Exegesis of Psalm 1 (ESV)


Psalm 1:1-6
1 Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
2 but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
3 He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.
4 The wicked are not so,
but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
6 for the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.


  1. Blessed Behavior (v. 1)
    1. The psalm opens with a beatitude: “Blessed is the man.” This blessedness comes from rejecting three progressive stages of evil: walking in wicked counsel, standing with sinners, and sitting with scoffers. Each verb (walks, stands, sits) shows a deepening entanglement with sin, which the righteous avoid.
    The “wicked” devise evil plans, “sinners” act on them, and “scoffers” mock God’s truth. The righteous person chooses separation from this path. 
  2. Delightful Devotion (v. 2)
    1. Instead of evil, the blessed man delights in “the law of the Lord” (Torah), God’s revealed will. This delight isn’t grudging obedience but joyful engagement, marked by constant meditation “day and night.”
    1. Meditation here implies murmuring or pondering aloud, a wholehearted immersion in God’s Word, shaping thoughts and actions.
  3. Thriving Tree (v. 3)
    1. The righteous are compared to a tree planted by water—stable, fruitful, and enduring. “Planted” suggests intentional placement by God, while “streams of water” symbolize His sustaining grace. Fruit comes “in its season,” showing patience, and unwithered leaves indicate resilience.
    1. “In all that he does, he prospers” promises success aligned with God’s will, not worldly gain.
  4. Wicked Wasted (vv. 4-5)
    1. In contrast, the wicked are “like chaff”—light, rootless, and blown away by wind. Chaff is the useless husk separated from grain, symbolizing transience and worthlessness.
    1. They “will not stand in the judgment” nor join the “congregation of the righteous,” indicating exclusion from God’s presence and people in the final reckoning.
  5. Known and Kept (v. 6)
    1. The Lord “knows” the way of the righteous—an intimate, protective knowledge, implying approval and guidance. Conversely, the “way of the wicked will perish,” a final end to their path.
    1. This verse underscores God’s sovereignty and the ultimate destinies of both paths.

Christological Implications

Psalm 1 points to Christ as the ultimate fulfillment of the “blessed man”:

  • Perfect Righteousness: Jesus never walked in wicked counsel, stood with sinners in rebellion, or sat with scoffers. He resisted temptation (Matt. 4:1-11) and lived sinlessly (Heb. 4:15).
  • Delight in God’s Law: Christ delighted in and fulfilled the Law (Matt. 5:17), meditating on it perfectly as the Word incarnate (John 1:1).
  • Fruitful Life: Like the tree, Jesus bore fruit—salvation for humanity—through His life, death, and resurrection (John 15:5).
  • Judgment of the Wicked: As the Judge (John 5:22), Christ will separate the chaff from the wheat (Matt. 3:12), fulfilling verses 4-5.
  • Known by the Father: The Father knows and approves Christ’s way (Matt. 3:17), and through Him, the righteous are known (John 10:14).
    Thus, Psalm 1 prefigures Christ as the ideal righteous man and the means by which we enter the blessed path.

How Then Should We Live?

  1. Reject Sinful Influences: Avoid conformity to the world’s ways (Rom. 12:2), seeking godly counsel instead.
  2. Delight in Scripture: Make God’s Word our joy and constant meditation (Col. 3:16), shaping our lives.
  3. Depend on God’s Grace: Like a tree by water, rely on Christ’s sustenance (John 7:38) for growth and resilience.
  4. Pursue Fruitful Living: Bear fruit for God’s glory (Gal. 5:22-23), trusting His timing.
  5. Trust God’s Judgment: Live confidently in Christ, knowing He knows our way and will judge the wicked (2 Tim. 4:8).

“The Way of the Righteous”


The man who loves God’s way
Turns from evil words and deeds.
His heart seeks truth.
God plants him and grows him for eternity.


God’s words fill his mind.
He thinks on them all the time.
Joy fills their mind.
His soul is blessed, he is God’s child.


A tree stands by the stream.
Its roots drink their fill.
Leaves glow in the beam.
Fruit comes where it belongs.


The wicked drift like dust.
Wind takes them far away.
No root, no hope, no trust.
Their path fades..


God sees the good man’s road.
He guards it with His hand.
The bad carry a load.
Their end is eternal death.


Choose the path of light.
Walk where the water flows.
Keep God’s law.
Life in God’s care grows.


Evil calls noisily.
Its voice pulls our soul.
The wise hear God’s voice.
Their peace lasts forever.


Roots sink in the ground.
Storms do not break.
There is strength in God.
He gives more than we take.


Fruit shows in its time.
Patience marks the good way.
Leaves lift in their prime.
God’s help is here to stay.


Two paths split apart.
One lives, one falls to night.
God knows every heart.
The righteous are in His sight.

Clay Corvin