend
We see Kalia again
A gorgeous oasis
In the midst of a harried land

Gentle people
Made of steel
Came here with a cause
Because this land is God’s

So many times we’ve been here
Stopped for just a night
Soon they will not be here
Deserted by the right

So many times the world
Blinds our eyes and ears
Better to be where God steers
Than to live a thousand years

Life is so confusing
The rearview shows it well
When walking in Christ’s direction
The path is often frail

Clinging to that direction
I believe I’m doing right
Then the moment beckons
Christ has you in His sight

Life is full of choices
The next right thing is best
Jesus will not let give you failure
His life will give you the best

Kalia will feel great failure
Soon they’ll be gone
But Christ will not depart us
He will keep us from doing wrong

CC 3/14/05