Category - Poetry


I hunger Lord to know You
I want to be able to walk
The paths of righteousness
Your prophets walked with You

To see the angels presence
Knowing what You say
Expecting significant miracles
Along my path each day

I find You in surrender
At times when I hurt
Will you let me be used?
Keep me from being a jerk

I don’t want to abuse
The knowledge from Your Word
Speak a strong expression
So that I’ll not miss Your work

Slowing down
I bend my heart
And open both my ears
Hear me Lord as I sit here

Let me see Your presence
Help me do Your work
All I have and all I want
To know You and be Your friend

I want you more than success
The things I have are Yours
Guide me to deeper wisdom
So that fear will flee

I want you more than miracles
I will gladly hold Your hand
As You lead me onward
Towards eternity’s land

Clay Corvin 8/28/04


If I will let Him have me
Christ will use me up
Giving life intensity
That will touch my soul
Beyond my ability to control
And I will see His work
In a way that I cannot explain
His life is to fill me with Him
So that I can be at work
Sharing eternity’s worth
A way to live and be free
Adding all joy and peace
To a life that is full
With people and need
Knowing that Christ
Will send what I need
And yet not able to say
In ways that communicate clear
All that I hold dear
Rest in His hand
Always near

And then a new day begins
What I was no longer is
Christ is at work in me
Moving me to eternity
Reminding me
To bring all I can
They are important to Him
I am His hands and feet
Giving up my demands
Letting Him free my hands
I walk where He says
Speaking His thoughts
Giving to those He calls
God is able
You are in need of Him

No longer counting by sight
The things the world says are might
Christ in me is treasure
His truth is joy
His hand is strength
I am His to use
Eternity is right now
Clay Corvin 8/27/04


Inward I go
To seek and grow
Letting God know
I love Him so
Living with ease
His hand I will please
Giving His place
My focus, His grace
All I have
Has come from Christ
I rejoice
When bitterness laughs
What I have
I freely give
To help each one
I live here with
The world is blind
I must be its eyes
The world is dead
I can offer it life
Simply stated
Christ in me
I can give
To all I see
I’m not the one
The life is in Him
His life in me
Has set me free
And all around
The hurting is great
The slavery they feel
Christ can relate
The victory was won
On Calvary’s tree
His victory is available
To set you free
Claim yours today
Live in victory’s way
Seeking to know
His strength
And in your search
Like me you will find
Life in Christ
Is important for all
Clay Corvin 8/27/04


Eighteen thousand acres
Holding painful lives
More than five thousand
Society has said good bye

Some are wrongly imprisoned
Others painfully live
The world for a moment
Took their life from them

Maybe I’m the reason
Maybe it’s their fate
I know that Jesus loves them
I will share their fate

The world wants to forget them
Jesus said go to me
Go and remind them
In Jesus they are free

Each of them has issues
Everyone can have Christ
The truth of the Gospel
Brings life instead of hate

Now I’m praying
That I can do my part
To share the life of Jesus
And help destroy the dark

Clay Corvin 08/26/04


Heartache and suspense
Am I getting through?
Which way do you
Want me to go

How can I know?
Am I in your will?
Selfish pride proclaims
I’m more than a slave

I put my thoughts in line
Reaching out to find
The future way to walk
Today is not the time

That is so frustrating
Because my will is strong
It seems I want to meet
Lord could you be wrong?

Now I’m alive
Now I’m your child
Your will is moving me
I am called to rely

Okay, I’ll search my heart
What would I like to do?
Does it honor you?
That door I’ll walk through

Then the moment comes
I will do as you say
Your hand holds my heart
My life is yours today

Your will is always good
Even when I’m suffering pain
I love you Lord my King
Praise your holy name


I hear that you’re in pain
Have I told you Jesus name?
He came and spoke to me
He offered me eternity

I looked at all I had
Little I could use
In my heart was pain
My life was just abuse

I said Lord save me
Help me change my life
I want to be of worth
With joy and wisdom first

Every day is new
The Lord knows what I need
I remind Him though
So I can grow and know

Know the King of Kings
Know the way to go
Know His love for me
Jesus is my way to go

He will give me strength
To face the wrongs I’ve done
Giving me release
To be the Father’s son

I will grow today
I will bend my knee
Absolute surrender
Keeps me at Calvary

Jesus paid it all
I will give my life
To stop my pain and strife
Jesus is my life


I’ve never felt this way before
My world is new
My heart is true
The Lord has saved my life

Now I have a friend
He knows my outs and ins
His love is absolute
My life is based on truth

I am telling all
How Christ changed my fall
No longer alone
The Lord is always on

I belong to Him
All will hear me say
By all the things I do
Have you heard-Jesus is the way

My life is made
I have strength to be
The person I once saw
A life that is full of worth

Walking with Jesus
Fills me with joy
Puts a song in me
I will tell all how to be free

CC 8/22/04


Everywhere you go
Your troubles follow you
Never letting up
This day is a mess

You cannot escape
There is no refuge here
Troubles come
And they never let go

Just when you think
You’ve got this problem fixed
Another problem comes
Worse than what you fixed

Why are things this way?
I wish I had a say
You do in Christ
He will heal your life

Jesus brings us peace
We know He cares
And His presence gives relief
From the burdens we bear

All the needs I have
Christ will give me strength
I can trust in Him
His life gives me release

No longer alone
I’m living at home
The Lord’s way
Makes me new each day.

cc 8/21/04


What have you done?
That claims your life
Pulling you down
Enduring strife

Do you think?
Good is gone
Those things you dreamed
Will never come home

Are you sure
You want this life
Full of burdens
Overwhelmed by advice

Christ will come to you
If you will ask Him too
He will give you life
He will heal your pain

You are the one
The Lord cares for
He knows those things
That condemns your name

Jesus still cares for you
He will rebuild your life
Let Him guide your way
Listen as you walk about

Now you know the truth
You really count with God
Your life is important to Him
He has a purpose for you

Choose the Lord
In all you do
Take His strength
Each day you live

CC 8/21/04


There you sit
All alone
Life is hard
You have no home

The breaks are tough
They’ve broken you
Now you hurt
Life is blue

What can you do?
Today is real
Jesus comes
To find you

A little lost lamb
Wandering around
Don’t you think?
The Lord still cares

You’ll never change
The things you do
Unless the Lord
Finds you

Bend you knee
Ask Christ in
He will heal
You will win

CC 8/21/04