I think we make a mistake
When we listen to the adults
Opine about how we should pray, worship and serve.
Always citing knowledge, and etiquette
They cite God as the one that demands each step
So much so that many become frustrated and stop.
Why is that so prevalent?
Our Father wants to hear from us, to be with us
And Jesus Himself said “lest ye come as little children.”
How do children view God?
When they hurt they cry out, help me Lord.
They believe He will. There is no formula, He is their Father.
Listen to children speak of prayer.
They believe there is great power in prayer.
They also believe that their Father, God, will answer their prayers.
They move on assuming God has heard and will answer.
Life is to be lived. They live it.
Growing daily.
Somewhere along the way someone tells them they must grow up.
Their faith suffers because of unbelief.
They become adults who have lost their way.
Help Father. Help us pray and spend time with You.
No formulas, no steps to holiness, just time with You.
Give me that faith that children have.
Today belongs to God. Tomorrow belongs to God.
Every day I am permitted to live with Jesus as my guide and Lord.
Every day, there will be new challenges and stronger faith.
I belong to God. He knew me before I was in my mother’s womb.
I can trust my Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
They know what I need, even when I don’t.
I will never outgrow Jesus. He is God’s everything.
I need Him every moment of every day. I spend time with Him. Think about Him.
Thank you, Jesus, for directing my life. Thank You Lord for loving me.
Clay Corvin
July 18, 2022
Northport, AL