Category - Poetry


I cannot deny my sin
It holds me near
Confusing me
As I seek to be free

I do the things
I say I won’t
And walk the lanes
I swear I don’t

The sickness comes and goes
I waver on broken toes
Never able to run the race
I always fall on my face

Then the Lord came looking
His love had my name
He said He had a vaccine
That would free me from this pain

Whosoever will can come
He said my freedom was done
In Christ I am complete
By grace He destroys defeat

Victory is mine
I am free from my bind
Each move I make is a choice
And Christ will keep me free


Evil is worse than we think
It stands in line to destroy
Lining up our weakness
Seeking to control

Satan knows our pathways
He is a deceiver from old
Always ready to lead us
Down roads we shouldn’t go

Everyone is a victim
Of sin’s evil swath
Overcome by blindness
We never see its stain

I need a cure
A new heart
And to be pure
And Jesus makes us new

Jesus destroys sin
He paid the price for us to go in
Into the room where the Father sits
I can have fellowship with Him

Christ enables wisdom
That I might grow
Becoming equipped to serve Him
To be used of the Lord to show

Show the world a solution
To its trouble and strife
A new life will be a blessing
It relates us to Christ

Now each day I serve Him
Peace begins my walk
The Lord of all is in me
He gives me His all


The world belongs to God
He has spoken in Christ
And Christ is looking for me
He is seeking to set me free

His love is for me
He cares that I see
The way that I can be
And seek each day to live free

Free from the sin
That so easily pulls man in
Free from the voice
That calls me to destruction

He wants me to know Him
To grow and be like Him
Confident in Christ
Able to live and walk free

My freedom is a call
To tell one and all
So that they may be
A child of God and free

This is His world
It is a place of joy
But joy only comes
Because He has won

The victory is in me
It helps me to be
Courageous and true
Equipped to live for you

You are my charge
I am here to help
You are not alone
Christ will come


Everyday choices
This way or that
Will we win?
Will we lose?

We see the other side
Greener and plush
We want that
What we have is not enough

Then the cheating comes
Lying to get ahead
Covered up with evil
We quickly lose our way

More is what we choose
Bigger, better, to amuse
Then we sense the pain
Life is not our gain

What can we do?
To find our way back
Bend the knee to Christ
He brings light and life

Start with Him each day
Give Him all you have
He will give you back
Then you will not lose

Change is the key
Good choices build me
I want to be the way I saw
Before sin deceived me

Everyday we choose
The way to win is clear
Give your life to Jesus
He will keep you near

Near to success
Near to good choices
His wisdom will provide
The strength you need for life

Now I daily walk
Along His lighted path
Holding on to Him
His love will make me win

Mark 1:21-2:28 Jesus Came for All

a. Bondage (1:23-25)
b. Sickness (2:5)
c. Religion(2:17)
d. Works (2:27-28)
a. To conquer Satan
b. Cure sick souls
c. Bring value to life
a. About the Father’s business
b. Calls each of us to tell
c. This is His world
a. Stay where you are
b. Change
c. Grow


Oh dark night come
I want to grow
Come and change me
Make me whole

And yet I fear
That which is dear
May lose its hold
And leave me here

Do not o night
Let me drift
Away from things I know
Clasp my soul

I seek to control
And in control
Discover the truth
I am not in charge

But in the mist
I cannot remove
I find the change
So dearly sought

Pain and heartache
Evil I refrain
Cleanses me from habits
Presenting me new and changed

Again I am whole
A new me unfolds
Until the bell is tolled
O dark night of my soul


Bend your knee
The King of Glory comes

The world is wicked
Full of filth
Clamoring for people
Hell bent

Listen to me
I’m telling the truth
The King is coming
He’ll set you loose

Be free from hell
It’s evil hold
Reach to God
Give Him control

He will give you wisdom
Guidance for each day
Never leave you lonely
Never let you stray

Bend your knee
The King of glory comes


Jesus pleased the Father
Obedient to His Word
Walking kind and lowly
Living as He heard

Reaching out to people
Listening to their need
Letting them come to Him
He gave each one relief

His Word calls us to his presence
It underscores His care
And then He walked among us
Showing us His love

He lived without restriction
Obedient every hour
Never, ever falling
His life is a victory walk

Many have tried His patience
Questioning His call
Yet Christ will never leave us
His love He gave for all

Belief is part of the journey
That each one of us must make
We ask the Lord’s forgiveness
We live by His strength

The way ahead is rocky
Life can be a tease
But Jesus gives assurance
He died that we might be

Be in His family
And live eternally
His sacrifice gave us glory
His love has brought us peace


I here all those calling
Evil, fear and hate
Pointing out my weakness
I was just born too late

Then I hear Christ’s Spirit
The Holy Spirit of God
Reaching out to lead me
A gift for my own good

His Call is to repentance
Ask the Lord to forgive
And then each day live wisely
Let Him show me the way

Every day I waken
With Jesus on my mind
I ask Him and He answers
He gives me His design

A plan for good decisions
Choices that guide me to Him
The Lord wants me listen
So that He can enable me to live

Living comes from giving
Caring for those I’m with
Helping all the hurting
Reaching out to them

Following and giving
Strengthen my resolve
They help me live the future
Equipped to be and serve

The Holy Spirit quickens my heart
He gives me a daily start
Living in the future
Eternal life with God


Streets of gold
Joy untold
All I do
Brings life to me

All around
Smiles, no frowns
Everyone comes
To Jesus feet

Equally cared for
Equally shared with
My life is blessed
What I do counts

I see the mess
The world takes less
Trashing folks
Destroying hope

But then I see
The heaven in me
And remember Christ’s song
He loves me

I don’t ignore the pain
I wrap bandages
And haul disdain
But I know my place

Seated in heaven
Beside the Lord
Where I am
Is where Christ will be